Конспект урока "Have you ever been to a National Park?" 7 класс

Have you ever been to a National Park?
социокультурный аспект знакомство с понятиями и реалиями: national park, nature
reserve, Yellowstone, the Great Smoky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, the Lake District,
Everglades; poets: W. Wordsworth and Coleridge;
развивающий аспект развитие способности к сравнению, развитие оперативной
воспитательный аспект формирование уважительного отношения к природным
богатствам страны;
учебный аспект развитие речевого умения (монологическая форма речи, пересказ);
сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной
Речевой материал:
рецептивный: лексический an alligator, to cover, a naturalist;
продуктивный an aim, a national park, nature reserve.
Оснащение урока: универсальные средства ИКТ: компьютер, проектор, экран; слайд
презентации (PowerPoint), видеофрагменты о национальных парках.
Ход урока.
1. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
- Good afternoon, everybody! I am glad to see you again! Let’s start our lesson.
- First of all I want you to tell me which month we have now.
- And what day of the week is it today?
- What date is it today?
- Is anybody absent today? (.... is/are absent/).
-Dear friends! Do you like to travel? Where would you like to travel? Today I want to suggest
you to make a trip to the National parks.
- Look at the screen and read the topic of our lesson. What topic have we been working on
today? (We are working on the topic “Have you ever been to a National Park?”).
(слайд №1)
- Good! Let’s begin!
2. Целеполагание
Do you know, why do people go to the park? What is their aim? (показать на экран). Choose
the best answer.
(слайд №2)
Have you ever been to the national park? Do you want to visit any national park?
Tell me please, what we are going to talk about?
We shall speak about the national parks of Great Britain and America, about the national parks
and nature reserves of Russia.
Do you want to know any facts about these places to organize our discussion? I think, you do.
3. Фонетическая зарядка
But first of all, listen to me and repeat after me!
Let’s do some phonetic drills. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
Try to pronounce correctly:
(слайд №3)
4. Основная часть урока. Работа по теме урока.
Among special areas that are enjoyed are national parks. Below there are three texts about them.
Make a home group of three pupils. Read one of the pieces of information below. Look at the
(слайд №4)
Text 1. America was the first country in stating up “National parks”, beginning with
Yellowstone in 1872. By now this and a dozen (дюжина) other parks together cover
(покрывают) a small fragment of the whole area of western mountains. Long before 1872,
William Wordsworth, the great English poet, suggested that his native Lake District should
become a special place.
But only in 1949 the first national park in England and Wales was founded (был основан).
Now there are ten national parks in England and Wales which cover 9 % of the land area. 90
million visitors come to national parks every year.
The firs aim of national parks is to protect the countryside; the second aim is to allow people to
enjoy the countryside as home to tree, flowers, animals and birds.
Text 2. The USA is a larger country then Britain, that’s why it has more regions to protect. The
Great Smoky Mountains, the great Canyon and Yellowstone Park are the most popular national
parks in the USA. The Everglades, Florida, is one of the most interesting places. Some time ago
hunters killed alligators for their skin and birds for their meat there. That was awful. If you visit
the Everglades now, you can see a moving log (бревно).
It’s probably an alligator. Be careful. It can be dangerous. The Everglades is protected as a
national park. Its unique (уникальная) ecology home to water birds, snakes, alligators,
wildcats, fish, cypress tree is enjoyed by naturalist and tourist.
Text 3. The Lake district in the northwest of England is the largest national park. It is popular
with walkers, cyclists, and people who go boating. It is one of the most beautiful and attractive
places. It has Windermere, the longest lake in England, and Scafell, the highest mountain in
The Lake District was unknown until the end of the 18
century. Then the works of such writers
as Wordsworth* and Coleridge* attracted visitors to the lakes. Now the Lake District is one of
the most popular tourist places in Britain. It is a place where you can enjoy fishing in the rivers
and lakes or boating on the quiet waters of Lakeland.
Look at the screen and watch video about national parks of the USA and Great Britain.
the Great Smoky Mountains,
the Grand Canyon,
the Lake District,
(Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы. Каждая группа выбирает один из предложенных в упр, с.
87 текстов, выполняет задания, относящиеся к нему, и готовит пересказ текста. Сильные
учащиеся помогают слабым. Затем представители групп пересказывают свой текст другим
группам, пока все группы не узнают содержание всех текстов. В результате такой работы
над текстом каждый учащийся должен уметь передать содержание каждого текста.
Упражнение рассчитано на обучение монологической речи и готовит учащихся к тому,
чтобы они могли целенаправленно, последовательно, доказательно и логично
высказываться по содержанию прочитанного. (вопросы могут служить и планом
5. Рассказ о нац. парках Британии и США
Who wants to tell us about national parks in Britain and in the USA? You may use a scheme.
Look at the screen.
2 ученика рассказывают о нац. парках Британии и США, пользуясь опорной схемой.
(слайд №5)
6. Чтение статьи о нац. парках с заполнением пропусков в тексте, подходящими
по содержанию словами
We have learned a lot about different parks. Now let’s see if everybody is well informed. Read
the article and fill in the gaps. Look at the screen!
(слайд №6)
7. Физкультминутка
Children! Are you tired? It’s time to have a rest. Please, stand up and do some exercises.
Учащиеся исполняют песню с движениями “Hockey-pockey”.
8. Аудирование текста о нац.парках и заповедниках России на основе
подготовленного монолог. высказывания группой учащихся
Now you know some information about national parks in Great Britain and in the USA. But what
can you tell your foreign friends about national parks in Russia?
На основе статьи в упр. 2 учащиеся составляют свой рассказ о заповедниках и
национальных парках нашей страны.
Примерное содержание рассказа:
How there are 23 national parks and 84 nature reserves in Russia. National parks protect the
countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds. Nature reserves protect planes,
animals and birds. But people are not allowed to visit nature reserves.
Valday is a national park in Novgorodskiyi region. It is founded in 1990. Bears, wolves,
foxes, otters are protected there. People come there to enjoy the countryside and to visit two
beautiful lakes, Valday and Seliger.
Losiny Ostrov is a national park northeast of Moscow. 48 kinds of animals are protected
there: deers, foxes, otters and many others. It is founded in 1983 for people to enjoy the
Barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in Russia. It is founded in 1916. It is
2480 square km. Lake Baikal is situated there. The nature reserve was founded to protect the
sable (соболь)
9. Контроль понимания увиденного и услышанного
You have already listened to much information and watched some national parks and nature
reserve. And now look at the screen and make the right choice.
(слайд №7)
10. Подведение итогов урока
Well, our journey has come to the end. What new information have you learnt? What national
park would you like to visit?
You see, there are many national parks and nature reserves in the world. But it is better to see
them one time, than speak about them one hundred times. And let’s hope that some days we shall
visit a national park.
I want to give you some advice
(слайд 8)
11. Домашнее задание
Your hometask for the next lesson is to tell your foreign friends about the nature reserve in the
Tambov region. If possible find or draw illustrations to your stories. Open your diaries and
write it down.
Thank you for the lesson. I am going to give you the next marks…
The lesson is over. See you later.
(cлайд №9)