Конспект урока "Одевайся правильно" 2 класс

Орг. момент
-Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you and I hope that you are fine today. I’m fine and what
about you?
- How are you? All right.
-What date is it today?
-What is the weather today?
-In that weather I like to wear a warm clothes, f.ex. a coat, a warming sweater, cap, shoes, boots, jeans.
-And what about you? What clothes do you like to wear this weather?
Формулировка темы
-Look at the blackboard and complete the sentence.
-It’s an English proverb. Let’s translate what it means.
-OK, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “Dress right”
Фонетическая зарядка
-Now let’s remember the words.
-Watch TV, listen and repeat the words.
-Are you ready? OK. Please!
Актуализация лексики
-Open your book at the p. 88 look at the pictures and name the clothes for warm weather…. Now for cold
- You are right. And who is brave…come to me.
-Children, describe, please, his/her clothes. OK.
-Now open your workbook at the p. 54, ex. 1,2.
-Open your book at the p. 89, ex. 8.
-Are you ready? Listen!
Let’s check.
-I think we need some activities. Let’s stand up and relax. Listen, repeat and play together.
-We had a little rest and now let’s go on our work.
Работа в группах
-Let’s be divided into 3 groups. (объяснить)
-OK, groups. Are you ready? Read your sentences. Others listen and say “agree” or “disagree”. OK? The first
team come to me and preset it.
Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
-And now open your diary and write your homework. In the book p. 89, ex. 9.
-Look at the book. Read the task.
-Well, you’ve been very active and productive today. Thank you for your job. We are good and cool. Yes????
Of course, OK.
Давайте поделимся впечатлением от урока.
1. Fill in the table. Use the words:
lovely, a shirt, playing in the snow, a jacket, very cold, gloves,
picking flowers, a coat, it’s awful, shorts, playing football, a T-
shirt, it’s raining, high heels, hot, a tie, sunny, boots, snowy, bad,
skiing, a cap, raking leaves, a jumper, it’s freezing, a scarf, fabulous,
going swimming, a dress, having a picnic, trainers, watching TV, a
raincoat, going camping, walking in the park.
What’s the
What are you wearing?
What are you doing?
For example: It’s very cold. I’m wearing a warm jacket and a scarf. I’m walking in the park.
1. It’s raining…
2. When it rains…
3. When it’s hot…
4. The sun is shining…
5. When it’s very cold…
6. Look, it’s snowing…
7. It’s summer in the pictures..
8. Look out of the window. It’s very cold…
9. When it’s foggy
we take an umbrella.
let’s go swimming.
we put on warm jackets.
put on your raincoat.
the children are wearing warm scarves.
my Dad doesn’t drive.
the girl is picking flowers.
let’s make a snowman.
we go swimming
1. It’s raining…
2. When it rains…
3. When it’s hot…
4. The sun is shining…
5. When it’s very cold…
6. Look, it’s snowing…
7. It’s summer in the pictures..
8. Look out of the window. It’s very cold…
9. When it’s foggy
we take an umbrella.
let’s go swimming.
we put on warm jackets.
put on your raincoat.
the children are wearing warm scarves.
my Dad doesn’t drive.
the girl is picking flowers.
let’s make a snowman.
we go swimming
1. It’s raining…
2. When it rains…
3. When it’s hot…
4. The sun is shining…
5. When it’s very cold…
6. Look, it’s snowing…
7. It’s summer in the pictures..
8. Look out of the window. It’s very cold…
9. When it’s foggy
we take an umbrella.
let’s go swimming.
we put on warm jackets.
put on your raincoat.
the children are wearing warm scarves.
my Dad doesn’t drive.
the girl is picking flowers.
let’s make a snowman.
we go swimming
1. It’s raining…
2. When it rains…
3. When it’s hot…
4. The sun is shining…
5. When it’s very cold…
6. Look, it’s snowing…
7. It’s summer in the pictures..
8. Look out of the window. It’s very cold…
9. When it’s foggy
we take an umbrella.
let’s go swimming.
we put on warm jackets.
put on your raincoat.
the children are wearing warm scarves.
my Dad doesn’t drive.
the girl is picking flowers.
let’s make a snowman.
we go swimming