Конспект урока "Мода" 6 класс

Ход урока
I. Начало урока.
1. Организационный момент. (Беседа с дежурным)
Good morning children! Sit down, please. Its time to start our lesson.
2. Введение в тему.
На уроке используется презентация “Fashion”.
Today we are going to the fashion house (слайд 1).
But now let’s talk about what fashion is.
Different people say that fashion is beautiful, modern and comfortable clothes.
They wear fashionable clothes in different situations.
3. Фонетическая игра.
We should talk about clothes more. Let’s play the game “Rhymes”. I pronounce a
word and you should say the word, means “clothes”.
Детям предлагается составить рифму к произнесенному слову:
beans jeans
better sweater
bird shirt, T- shirt, skirt
cocks socks
mouse blouse
choose shoes
loves - gloves
map cap
rat hat
less dress
boat coat, rain coat
fruits boots
sports shorts
candles sandals
kittens mittens
racket jacket
weeklies sneakers
cute - suit
II. Основной этап урока
1. Активизация лексики дежда).
Well done. But do you know the meaning of these words? Let’s play the computer
game “Words and pictures”. Look at this game. When you see a word you should
click on the picture.
Детям предлагается поиграть в лексическую игру на компьютере. Надо
кликнуть мышкой на нужной картинке, которая обозначает значение
появившегося слова.
Подведение итогов игры.
2. Agree or disagree with the statements:
We never wear mittens in summer.
Kids always put on scarf in winter.
Children take off their fur coats in June.
When it is hot we usually wear T- shirt and shorts.
Girls always wear silk dresses in winter.
If it is cold, we put on socks and sandals.
3. Аудирование.
Let’s go on. You know that people from different countries wear fashionable
clothes. Meet Helen. She’s from England. She wants to tell us what clothes she
likes to wear. Can you guess about her favourite clothes and styles?
Вначале детям предлагается послушать, затем прочитать рассказ Хелен и
выбрать нужную одежду на разные случаи жизни.
4. Чтение.
Hello! I’m Helen. I am from England. I like to wear fashionable clothes.
When I visit birthday parties I often wear (jeans, a T- shirt and warm boots; a
beautiful pink dress and nice shoes).
I enjoy going for sports so I usually put (a light skirt, a blouse and shoes; my
yellow track suit and modern sneakers) on.
But most of all I like to go to school. When I go there I always wear my uniform.
It’s (a shirt, trousers and a hat; a white blouse, a blue skirt and a jacket). My
uniform is very comfortable and nice.
5. Отработка грамматического правила употребления глагола с
существительными 3 лица единственного числа в Present Simple.
Now say what Helen wears and puts on in different situations
6. Устная работа.
And what about you? Use this information. Дети высказывают, какую одежду
носят для занятия спортом, на вечеринках в честь Дня рождения и в школу.
Предлагается опора на слайде.
7. Работа с проектами.
What is your favourite style? Учащиеся показывают свои домашние проекты и
рассказывают о своем любимом стиле одежды.
8.Работа по теме «Школьная форма»
1) You’ve learned that Helen likes to go to school most of all. And she wears
her uniform to school. It’s very popular in England. Do you wear school
2) Просмотр видеоролика о школьной форме в разных странах.
And what about other countries? Many children wear different clothes for school.
But what is the most popular? Uniform of what country you liked most of all?
Do you wear school uniform?
3) Работа в группах.
Let’s discuss “Is it good or bad to have a school uniform?” Work in groups.
Учащиеся в группах распределяют карточки «За» и «Против»
школьной формы.
doesn’t show personality
saves time in the morning
makes everyone equal
Would you like to wear school uniform? Why/ why not?
4) Создаем дизайн школьной формы для девочек и мальчиков.
III. Заключительный этап урока
1.Подведение итогов. Оценки.
2.Домашнее задание. Детям предлагается создать проекты моделей
школьной одежды. You can design your school uniform for girls and boys.
But don’t forget that your uniform should be fashionable and comfortable.