Конспект урока "You should consult a doctor! Present perfect/Past Simple" 6 класс

6 класс
«You should consult a doctor! Present perfect/Past Simple»
Конспект урока по английскому языку, разработанный по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева для
6 класса по теме: «Визит к доктору. Настоящее совершённое и прошедшее простое
Описание материала: Предлагаю вам конспект урока в 6 классе по теме «Визит к
доктору. Настоящее совершённое и прошедшее простое время». Данный материал
будет полезен учителям английского языка, работающим по УМК «Английский язык»
В.П. Кузовлева. Этот конспект направлен на воспитание у школьников стремления к
здоровому образу жизни.
Цель: знакомство с системой здравоохранения США, фактами культуры.
1) совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения
2) воспитание потребности в здоровом образе жизни
3) развитие способности к выведению языковых закономерностей, чувства языка
Оборудование: УМК, доска, CD проигрыватель, компьютер
Ход урока
1. Приветствие, орг. момент
Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? I’m glad to see you. Today we will continue to
talk about our health.
2. Проверка домашней работы. Let’s check up your homework.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the board and say which word has a different underlined sound?
1) tooth mouth without throut
2) advise surgeon exercise hospital
3) ache check catch child
4) cold honey stomach tongue
5) eat healthy clean treatment
6) take backache hand have
7) cut consult flu brush
Ответы: 1) without 2) exercise 3) ache 4) cold 5) healthy 6) take 7) flu
4. Введение темы
Речевая зарядка
The next task calls «Have you ever been ill? » Look at computer display. Work in pairs. Ask
and answer the questions.
Medical History
(please tick Yes or No)
Have you ever had:
A headache?
A stomachache?
An earache?
A backache?
A toothache?
A cold
A flu?
Have your legs hurt?
Have your feet hurt?
Have your neck hurt?
Have your fingers hurt?
Have your eyes hurt?
Have your back hurt?
Have your arms hurt?
Do you take any medicine regularly?
As a result of your answers, what do you think «Are you a healthy kid? » and why.
5. Первичная отработка материала.
Тренировка навыка аудирования. (ex. 1 p.86)
Paul’s friend Bill is a basketball player. He is visiting the doctor to have a sports physical.
Listen to the text and answer the question: Does he have any health problems?
-May I ask you some questions to fill in this form?
-Yes, of course.
-Have you ever had a headache?
-No, I’ve never had a headache.
-Have you had a cold this year?
-Yes, I have caught a cold once this year.
-Have you ever been in hospital?
-Yes, I have. Last year I had an operation. It was appendicitis.
6. Повторение грамматического материала Past Simple и Present Perfect
Past Simple
Если глагол правильный-(ed)
Если глагол неправильный- 2 столбик в таблице неправильных глаголов
Период времени завершился
The day before yesterday
Last (week)
(Two days) ago
«+» I visited the dentist two days ago.
«-» I didn’t visit the dentist two days ago.
«?» Did you visit the dentist two days ago?
Present Perfect
Have, Has(he, she, it)+ V3 (ed)
Период времени не завершился
This (week)
«+» I have visited the dentist this month.
«-» I haven’t visited the dentist this month.
«?» Have you visited the dentist this month?
1) Find the verbs in the Past Simple and Present Perfect and name the sentences.
-May I ask you some questions to fill in this form?
-Yes, of course.
-Have you ever had a headache?
-No, I’ve never had a headache.
-Have you had a cold this year?
-Yes, I have caught a cold once this year.
-Have you ever been in hospital?
-Yes, I have. Last year I had an operation. It was appendicitis.
Ответы: Have you ever had a headache?, I’ve never had a headache., Have you had a
cold this year?, I have caught a cold once this year., Have you ever been in
hospital?- Present Perfect
Last year I had an operation., It was appendicitis.- Past Simple
2) Here are some other questions the doctor asked Bill. What did Bill answer?
Match the sentences:
a)Have you ever had a medical check? 1)Yes, it has. I broke it three years ago.
b)Has your leg ever hurt? 2)No, I haven’t. I always feel fine.
c)Have you ever had toothache? 3)Yes, I have. I have had it this month.
d)Have you ever felt unwell after running? 4)No, I haven’t. I exercise every day, and I don’t
have back problems.
e)Have you ever had backache? 5)No, I never have. I check my teeth twice a year.
Ответы: a)3), b)1), c)5), d)2), e)4)
7. Закрепление темы урока.
Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense
1) I (to go) to the dentist this week.
2) Last month I and my sister (to check) our eyes.
3) Yesterday we (to walk) in the park.
4) Today she (to eat) fruit and vegetables.
5) He already (to play) a sport.
8. Заключительный этап, подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание и
выставление оценок.
You have done a lot today. Let’s remember our work in class! Now I want to see your mood
after the lesson. If you like it and you have understood everything choose a green palm, if
you dislike the lesson choose a red palm, and if you weren’t very pleased, but the lesson
was not bad choose a yellow palm!
Your marks and results are really good.
Thank you for your work at the lesson. Your home task is at the board. ( Ex 1 p. 73 and
repeat the rules: Present Perfect and Past Simple)