Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 полугодие 6 класс

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие в 6 классе
I вариант
1. Соедини синонимы.
1) sociable a) merry
2) clever b) friendly
3) happy c) talkative
4) loving d) strong
5) healthy e) intelligent
2. Прочитай предложения. Подчеркни правильную форму глагола.
1) Vets help / are helping sick animals.
2) What are you doing? I watch / am watching a very good film.
3) What are your hobbies? I have / am having a lot of hobbies.
4) What foreign languages do you speak? I am speaking / speak French and German.
5) Listen! She plays / is playing the piano.
3. Запиши к данным глаголам Participle I и Participle II.
listen - _____________________________________ sit - _______________________________________
give - _____________________________________ play - ______________________________________
smile - _____________________________________ run - _______________________________________
4. Вставь артикль a / an / the.
1) Would you like to be ______ actor?
2) Do you know ______ Taylors? They are a very nice family.
3) I think ______ William Brown is ______ brightest student.
4) Last year Jill visited ______ Russia and _____ USA.
5) Ron writes articles. He is _____ journalist.
6) I am afraid ______ dogs.
7) _____ British Museum is in _____ London.
8) _____ Red Square is ______ most beautiful square in ______ Moscow.
5. Вставь в текст пропущенные слова.
old, cities, galleries, a lot, capital, beautiful, places, popular, museums
London is the __________________ of Great Britain. It is very ______________ city. London is one of the
most _____________________ and interesting __________________ in Europe. There are ______________
of _________________ to visit in London. There a lot of ____________________, art __________________,
cinemas, theatres and ________________________ parks in London.
Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие в 6 классе
II вариант
1. Соедини синонимы.
1) a.m. a) talkative
2) dentist b) in the morning
3) sociable c) unhappy
4) building d) doctor
5) sad e) house
2. Прочитай предложения. Подчеркни правильный глагол.
1) Would you like to join me? I watch / am watching a very good film on TV.
2) He is a very famous musician. He always writes / is writing good operas.
3) Who cries / is crying? It`s our naughty cousin.
4) Look! The boys are playing / play football.
5) Every morning she drinks / is drinking a cup of coffee.
3. Запиши к данным глаголам Participle I и Participle II.
take - ________________________________ stay - _____________________________________
cut - ________________________________ do - _______________________________________
meet - ________________________________ visit - _____________________________________
4. Вставь артикль a / an / the.
1) Marshak was ______ famous writer.
2) _____ Earth goes around ______ Sun.
3) _____ Big Ben stands near ______ Houses of Parliament.
4) Can you play ______ piano?
5) Last month my sister visited ______ England and ______ Russian Federation.
6) Sherlock Holmes lived in ______ Downing Street.
7) _____ Africa is bigger than ______ Europe.
8) I know _______ Smiths is _____ very large family.
5. Вставь в текст пропущенные слова.
old, cities, galleries, a lot, capital, beautiful, places, popular, museums
London is the __________________ of Great Britain. It is very ______________ city. London is one of the
most _____________________ and interesting __________________ in Europe. There are ______________
of _________________ to visit in London. There a lot of ____________________, art __________________,
cinemas, theatres and ________________________ parks in London.