Конспект урока "We must help people" 5 класс

Тема урока: We must help people.
Цель урока: совершенствование речевых умений и навыков в рамках языковой темы
«Мы должны помогать людям вокруг нас»
Задачи урока:
- создать условия для развития речевого умения (диалогическая, монологическая форма речи).
- содействовать развитию умения вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях;
-Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;
-Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Помощь учащихся школы»;
-Развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения основной информации;
-Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Present Perfect Tense»;
-Повышение мотивации к овладению английского языка
3. Развивающие:
- Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся.
. Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные способности учащихся;
-Развивать чувство красивого посредством поэзии и прослушивания музыкальных произведений.
Тип урока: урок повторения.
УМК под редакцией Кузовлева В.П.
Технологии: здоровьесберегающие, информационно-коммуникационные.
Формы организации учебной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная работа, работа в парах,
Методы: сочетание словесных и наглядных методов, методы устного контроля и взаимоконтроля,
метод демонстрации, игровые.
Оборудование: аудиозапись; раздаточный дидактический материал; презентация к теме, видеоролик
План урока
I.Организационный этап. Мотивация.
II. Целеполагание
III.Фонетическая зарядка
IV.Основная часть
1. .игра «собери слово»
2. «назови словосочетание»
3. «подпиши картинки»
4. Этап защиты проектов
5. Физкультминутка
6. Работа с карточками
7. Аудирование
8. Диалогическая речь
9. Грамматическая игра (маршрут)
10. Игра «собери предложения»
11. Видеоролик (песня)
12. Работа по карточкам
V- Подведение итогов. Рефлексия
VI- Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.
Ход урока:
I.-Организационный этап.
T.: Good morning, my dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! How are you today?
I hope you are ready to start our lesson.
II. .Целеполагание. (слайд№1)
T.: Children, look at the screen. The topic of our lesson is…..Oh, I’m sorry, it is not full.
You must complete it.
(слайд №2) Look at the slide-show and try to guess what we are going to speak about . Do
you have any variants? ( Could you tell me your ideas?)
(слайд № 3)
Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is ..........
What do you think? who or what needs the children's help?
parents- HELP
elderly people-
T. Yes, many places need your help.
We are going to have a competition-lesson today. We have 3 groups today.
The first group-Neighbourhood-cleaners.
The second group-hot hearts.
the third group-home helpers.
I'll give you a leaf for each task: a red leaf for excellent answer , an orange leaf for good
answer and a yellow leaf if your answer is not very good.
you'll have a colorful bunches of leaves at the end of our lesson. Who will have the best
bunch is the winner.
III. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд №4)
T Firstly, we begin with pronunciation to revise some words. Look at the blackboard.
Repeat after me, please. And now I want you to read these words. Read them one by one.
(that's all right. Your pronunciation is correct. And now you are ready to start our
IV. Основная часть
(презентация по теме)
1. Игра «собери слово» (слайд№ 5)
T.- Look at the screen. The first task for you is to
Make up the words using letters.
n, o, u,g,b,h, e,i,h,d,o,r,o.
(Your answers are correct. Take the red leaf.)
2. «Назови словосочетание» (слайд №6)
T.: Look at the screen. You see two columns of the words. Match them to make up
word expressions.
Clean up
to do
elderly people
to pick up
to collect
the shopping
to help
secondhand books
to rake
graffiti from the walls
to wash off
soft toys
That’s all right.( Your group has a mistake. Your leaf is orange.)
3. «Подпиши картинки» (слайд №7)
T.-And now let’s name these pictures.
What do you think about these activities? Answer using these words.
(Great, boring, useful, interesting, fun, important, exciting, difficult)
I think it is ------------ to………….
I don’t think it is ------------to………….
It may be ----------------but it is……….
It might be --------------but it is………..
(на доске опоры и слова)
children, I agree with you . I think it's important and useful to do these activities. I give a
red leaf to each group.
4 Этап защиты проектов(презентации детей)
Now let's check your home task. You have prepared projects at home. Present your projects,
Thank you for your work. All projects are interesting and informative. And you get red
5. физкультминутка
Т.-Are you happy to help people? Let’s sing and dance together. (видеоролик)
6. работа с карточками (карточки №1)
T. Take the cards.№1 you have a chain of words. Divide the chain into seven phrases. write
them down. you have 2 minutes.
1 group
finish the test
Water flowers
Wash of graffiti
local park
Clean up
Soft toys
from the house
Collect books
Clean up
soft toys
Visit children
Help my dad
pick up the litter
Local park
Wash the dishes
sweep the paths
Soft toys
Water flowers
Help my dad
Do homework
Finish the test
7.Аудирование (карточки№2)
You have just talked about your help. And now listen to the small talks between parents and
their children. Take the yellow cards. Complete the missing information.
And now let’s check your answers. I want you to act out these dialogs. You have a minute to
prepare for it.
1.-Mum, shall I help you?
- Oh, Its 'all right, thank you. I've already finished.
2.-Shall I give you a hand?
-It's OK. Thanks a lot
3.-Shall I clean the room?
-It's OK, Thank you. I've already cleaned it.
4.-I'll do the shopping.
-Thank you very much. Buy some milk
8.диалогическая речь
Т: And now, your classmates have prepared a dialog for you. Answer the question :
What tense is used in this dialog?
-Hi, mom!
-How are you? What are you going?
-Oh, I`m very busy. I`m doing the washing up.
-You are doing the washing up? Really? Super!
-I`ve already cleaned my room and watered the flowers.
-You have cleaned your room. What a surprise!
-Yes, I have. I`ve also gone shopping. I`ve bought some apples, oranges and bananas.
I haven`t made an apple pie yet. But I`m going to make one this evening.
-An apple pie? Goodness! And what about your homework?
-I`ve just done it.
-I can`t believe it! Any bad marks at school today?
-No, I`ve got an "excellent" in Maths.
-What has happened to you, then? Are you OK?
-I`m fine! Take it easy. It`s it easy. It`s all just a joke. Today is the 1st of April!
-Bingo! You got me!
Грамматика -And now let’s revise how is Present Perfect formed.
We need have or has and the third form of the verb.
And now let’s revise how is Present Perfect formed.
We need have or has and the third form of the verb.
children into what groups can we divide verbs? What are they?
(regular and irregular verbs)
Right. How do we form the third form of regular verbs?
(we add the ending -ed)
yes we add the ending -ed. As you know, it sounds like [t], [d], [id]. It depends on the last
9. работа с карточками(карточки №3)
Take the green cards. There are verbs in the third form. Divide them into three columns.
you have 3 minutes. Are you ready? The first group reads the verbs with sound [t]
[t] [d] [id]
10- грамматическая игра (маршрут)
Let’s play a grammar game. Look at the screen. You can see 3 routes. Name 3 forms of
these irregular verbs.
do, buy, sew, sweep, bring, learn,
feed, be, become, build, catch, come,
eat, go, ride, sing, make, take
11-.Разрезанные предложения (групповая работа)
T. and now children take these files. make up sentences from these words.
(I have raked all the leaves in my grandmother's garden today.
Our pupils have picked up litter near the river this week.
We have washed off graffiti from the houses in Green street.
Has your mother cooked a meal today?
Have you read a new book this month?
Has your friend helped you this week?)
11. Видеоролик.( мультфильм)
T.: thank you children, you are really good helpers. You have helped your parents, elderly
and lonely people. you have cleaned up our neighbourhood. But you have forgotten one
thing. You must help your teachers to clean up your classroom. Let's listen to the song and
answer my question: What have the children done? You may sing along.
The children have put the books on the shelf.
The children have put the puzzles on the chelf
The children have put the toys away
The children have put the dolls away
12. групповая работа с карточками (карточка№ 4)
T.; What have you done this week?
T.: children, take the cards .You have 5 minutes to do your tasks.
(карточки см. приложение)
T.;Your time is up. Are you ready to answer?
Children you are really helpers. You help parents, elderly and lonely people, our
(показать на доске картинку)
V. Подведение итогов соревнования. рефлексия
But our time is over. We must finish our competition. Show us your bunches of leaves.
They are so beautiful. You have a lot of red leaves. You have worked very well today.
Do you like our lesson?
I have 3 vases. The red vase means Our lesson was very interesting.
The orange vase means-our lesson was interesting.
The yellow vase means- our lesson was boring.
What vase do you prefer? Put your bunch in this vase.
I see you liked our lesson.
What did you like at the lesson? (I liked the dialogs, the projects, the songs, our competition)
I’m pleased with your work.
……You have worked very active today. Your mark is 5.
…… You have made some mistakes. Pay attention at your grammar. Your mark is 4.
…….You have been not active today. Your mark is 3
VI. Домашнее задание.
And now open your diaries. Write down your home task for the next lesson.
It is A.B. ex. 3 P. 41
And now you may bring me your diaries. Thank you for your work .Good bye.
Card №1
Divide the chain into seven phrases. Write them down. (Разделите цепочку на 7 фраз. Запишите их)
1 ………… 5…………………
2 ………….. 6………………….
3 …………… 7…………………
Divide the chain into seven phrases. Write them down. (Разделите цепочку на 7 фраз. Запишите их)
1. …………… 5…………………
2. ………….. 6………………….
3. …………… 7………………….
4. …………..
Divide the chain into seven phrases. Write them down. (Разделите цепочку на 7 фраз. Запишите их)
1. …………… 5…………………
2 ………….. 6………………….
3 …………….. 7……………………
4 ……………….
Card 2
1.-Mum, shall I help you? -It's OK, Thank you. I've already cleaned it.
2.-Shall I give you a hand? -Thank you very much. Buy some milk
3.-Shall I clean the room? - Oh, Its 'all right, thank you. I've already finished
4.-I'll do the shopping. -It's OK. Thanks a lot.
card 3
Divide these verbs into three columns.
danced, played, lived, hated, studied, stayed, worked, travelled, started, enjoyed, visited,
helped, watched, cleaned, cooked, watered, washed, helped,
Card №4
Make up an interview. Put the verb in the correct form.
Reporter - May I ask you some questions?
You - Yes, please.
Reporter -I know that you ------- ------------- (clean) your neighbourhood.
What ……….you ……….(do)
You -We…….. ………. (rake) leaves in our schoolyard
and we also …… …………(pick up) litter near the river.
You - And we ….. …….. ( wash of) graffiti from the walls.
Reporter - Great! You ……. really ………( work) well
( Group2)
What have you done ? Match the sentences.
1 Mrs. Ivanova is happy. Her garden is clean.
2 She is happy because her house is clean, too.
3 The children in the hospital are happy. They have a lot of new toys.
4 Mrs. Orlova is happy. Her flowers are beautiful.
1. Helen has watered the flowers.
2. ……has raked the leaves in her garden
3. The girls have cleaned up the house.
4. We have sewn soft toys for them.
( Group 3)
Make up dialogs using a modal
-……..,have you helped your mother this week?
-……..Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t
-…….What have you done?
-…….I have washed the dishes this week.
Mum, dad, grandma, grandpa,
Rake the leaves, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, cook a meal, buy food, clean up the room,
walk the dog