План-конспект урока "London trip" 6 класс

План-конспект урока
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 6
Тема: «London trip»
Цель: закрепить полученные знания о Лондоне, отработать лексико-
грамматический материал на практике.
- развивать навыки устной речи; расширять словарный запас учащихся;
формировать навыки поисковой работы у учащихся и умение использовать
полученную информацию в различных ситуациях;
- расширять знания учащихся о Лондоне; познакомить с известными
местами Лондона;
- развивать внимание и творческие способности учащихся;
- воспитывать уважение к стране и ее культуре.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, видео, карта Англии, раздаточный
I Приветствие. Greeting:
T: -Good morning, dear children!
P: -Good morning, teacher!!
II Организационный момент. Сообщение темы урока
Warming-up activity:
T: -Today the theme of our lesson is "London trip". As you know London is the
capital of England and we are going to see a lot of places of interest of this town in
our lesson. We will speak about Big Ben, Westminster Abbey famous parks and
squares, visit different countries and travel to the picturesque banks of the river
Thames. By the end of this lesson you'll be able to tell about these places of
interest and make up dialogues for your home-task. So at first let us remind some
facts and watch video slides connecting with the capital of Great Britain.
P: -There was Big Ben, the House of Parliament, the London Eye, Westminster
Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Nelson Column, Tower Bridge. I saw London traffic,
Piccadilly Circus, London guard, Westminster Abbey.
III Основная часть урока
- 1 new vocabulary:
T: -So, children, as you know, London is a big city and you can see many cars,
buses, heavy traffic there. There is the underground in London too. But do you
know the meaning of the words? For example such words as: cart, open top bus,
traffic, the underground.
Cart-it is a bus with a horse.
Open top bus-it is a bus without a roof.
Traffic-it means that there are many cars, buses, trolley-buses on the roads.
Underground-it is a train which moves under the ground.
I hope when you meet these words in the text you will know their meaning.
-2 speaking about London:
T: -Ok, pupils. You have reminded some places of interest of London and now
let's revise some facts about London. Answer my questions:
1 What is the capital of England?
P: -The capital of England is London.
2 What is the population of London?
P: -The population of London is about 8 million people.
3. What river does London stand on?
P: -London stands on the river Thames.
4. What places of interest of London do you know?
P: -I know a lot of places of interest. But the most famous ones are: Big Ben,
Westminster Abbey, the Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's
Cathedral, Regent's Park, Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, Buckingham
Palace and others.
5Where is the home of the queen of Britain?
P: -Buckingham Palace is the home place of the queen of Britain.
6What is Big Ben?
P: -Big Ben is a famous clock.
7What is Westminster Abbey?
P: -It's a church where the kings and the queens of England are burried.
8 What can you see from the Tower Bridge?
P: -From the Tower Bridge we can see the Tower of London.
9Where is a famous zoo?
P: -It's in Regent's Park.
10. Do you like London?
P: -Yes, I do. I like London.
-3 blitz-quiz
T: -Very well, children. Maybe these questions were too easy for you, so I shall
give you a London-quiz and you must choose the correct answer. One of you we'll
read the task and the second one will give a correct answer. So, let's start.
1 From Tower Bridge you can see…
a) St. Paul's Cathedral.
b) The London Zoo.
c) The Tower of London.
2 The Queen lives in…
a) The Tower of London.
b) Buckingham Palace.
c) Westminster Abbey.
3 Westminster Abbey is a famous…
a) Museum.
b) Royal church.
c) Circus.
4 In Regent's Park there is the biggest … in the world.
a) Metro.
b) Clock.
c) Zoo.
5 The Tower of London is a … now.
a) Museum.
b) Gallery.
c) Church.
6 There is … … in the centre of London.
a) Piccadilly Circus.
b) Trafalgar Square.
c) Regent's Park.
7 There are … streets in London.
a) Six.
b) One million.
c) Ten thousand.
8 They change the Guard at …
a) The National Gallery.
b) Buckingham Palace.
c) Big Ben.
IV. Просмотр видео.Video-film.
T: -let's start work again. Now I shall switch on the TV and you'll watch the film.
There are some facts about London and your task is to understand and ask your
classmates about facts according to the video (.chain work).
VI. Projects.
(Дома дети должны были подготовить сообщения об известных местах
Лондона и презентовать перед всем классом)
T: -So, pupils, as you see, we know much about London and its sightseeing. Your
home task was to make projects connecting with the theme of our lesson. Do you
want to present them? Who will be the first?
P: -Big Ben.
Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks and looks most spectacular at
night when the clock faces are illuminated. The name Big Ben actually refers not
to the clock tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was
named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall. Big Ben is the
name of the 14 ton bell that chimes. It's the largest four-faces chiming clock and
the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.
P: -Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London and has been a central meeting
place since the middle ages. In the centre of the square is the tall Nelson's Column
which was built to commemorate the victory of Admiral Nelson over French.
Trafalgar Square has many statues and two fontains. The square is surrounded by
many great buildings.
P: -London Eye.
The London Eye is very popular tourist attraction. The 135 meter tall structure was
built as part of London's millennium celebrations. The structure was designed by
the architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. Eye-capsules contain 25 passengers.
Each egg-shaped capsule is 8 meters long and weighs 500 kg.
P: Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace is one of several palaces owned by the British Royal family.
The original building was constructed as a country house in 1705 by the duke of
Buckingham. It is a London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top
she is at home. The Guard changes every day at 11.30 a.m. It is one of the tourists
greatest attraction.
P: Tower of London.
The Tower of London was built at the beginning of the 11
century near the river
Thames and consists of almost 20 towers in total. The Tower of London is a big
castle with a lot of buildings inside it. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a
prison. It is a museum now.
P: London.
London is a capital of Britain. About eight million people live there. London stands
on the river Thames. There are lots of places of interest in London. From Tower
Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is a museum now. Big Ben is a famous
clock in London. You can see many churches in the city. Westminster Abbey is
one of the oldest royal churches. London's parks and squares are really beautiful.
There are about 10 thousands streets in London with a lot of shops and cafes,
cinemas and theatres, galleries and museums. Big red buses run up and down the
streets. The oldest metro in the world, called Tube, is in London, too. London is a
very nice city.
VII. Summing-up. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
Very nice children. You've worked very hard today and everything was all right.
You showed good knowledge of English and your marks for today's lesson are:…
VIII. Home task.
Now look at the blackboard. Your home task for the next lesson is to make up
dialogues about London. Stand up. The lesson is over. Thank you very much.
Good bye, dear children.