Внеклассное мероприятие "Rules of the road" 8 класс

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преподаватель иностранного зыка
ГБУДО ДСООЦ «Лазурный»
Старостина А.Н.
г.о.г. Выкса, 2014 г.
Цель мероприятия: организовать общение обучающихся по теме "Rules of the
Учебный аспект:
1. Развитие лексических навыков говорения.
2. Развитие речевых умений в диалогической и монологической речи на основе
творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в ситуациях
3. Систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала.
Развивающий аспект:
1. Развитие речевых, творческих способностей.
2. Развитие творческой деятельности, памяти, развитие языковой догадки
воображения, способности логически излагать, работать в группе.
Воспитательный аспект:
1. Формирование познавательной активности обучающихся.
2. Воспитание грамотного пешехода, интереса к изучению дорожной азбуки.
3. Воспитание чувства товарищества, коллективизма, взаимопомощи,
Оборудование: карточки с текстами и заданиями, дорожные знаки, плакаты и
рисунки по теме «Правила дорожного движения, сигналы светофора для игры,
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент.
Good afternoon my dear pupils. Today we have an unusual party.
II. Стадия вызова (выявление имеющихся знаний обучающихся,
мотивирование их на дальнейшую работу на мероприятии).
Look at our classboard. You can see many pictures and posters. Can you guess the topic
of our meeting? (Ученики дают ответы).
You are right, we shall speak about towns, streets and transport there. But our main idea is
to revise rules of the streets and roads.
Do you live in the town? What street do you live in?
Do you like it?
Аre there many roads in your street?
What do you do in the street?
Well. Today we’ll check up your knowledge (сегодня мы проверим ваши знания) of
rules of roads and see you know them.
III. Фонетическая разминка.
Listen to the poem and complete it.
Stop! Look!
Stop! Look!
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down,
Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left,
And then to the …
light свет
Thank you, you read the poem very well and what other poems about streets do you
Ученики декламируют стихи.
1. Stop! Look! Listen!
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet.
2. The streets
The streets go,
The streets go down,
And in and out
About the town.
3. In the streets
In the streets
Buses run,
Two by two,
Or one by one.
IV. Стадия осмысления (извлечение необходимой информации по теме).
And now meet Mr. Traffic Lights! He wants to tell you about some rules of the road.
Traffic Lights
Look to this side,
Look to that side.
The green says, “Go!”
Now go slow!
The red says, “Stop!”
Now do so!
Mr. Traffic Lights:
Answer my questions, please!
What do you see in your street?
Do you see many cars and buses?
What colour are they?
What must you do before you cross the street?
What must you do when the light is red?
What must you do when the light is green?
(Ответы учащихся)
Mr. Traffic Lights: "Rules of the road" rules that teach and tell us about the movement
of people and vehicles on the road. This is a real state law and we must follow this law.
(Показывается через проектор и дается перевод).
Mr. Traffic Lights: My helpers want you to listen to the poem. Listen and to the rules
and remember them!
Traffic Lesson
Be very, very careful
When you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet.
Look to the left,
Look to the right,
Then look up
And check the light.
When all the cars have stopped
It’s time for you to go.
Walk between the lines
That’s the safest way I know. Раздают памятки с Правилами Дорожного движения.
(Правила показываются через проектор).
Thank you, Mr. Traffic Lights! And now we shall read them.
Задание выполняется всеми учениками. Правила зачитываются вслух.
Follow these rules and your friends to follow them. It will save your lives!
Work in groups!
Read the text and do exercises.
Little Alec
Little Alec and his father are in the street. On the road they see a lot of cars, trucks, vans,
trams and buses. Alec looks at the cars. He sees black cars, green cars and blue cars.
“Look, Alec!” says the boy’s father. “Do you see that nice dog?” Alec sees the dog. The
dog is little and white. He likes the dog and runs after it.
The dog crosses the road . Alec wants to cross the road too. But his father runs after him
and stops him.
“You must not cross the road when the light is green.”
“Then why does the dog cross the road when the light is red?” asks Alec.
“The dog does not know the street lights,” says Alec’s father.
Exercises for each group:
Group 1: Say what Alec sees in the street.
Group 2: Say why the dog crosses the road when the light is red.
Group 3: Say when people must cross the road.
V. Физкультминутка.
Появляется один из учеников в форме регулировщика:
A Traffic Officer
All these cars and trucks
That are running along
Can be stopped by the man,
Who’s enormously strong.
Traffic Officer:
Now we shall play the game “Traffic Lights”.
I show the light to you and you must stand if the light is red,
you must clap the hands if it is yellow,
you must stamp your feet if the light is green.
Our meeting is over. You are very good today and I am proud of you. I hope, you will be
follow the rules of the roads. Your hometask will be: Please, tell the rules to your brothers
and sisters, mothers and fathers!
The sign” No cycling.” You mustn’t ride a bike.
The sign “ One way road.” You should go straight ahead.
The sign “Crossing.” You should cross the street when the light is green.
The sign ‘Stop”.Drivers should stop before the sign.
The sign “Bus stop”. You can wait a bus here.
The sign “No walking”.You mustn’t walk.
The sign “Directions”.You should turn left.
The sign “Directions”.You should turn right.
The sign “The Traffic light”
VI.Развитие навыков орфографии. Well done, thank you! But we have one more
problem. All these people forgot the words. Let’s help them to find the word.
n,a,r,r,g,e,a (arrange)
d,o,a,c,c,o,t,n,I,m,a,o (accommodation)
r,o,s,p,e,o,p (propose)
c,l,o,s,i,a (social)
e,l,n,a,p (plane)
o,l,l,c,a (local)
v,i,t,a,i,n,n,o,i,t (invitation)
Stop! Look!
Stop! Look!
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down,
Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left,
And then to the …
(Right) Good -bye!
Активные участники награждаются памятными призами.