План-конспект урока "Animals in Kazakhstan and in Britain" 5 класс

План-конспект урока на тему "Animals in Kazakhstan and in Britain"
1. Тема урока: "Animals in Kazakhstan and in Britain"
2. Дата:
3. Класс: 5
4. Тип урока: Комбинированный урок
5. Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, проигрыватель CD
дисков, тематические картинки и раздаточный материал: наглядность по теме
(картинки животных), карточки для индивидуальной работы и крассворд.
6. Методы и приемы: Наглядность, общение, речевые упражнения.
7. Цель: формирование и совершенствование знаний по теме "Animals in
Kazakhstan and in Britain"
организовать применение усвоенного материала в чтении, письме и устной речи;
провести контроль усвоения лексики.
развитие навыков в аудирование, чтения и говорения.
- Воспитательная
воспитание интереса к предмету и любовь к животным.
Ход урока
I. Начало урока
1) Орг. момент
T:Good afternoon everybody. Nice to meet you. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!
How are you today?
Who is absent?
What’s month now?
What’s day today?
2) Речевая зарядка
Now, answer my questions please
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Do you like animals?
1. What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park?
2.Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks?
3.Where do animals have more space for living?
4. Where do animals have a better place to live and why?
5. What do you think is better for animals:
to live in zoos?
to live in wild animal's parks?
to live in the wild?
3) Проверка домашнего задание.
T: What was your homework?
Are you ready?
4) Сообщение темы, цели и задачи:
You can see the theme of our lesson is "Animals in Kazakhstan and in Britain". We’ll
speak about animals and you shall guess a crossword puzzle, do exercises, play game and
fix a subject.
5) Фонетическая зарядка
So, listen to me and repeat:
Look at the blackboard please.
Bear [beə] медведь
Wolf [wulf] волк
Snake [sneık] змея
Elephant ['elıfənt] слон
Lion ['laıən] лев
Mouse [maus] мышь
Kangaroo [kæŋgə'ru:] кенгуру
Rabbit ['ræbıt] кролик
Whale [weıl] кит
Crocodile ['krɔkədaıl] крокодил
I know that all of you like tongue twisters. Look at the screen and read this one. And now
remember the tongue twister and fill in the missing words
A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! (Слайд 1)
A _ black _ bit a big _ dog on his _ black _!(Слайд 2)
A _ black _ _ a big _ _ on his _ _ _!(Слайд 3)
A _ __ _ a _ _ _ on _ _ _ _!(Слайд 4)
Большая черная ошибка укусила большую черную собаку в его большой черный нос!
II. Основная часть
1) Систематизация лексики
T: Next task is a funny crossword. Let’s translate the words and guess the crossword. I give
you 5 minutes for this task.
2) Развитие устной речи
T: Give characteristic of the following. Make as many sentences as you can. Begin your
sentences “I think…”
P: a Bear strong
3) Умение навыков мышления
Read the following sentences and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F):
Cows and horses eat grass, leaves, hey.
Elephants eat bones, meat, soup.
Dogs eat bananas.
Cats eat fish.
Wolves eat other small animals.
Cats drink milk.
Many animals and birds drink water.
Monkeys eat corn.
Rabbits eat carrot and cabbage.
4) Инсцинировка детей «Friend
У обезьянки - a monkey -
Была подружка - a frog - лягушка
Была сестричка a fox - лисичка
Были еще: a little rabbit крольчонок
a bear - cub - медвежонок
a grey cat - серый кот
a Billy goat - козленок
И жили они в лесу - in a wood.
Было им хорошо - very good.
Thank you children. Sit down, please
5) Развитие навыков письма:
Animals can do a lot of things. Write down can or can't:
A dog::. run, jump, swim.
A cat :.. climb, run, jump.
A tiger :. fly.
A horse :. run, jump.
A monkey :. jump, climb, walk.
A parrot:. fly, speak.
An eagle :.. fly and hunt.
6) Физкультминутка “Clap your hands”
T: Now, Look at me and do activates with me!
7) Развитие интеллекта:
Now divide into 2 group, and you should to make the word.
III. Итог урока.
1) Сообщение домашнего задания.
Write a story about your favorite animals.
2) Оценка: за урок ….
3) Рефлексия.
- What do you know new?
- Do you like today’s lesson?
T: The lesson is over. Everybody of you worked very good. I was pleased with you today.
Good bye!