Тестовый материал "Лекарственные препараты"

Тестовый материал для текущего контроля
к теме «Лекарственные препараты»
#Порошок, присыпка
#Принять порошок от:
+to take a powder for…
-to take a powder by
-to take a powder with
-to take a powder from
#Принять таблетку от:
-to take a tablet from
-to give a tablet for
+to take a tablet for…
-to take a tablet on
#Принимать по 1 таблетке 3 раза в день:
-to take a tablet three times in a day
+to take a tablet three times a day
-to give 3 tablets three times a day
-to take a tablets four times a day
#Эти таблетки не дают побочных эффектов:
-these tablets have not side effects
-those tablets have no side effects
-these tablets has no side effects
+these tablets have no side effects
#Принимать таблетки после (до, во время) еды:
-to take tablets after (before, during) food
+to take tablets after (before, during) meals
-to take tablets after (before, during) dinner
-to take tablets after (before, during) eating
#Накладывать мазь:
-to give the ointment on …
-to take the ointment in …
-to make the ointment at …
+to put the ointment on…
#Свечи, суппозитории:
#Хранить суппозитории в прохладном месте:
-to keep suppositories in dark place
- to keep suppositories in dry place
- to keep suppositories in cold place
+to keep the suppositories in cool place
#Принимать лекарство каждый час:
+to take a drug every hour
-to take tablets every hour
-to take a drug each hour
- to give a drug every hour
# Принимать лекарство натощак:
-to take a drug in the morning
+to take a drug on an empty stomach
-to take a drug before meals
-to take a drug in an empty stomach
#Принимать лекарство по одной столовой ( чайной) ложке раз (два, три, четыре раза) в
+to take a drug a tablespoon once ( twice a day, three times a day, four times a day) a day
-to take a drug in a tablespoon once ( twice a day, three times a day, four times a day) a day
-to take a drug with a tablespoon once ( twice a day, three times a day, four times a day) a day
- to take a drug by a tablespoon once ( twice a day, three times a day, four times a day) a day
+ ampule
#Хранить ампулы в прохладном тёмном месте:
- to keep the ampules at a cool dark place
- to conserve the ampules in a cool dark place
- to keep the ampules in a cold dry place
+to keep the ampules in a cool dark place
# Делать уколы:
-to get injections
-to make injections
- to take injections
+to give injections
# Раствор:
-nasal drops
-heart drops
-medicine dropper
#Встряхнуть микстуру перед употреблением:
+to shake the mixture before use
- to shake the mixture after use
-to shake the mixture during use
- to shake the mixture for use
#Прочесть назначение врача перед дачей лекарства:
- to read the Doctor
s instruction after taking a drug
- to read the Doctor
s instruction instead of giving a drug
+ to read the Doctor
s instruction before giving a drug
- to read the Doctor
s instruction for taking a drug
#Хранить капли в тёмном месте:
- to keep the drops in a dry place
+to keep the drops in a dark place
- to keep the drops in a cold place
-to keep the drops at a dark place
#Принимать по 20 капель настойки:
+to take twenty drops of the tincture
-to give twenty drops of the tincture
-to take twenty drops of the solution
-to give twenty drops of the infusion
+pharmacy, chemist
s (stop)
-pharmaceutical shop
#Сульфаниламидные препараты:
+sulfa drugs (sulfanamides)
-sulfa tablets
-sulfa medicine
-pain-relieving pill
-combined tablet
#Приём внутрь:
-mustard plaster
+mustard plasters
-sticking plaster
-adhesive plaster
-plaster cast
+hot-water bottle
+medicine dropper (pipette)
-to take tablets
#Сердечные капли:
-nasal drops
-medicine dropper
-cough drops
#Микстура от кашля:
-cough drops
-cough tincture
-cough syrop
+cough mixture
#Капли в нос:
+nasal drops
-nose drops
-heart drops
#Рыбий жир:
-fish oil
+cod liver oil
-liver oil
-fish drops
+sleeping draught
#Успокоительное средство:
-medicinal form
#Слабительное средство:
-tolerance dose
-sleeping draught