Урок-игра "A happy family" 3-4 класс

Урок-игра «A happy family» для 3-4 классов
1) совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Семья»;
2) совершенствование навыков устной речи;
3) совершенствование навыков аудирования.
1) развитие воображения;
2) развитие умения логически мыслить;
3) развитие умения работать в больших и малых группах.
1) воспитание уважения к близким людям.
Занятие предназначено для начального этапа изучения английского языка, поэтому
весь урок ведётся частично на русском, частично на английском языке.
Подготовительная работа. Для проведения занятия учащимся заранее даётся
задание нарисовать своё семейное древо и принести фотографии своей семьи.
Раздаточный материал: фотографии, стихотворения, тексты, записки. Класс
оформляется фотографиями и картинками семейной тематики.
Ход мероприятия:
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
- Good afternoon, my dear friends! Today
we speak about our families. And I want to
read you a poem “What is a family?”
Старшеклассник читает стихотворение,
текст стихотворения отображается с
помощью проектора.
- Now let’s read the poem all together line
by line.
- Good! Now let’s translate it into Russian.
- А теперь ещё раз просмотрите
стихотворение и ответьте на вопрос:
«Who can make up a family
- Very good. Мы с вами назвали
некоторых членов семьи. А теперь
посмотрите на доску, это картинка, на
которой изображены члены семьи. Я
расскажу вам об этой семье, а вы
слушайте внимательно и попытайтесь
- Good afternoon!
We are glad to see you.
-Учащиеся хором вместе со
старшеклассником читают
-Учащиеся переводят
- Baby, father and mother,
parents, sister and brother,
Kanga and Roo, calf and
- Учащиеся слушают текст,
затем переводят
выделенные слова.
догадаться о значении выделенных слов.
(Старшеклассник описывает
семью, показывая указкой на каждого
члена семьи.) «This is Mary. She is 12.This
is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their
mother Helen is 35 years old. Their father
Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are
daughters and Jack is the son. Helen has a
sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a
brother John and he is children’s uncle. These
are grandparents. The grandmother’s name
is Ann. She is 65. The grandfather’s name is
Robert. He is 69. The children also have great-
grandmother Betty and great-grandfather
Paul. »
- Now, please, answer my questions.
(Старшеклассник задаёт вопросы о
каждом из членов семьи)
«Who is Jack? Mary? Jane? Peter and Helen?
Judy? John? Ann? Robert? Betty? Paul? »
- Ребята, я вижу, вы принесли ваши
семейные древа, давайте прикрепим
ваши рисунки на доску и посмотрим, у
кого из нас самая большая семья.
- Now, please, tell me something about
your families. (Старшеклассник
спрашивает каждого учащегося о каком-
либо члене семьи.)
- Итак, мы все любим наших родных. Вы
наверняка знаете, что существует
множество стихотворений о родителях,
бабушках, дедушках, сёстрах и братьях.
Сейчас каждой группе я раздам стихи о
семье, но строчки в них перемешаны.
Подумайте, в каком порядке нужно
расположить строки, чтобы получилось
красивое стихотворение.
- Замечательные стихи. Вы наверняка
знаете, чтобы в семье было понимание,
нужно любить друг друга и уважать
своих близких людей. И я вам предлагаю
при помощи добрых, тёплых слов
описать кого-то из своей семьи.
- Ученики отвечают на
вопросы с опорой на текст.
- Ученики выбирают самую
большую семью.
- Ученики собирают целые
стихотворения из
нарезанных строк, читаю
их вслух.
- Дети говорят по очереди
тёплые слова о своих
родителях, например:
- My mother is kind…
- Good-bye!
-Very well! Надеюсь, вы всегда будете
говорить вашим любимым такие тёплые
слова. Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!
What is family?
What is a family?
Who is a family?
One and another makes two is a family.
Baby and father and mother: a family.
Parents and sister and brother: a family.
All kinds of people can make up a family.
All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.
What is family?
Who is family?
The children that lived in a shoe are a family!
A pair like a Kanga and Roo is a family!
A calf and a cow that moo is a family!
All kinds of creatures can make up a family.
All kinds of numbers can make up a family.
All of your family plus you is a FAMILY.
This is Mary. She is 12.This is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their mother Helen is 35 years old. Their
father Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are daughters and Jack is the son.
Helen has a sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a brother John and he
is children’s uncle. These are grandparents. The grandmother’s name is Ann.
She is 65. The grandfather’s name is Robert. He is 69. The children also have
great-grandmother Betty and great-grandfather Paul.
This is Mary. She is 12.This is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their mother Helen is 35 years old. Their
father Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are daughters and Jack is the son.
Helen has a sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a brother John and he
is children’s uncle. These are grandparents. The grandmother’s name is Ann.
She is 65. The grandfather’s name is Robert. He is 69. The children also have
great-grandmother Betty and great-grandfather Paul.
This is Mary. She is 12.This is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their mother Helen is 35 years old. Their
father Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are daughters and Jack is the son.
Helen has a sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a brother John and he
is children’s uncle. These are grandparents. The grandmother’s name is Ann.
She is 65. The grandfather’s name is Robert. He is 69. The children also have
great-grandmother Betty and great-grandfather Paul.
This is Mary. She is 12.This is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their mother Helen is 35 years old. Their
father Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are daughters and Jack is the son.
Helen has a sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a brother John and he
is children’s uncle. These are grandparents. The grandmother’s name is Ann.
She is 65. The grandfather’s name is Robert. He is 69. The children also have
great-grandmother Betty and great-grandfather Paul.
This is Mary. She is 12.This is her little brother Jack and her sister Jane.
Peter and Helen are their parents. Their mother Helen is 35 years old. Their
father Peter is 38 years old. Mary and Jane are daughters and Jack is the son.
Helen has a sister, Judy, she is children’s aunt. Peter has a brother John and he
is children’s uncle. These are grandparents. The grandmother’s name is Ann.
She is 65. The grandfather’s name is Robert. He is 69. The children also have
great-grandmother Betty and great-grandfather Paul.
Mother is the dearest
Of all friends I know.
She helps me work and helps me play.
That’s why I love HER so.
Father is the kindest
Of all friends I know.
He likes to take me out with him.
That’s why I love HIM so.
Sister is the nicest
Of all friends I know.
She helps me do my homework.
That’s why I love HER so.