Презентация "SURPRISE ME!!!"
Подписи к слайдам:
- Смирнова Светлана Николаевна, МБОУ гимназия №1, город Липецк
- 1. Tom’s hobby is tennis. Tom is….
- 2. They are building a new bridge. A new bridge ….
- Air Travel is faster than any other kind of travel.
- Air Travel is the….
- 4. If you are a student you can always get special reduced prices. Unless you are a student…..
- 5. There is a great danger in driving too fast. Driving ….
- 1. it’s a pity that I don’t know him. I wish..
- 5. My bedroom is above the sitting-room. My sitting-room..
- 2. May we leave our bikes here? Are we …?
- 3. Jane asked: “Where is the ball?” Jane asked…..
- 4. It’s not necessary to pay if you are a student. You…
- 1. You must keep these vegetables in the freezer. These vegetables…
- 2. She explained she had not got any money. She said, “I..”
- 3. I am not as pretty as my sister. My sister …
- 4. It’s a pity you haven’t seen the performance. You should…
- 5. I like coffee better than tea. I…..
- 1. The students will have read the text by 4 o’clock. The text..
- 2. But I could not accept his invitation. But I …
- 3. My friend said, “ I am having here a good time.”
- My friend told me…
- 4. If possible you should keep your car in a garage at night. If possible a car…
- 5. Always take the keys with you when you park your car. Don’t ….
- What was Othello’s rank in the tragedy “Othello”
- by W. Shakespeare?
- A ) general B) captain C) lieutenant
- What is the real surname of the poet
- having a pen name “Homeless”
- in the novel “Master and Margaret” by M. Bulgakov?
- Berlioz B) Latunsky C) Ponyryov
- What is the name of the town where Neznaika lives
- in the book by N.Nosov?
- Flower town B) Sunny town C) Cucumber town
- One powerful monarch said
- “Europe can wait while the Russian Tsar ….”
- Finish the phrase.
- A) Is drinking vodka B) is having a rest C) is fishing
- Who does this phrase belong to?
- “Labour saves you from three evils: boredom,
- vice and hardship”
- A) Socratez B) Voltaire C) Lenin
- Which Egyptian god was depicted with the head of a dog?
- (jackal-headed)
- A) Anubis B) Osiris C) Amenhotep
- Which American actress played the main part
- in the film “Siberian Barber” by N. Mikhalkov?
- A) Jodie Foster B) Julia Ormond C) Charlize Theron
- Which composer and musician hadn’t been buried
- for some years after his death?
- Ludwig van Beethoven B) Johann Sebastian Bach
- C) Niccolò Paganini
- Who said
- “An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have.
- The older she gets the more interested he is in her.”
- A) Mark Twain B) Agatha Christie C) Oscar Wild
- What inspired Ernest Hemingway to write the novel
- “For Whom the Bell Tolls “?
- A) Breaking off with his beloved woman
- B) Death of his best friend C) Civil war in Spain
- The apple of discord was thrown under
- to Olympic goddesses by:
- A) Artemis B) Themis C) Eris
- Which playing card is considered a curse of Scotland
- or the Scourge of Scotland?
- A) Queen of spades B) Jack of clubs C) Nine of diamonds
- The first academy was established in:
- A) Italy B) France C) England
- This metal is called “tirelessness”.
- The strings made of it are practically eternal.
- A) Steel B) beryllium C) lithium
- Trillion is
- million of milliards B) thousand of millions
- C) thousand of milliards
- Napoleon Bonaparte by the type of temperament was:
- A) phlegmatic B) sanguine C) choleric
- Which of these weapons is not a pistol?
- A) Beretta B) Valter C) Galil
- Sea water doesn’t contain this element:
- A) silicon B) silver C) sulfur
- The human skeleton has got this amount of bones:
- A) 218 B) 128 C) 281
- The name of this element “ruthenium” comes
- from the word “Ruthenia”. What does it mean?
- poison B) Latin name of Russia
- C) its discoverer’s name
- Drink
- Steal
- Lie
- Cut
- Lose
- Forget
- Give
- Take
- Break
- Spend
- Learn
- Build
- Keep
- Forgive
- Sell
- Bring
- Send
- Throw
- Teach
- Wear
- Structure giving shape and support
- Baby carriage
- The back of the foot
- Remove the skin of the fruit and vegetables
- The middle of the target
- Fighting between two people
- situated
- There have been some …..improvements in the comfort of air travel over the last decade.
- The lone wolf …. at the full moon.
- Express pleasure at someone’s achievements
- 1. Увлекательные игры для эрудитов. 1400 вопросов и ответов../ Сост. Н. Листратенко. - Харьков: Книжный Клуб " Клуб Семейного Досуга", 2008. 2. Proficiency master class. Workbook. Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth. Oxford University Press 1998.
- 3. Изображение удивленных людей http://mirra24.com/wp-content/2009/11/konkurs3.jpg
- 4. Изображение Отелло http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTkxMjU4MTM4NF5B.jpg
- 5. Кадр из фильма «Мастер и Маргарита» http://www.stihi.ru/pics/2011/01/31/10320.jpg
- 6. Иллюстрация к книге «Незнайка и его друзья»http://www.e-reading.org.u69/69465-i_035.jpg
- 7. Изображение рыбаков с рыбой http://cs12299.userapi.com/u34432659/video/s_ede18330.jpg
- 8. Портрет Вольтера http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/57/719/314_531pxVoltaire.jpg
- 9. Изображение Анубиса http://www.zhivulegko.ru/upload/medialibrary11e84e07936530adf.jpg
- 10. Кадр из фильма «Сибирский цирюльник»http://forum.materinstvo.ru/upl-1286989402.jpg
- 11. Портрет Паганини http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/59/638/59638302_4.jpg
- 12.Портрет Агаты Кристи http://100dorog.ru/upload/contents/493/agatha_christie_portrait.jpg
- 13.Портрет Э. Хемингуэя http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l197rg5bZN1qaesuj.jpg
- 14.Изображение Эринии http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/3/77/952/7795292.jpg
- 15.Изображение игральной карты http://img150.ru.redtram.com/news/330586083.jpg
- 16.Изображение Академии http://s61.radikal.ru/i174/0905/9a/c94cb1885827.jpg
- 17.Изображение бериллия http://www.baikal-daily.ru/upload/iblock/784/1267049810_be1.jpg
- 18. Карикатура «Триллион»http://www.actravel.ru/img/medvedev_vs_peasants.jpg
- 19. Портрет Наполеона http://www.biblioclub.ru/images/imgclub/11111/11_00316.jpg
- 20.Изображение оружия http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Galil.jpg
- 21. Изображение слитка http://inzoloto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/standart_slitok.jpg
- 22. Изображение скелета человека http://bse.sci-lib.com/pictures/19/12/221639706.jpg
- 23. Изображение химического элемента http://www.megabook.ru/MObjects/data/prev2004.jpg
- 24. Изображение горного козла http://godhaven.org.uk/blogimages/markhor.jpg
- 25. Изображение угря http://img15.nnm.ru/f/9/0/9/4/3e2877905c859a619222d7b2493_prev.jpg
- 26. Изображение быка http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3000/ele75939465.6/0_1c1a6
- 27. Изображение летучей мыши http://www.room99.com.ua/site_imgs/05_inner_fullmode.jpg
- 28. Изображение кота http://s20.rimg.info/041918cde7a57eb0b685686fdc54a456.gif&pos
- 29. Изображение муравья http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5000/28257045.86c/021933025_S.jpg
- 30. Изображение совы http://s45.radikal.ru/i107/1106/88/bf0afd385e43.jpg
- 31. Изображение крысы http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/food/dishing/rat.jpg