Конспект урока "Let’s play chess!" 5 класс

Let’s play chess!
(Урок английского языка в 5 классе)
УМК: Н. Н. Деревянко “New Millennium English-5
Цель: развитие коммуникативной и лингвистической компетенций
образовательные: расширить кругозор учащихся;
практические (учебные): активизировать употребление лексики в речи учащихся,
развитие навыков изучающего чтения и говорения;
развивающие: развивать познавательную активность обучающихся;
воспитательные: воспитать уважение к собеседнику и его мнению.
Планируемые результаты:
личностные: формирование мотивации изучения английского языка;
метапредметные: развитие навыков коллективной и парной работ, а также работы с
информацией (поиск и извлечение нужной информации);
предметные: развитие навыков чтения, говорения, диалогической и монологической
речи и письма.
Межпредметные связи: история, элементы науки и спорта.
Форма работы: коллективная, индивидуальная, парная.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.
Дополнительные материалы: карточки со словами и изображениями шахматных фигур,
картонная шахматная доска, 2 листа бумаги формата А4 белого и чёрного цветов.
Ход урока
T: Good morning, dear pupils, I am glad to see you! Sit down! I see that nobody is absent. It’s very
good! Hope you’ll be active today.
Activity 1 Warming-up
T: I would like to play one game with you. But I can’t say what game it is.
The teacher asks questions, all the pupils in the class should answer them one by one, e. g.
T: Do you like playing games?
P: Yes/No.
T: Let’s play!
P: OK (all the pupils must agree even if their previous answers were negative)
T: What game?
P: Football (every pupil suggests his/her game to play; they must use only those words that they
T: I will not play with you (pupil’s answer doesn’t match with teacher’s one because they don’t
know the teacher’s plan; the teacher has planned to play known game but the pupils don’t know it
in English)
Activity 2 Guessing
After all mini-dialogues the teacher asks the pupils to open their books at p. 30 and look through the
ex. 1a.
T: Please, read Alina’s stickers and say what club she attends often.
Pp: Chess club! (They don’t know what the word “chess” means).
T: Please, try to guess, what game it is.
Pp (say their variants; if one of them says right variant, the teacher agrees with him/her; if it takes
long time and it’s hard for pupils to guess, the teacher shows the video fragment to help them to
guess http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUtdpMw8B8Q 35 seconds; video fragment is shown
even if pupils have guessed right)
T: So, what game is it? And what does it mean?
Pp: Шахматы!
T: Yes, chess means шахматы in Russian and all of you know this wonderful game (The teacher
replaces the carton chess board on the school board and writes the word “chess” next to it).
T: Can you play chess, by the way?
Pp: Yes/No.
T: At the beginning of the lesson I wanted to play chess with you. And we will talk about chess
Activity 3 Reading
T: Now let’s read the history of chess. Please, open your books at p. 31. I will read a text and you
should follow my reading.
Pp (read the text one by one in a loud voice)
Activity 4 Working in pairs
T: Well done! You have pieces of paper with questions. Please, work in pairs and answer the
following questions using the text on p. 31
Pp (read the questions, ask each other and answer them)
T: Now let’s check! When and where was chess invented?
Pp: Chess was invented more than 1500 years ago in India.
T: Why did people play this game?
Pp: People played this game to become better thinkers and good soldiers.
T: Do children play it at school?
Pp: Yes, they do.
T: Who is Alina Shevchuk?
Pp: Alina Shevchuk is an 11-year old winner of the chess tournament.
T: Why did she start to play chess?
Pp: She started to play chess because she had Maths problems and playing chess helped her to think
Activity 5 Physical activity
T: Very good, my dear pupils! I see you are tired now. Stand up, please. Let’s play different games!
T: Football! (Basketball, tennis, hockey and chess)
Pp (imitate playing all these games)
T: Well done! Sit down!
Activity 6 Playing Card Game
T: And now let’s play chess again but it will be different chess. There are paper cards on the board.
Every card has a picture of chess figures. But you don’t see the other side of the cards. Other sides
of the cards have some words.
The other side of the chess cards
every day
Pp: (8 pupils come to the school board one by one, take the cards they like, read the word from the
opposite side, stick it back but with the other side; their task is to ask questions using these words
on the cards; they choose themselves whom to ask and that pupil should answer it).
T: (writes the sentence structure on the board)
What do you…… do?
What do you do…..?
I often (sometimes, never, usually, seldom, always) ….
I ……. every day/every week.
Activity 7 Writing
T: OK, now, please, open your copybooks and write down your answers.
Pp (write the sentences using structures on the board).
Activity 8 Round-up
T: OK, our lesson is finishing. Today we have worked a lot. Let’s some-up and tell things you have
learnt at this lesson.
Pp (tell things one by one)
T: Your homework is ex. 5, p. 31. You must write eight questions to your friends in your
copybooks. Your marks are……
Activity 9 Reflection
T: There are 2 sheets of paper (A4) on the school board. One is black and the other one is white.
You see them. If your mood is good and you liked the lesson you should take a chess figure and
stick it on the white piece of paper, if not choose the black one.
Pp (do reflection)
T: The lesson is over! I liked your work today. See you next lesson. Goodbye!
Pp: Goodbye!
1. Н. Н. Деревянко “New Millennium English” (учебник для 5 класса, 4-й год обучения). –
Обнинск: Титул, 2013.- с. 30-31
2. https://yandex.ru/images/?clid=1985552-216
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUtdpMw8B8Q