Открытое внеклассное мероприятие "British and Russian February Festivals" 8 класс

British and Russian February
Открытое внеклассное английского языка в
8-м классе
Цель урока: обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме
Задачи урока:
познавательный аспект: знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого языка путём
сравнения имеющихся ранее знаний и понятий со знаниями о своей стране, формирование
более глубокого осознания учащимися родной культуры;
развивающий аспект: развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, творческих
способностей, коммуникабельности, способностей к догадке, сравнению и
сопоставлению, формированию выводов из прочитанного;
воспитательный аспект: воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного
отношения к британской культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры,
формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в
паре и группе;
учебный аспект: развитие навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи, навыков
чтения и аудирования, формирование грамматических навыков (question tags) и навыков
Тип урока: обобщающий урок, презентация проекта.
Оснащение урока:
1. Наглядный материал: видео/аудио записи: песня группы Beach Boys “Frosty, the Snowman”;
аудиозапись к учебнику Клементьевой Т.Б. Happy English 2; видеозапись празднования
Масленицы; мультфильм “Ишь ты, Масленица” (Арменфильм); плакаты с пословицами и
высказываниями: “If it thunders in February, it will frost in April”; “If February gives much snow A fine
summer it doth foreshow”; “Of all the month of the year Curse a fair February”; “The snowdrop first
rears her head on Candlemas Day”; “If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, Winter will have another fight.
If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain, Winter won’t come again”; репродукции картин: “Масленица”
Кустодиева, “Взятие снежного городка” В.Сурикова, “Зима” И.Шишкина; тематические картинки по
теме “Масленица”, чучело Масленицы;
И.И. Шишкин “Зима”
Б.М. Кустодиев “Масленица”
В.И. Суриков “Взятие снежного городка”
2. Раздаточный материал: карточки с лексическими и грамматическими заданиями.
Материалы учебных пособий:
1. В.П. Кузовлев. English 8
2. Т.Б. Клементьева. Happy English 2 (Reader)
3. И.Н. Верещагина. English 5
4. Т.Н. Химунина. В Великобритании принято так
5. Газета Английский язык №3, 2007
6. Д.И. Квеселевиц. Русско-английский словарь междометий
7. И.А. Уолш. Русско-английский словарь крылатых слов
1. Организационный момент (1 мин)
Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you? The theme of our lesson is “British and
Russian February Festivals”. We are going to review all you know about February feasts, listen to an
audiocassette, do grammar exercises and dub an animated cartoon in English.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин)
Teacher: Try and remember the winter songs we’ve learnt. What song do you like to sing as a phonetic
exercise? Try to pronounce all the sounds correctly. Don’t forget about [d], [t], [v], [f], [w], [r], [h], [k]. You
are very welcome to join in singing “Frosty, the Snowman” (см. Приложение).
3. Речевая разминка (3 мин)
Teacher: At the previous lesson you learnt some interesting facts about February. Please, ask each
other questions in a chain and answer them.
Pupil l: Who introduced February to the Roman calendar?
Pupil 2: When was it introduced?
Pupil 3: What does the word February mean?
Pupil 4: How did the Anglo-Saxons call February? And why?
Pupil 5: How did the Romans call February?
Pupil 6: February was known in Welsh as the bright month, wasn’t it?
Pupil 7: How was the second month of the year called in Shakespeare’s time?
Pupil 8: Had it become February yet in Isaac Newton’s time?
Pupil 9: How old is the modern name of the month?
Pupil 10: Do you know the gemstone and the flower associated with February?
4. Активизация ЛЕ. Совершенствование навыков письма. Заполнение учащимися Word Web
на доске (4 мин)
Teacher: Britain is a country of traditions. What British February Festivals do you know? Complete the
Word Web.
British February Festivals
Extra Day in Leap Year
St. Valentine’s Day
5. Развитие навыков говорения (5 мин)
Teacher: What can you tell me about Candlemas?
Do you know Candlemas Day weather-lore, beliefs and sayings?
Do you remember other weather-lore, beliefs and sayings for February?
What do you know about Borrowed Days?
What can you tell me about Pancake Day?
What is Lent?
What do you remember about Ash Wednesday, Kissing Friday, the extra day in Leap Year?
6. Развитие навыков чтения (3 мин)
Teacher: Do you remember the legend of the snowdrop? Take Card 1 (cм. Приложение). Do you agree
with the following?
7. Систематизация грамматических навыков (3 мин)
Teacher: What holiday is celebrated in English-speaking countries on February 14th? Are you sure that
you know the background of it? Clarify it. Open your books to page 107, exercise 1. We’ll revise tag
8. Контроль за усвоением материала (4 мин)
Teacher: You know a lot about British February festivals. Let’s sum up. Take Card 2 (cм. Приложение).
9. Развитие навыков диалогической речи (4 мин)
Teacher: The Russian winter is rich in festivals. Pretend that you are a travel agent. What festival would
you suggest guests visit? Why? Make up dialogues, please.
10. Развитие навыков монологической речи (3 мин)
Teacher: Maslenitsa has deep roots. What do people do during this festival? What is the highlight of the
11. Развитие навыков аудирования (4 мин)
Teacher: Please, look at these two paintings “Shrovetide” painted by Kustodiev and “Taking a Snow Fort”
painted by Surikov. Listen to the text and guess which picture is described. What makes you think so?
You will hear the text again. Take Card 3 (cм. Приложение).
12. Защита проектов. Дублирование мультфильма “Ишь ты, Масленица” (7 мин)
Teacher: Are you ready to present you projects? To my mind we’ve chosen a very difficult task. We
decided to dub a Russian animated cartoon in English. And you managed your task well. Who wants to
take part in the dubbing?
13. Домашнее задание (1 мин)
Teacher: Please, write down your homework. Have you ever made pancakes? Write a recipe for
pancakes and explain to your foreign friend how to make Russian pancakes.
14. Подведение итогов урока (1 мин)
Teacher: Did you enjoy our lesson? As for me I liked it. I want to say that you have done your work well.
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good-bye!
“Frosty, the Snowman
(Beach Boys)
Frosty, the Snowman
Was a jolly happy soul,
With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty, the Snowman
Is a fairy tale, they say,
He was made of snow,
But the children know
How he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic
In that old silk hat they found,
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around.
Frosty, the Snowman
Was alive as he could be,
And the children say,
He could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me.
Frosty, the Snowman
Knew the sun was hot that day,
So he said, “Let’s run,
And we’ll have some fun
Now before I melt away.”
Down to the village,
With a broomstick in his hand.
Running here and there,
All around the square,
Saying: “Catch me if you can!”
He led them down
The streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment
When he heard them holler: “Stop!
Frosty, the Snowman,
Had to hurry on his way.
But he waved goodbye,
Saying: “Don’t you cry,
I’ll be back again some day”.
Card 1: Do you remember the Legend of the Snowdrop? Read the sentences. Are these
statements true or false?
1. The flower called snowdrop appears in March.
2. It is a symbol of friendship.
3. When Eve was about to give up hope that the cold winter would never end, an angel appeared.
4. The angel transformed some of the snowflakes into primroses.
5. It meant that the winter gave way to spring.
6. The name snowdrop means a “drop” of snow.
7. Snowdrops are also known as Candlemas bells.
Card 2: How well do you know February anniversaries? Choose the correct date. Match the
Extra Day in Leap Year
Birth of George Frederick Handel, Composer, in 1685.
On this day in 1896 the cinema came to Britain.
St. Valentine’s Day.
Birth of Charles Darwin in 1809.
Thomas Edison was born in 1847.
Sir Francis Drake became the first known Englishman to sail the Pacific in 1578.
Charles Dickens was born in 1812.
Thinking Day
Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne on this day in 1952.
Card 3: For questions 1 to 3 tick (P) one of the boxes A, B or C to show the correct answer.
1. This painting is…
A. a landscape.
B. a seascape.
C. a stilllife.
2. In the foreground one can see…
A. different Orthodox cathedrals.
B. the Kremlin.
C. a horse harnessed to a sledge.
3. The painting arouses…
A. some sad feelings.
B. some merry holiday feelings.
C. feelings of mixed sorrow and joy.
Пример проектной работы учащегося по дублированию мультфильма “Ишь ты, Масленица”
“Armenfilm” presents
“Fancy that, Maslenitsa”, based on a Tumanyan’s
scriptwriter, director, animated cartoon artist: R.
artist producers: R. Saakyants, A. Poshotyan
cameraman: A. Kurdiyan
composer: R. Amirhanyan
sound technician: A. Kurdiyan
assistant: A.Saakyan
cartoon scoring: Turylyova, Leonidov, Gavrilko
editor: T. Beileryan
manager: Petrosyan
Scene 1
Land-owner: So…Is it my land?
Old man: Yours.
Land-owner: Who is the owner?
Old man: You.
Land-owner: And do you pay taxes?
Old man: Yes, indeed. Here they are… For land, for water…
Land-owner: But for snow?
Old man: We paid for snow last week.
Land-owner: Was it on New Year’s Eve? So it was for last year’s snow. But for this year? Is it wine?
Old man: But it is butter.
Land-owner: Oh, what is there in front of the nose?
Boy: Is it a wart?
Land-owner: Maslenitsa is just around the corner. Pay in butter.
Scene 2
Land-owner: Take it and sign.
Storekeeper: Where can I put it?
Land-owner: Here. Let us leave it till Maslenitsa.
Storekeeper: What?
Land-owner: Let’s wait for Maslenitsa, I say, and…
Storekeeper: What?
Land-owner: I say, Maslenitsa will come and…
Storekeeper: Where will he come?
Land-owner: Oh, bother you!
Storekeeper: Look here! Who is Maslenitsa?
Land-owner: Pah!
Scene 3
Storekeeper: Who is Maslenitsa? And when will he come? Stop! Who is coming!
Boy: It is me, Maslenitsa.
Storekeeper: Really? Have you come?
Boy: I have.
Storekeeper: Is it yours?
Boy: Mine.
Storekeeper: Now then, take it away.
Boy: May be later?
Storekeeper: Fancy that, now. I have nothing to do with his property.
Boy: So be it.
Storekeeper: Fancy that, now. So be it. While he is walking, I am guarding. Ha! Just listen to that! Aren’t
you smart! Ha, ha, ha… No fear! Ah!
Scene 4
Land-owner: What’s up?
Storekeeper: Oh, Maslenitsa has come. I gave him back your butter as you had ordered.
Land-owner: What?
Storekeeper: I returned your butter to him and … He is so slight, but grand!
Land-owner: Who?
Storekeeper: Maslenitsa. So slight, but cunning!
Land-owner: You are crazy!
Storekeeper: But what?
Land-owner: O-o-oh!