Самостоятельная работа "How many or how much?" 8 класс

How many или how much?
1. ……salt do you usually put in the soup?
2. …….cups of tea shall I bring?
3. …… films did you see?
4. ……free time do we have?
5. …….friends has we got.
6. …….juice is there in the fridge?
7. …….money did you spend?
8. ……..tomatoes are there in the bag?
9. …….kilos of potatoes did you buy?
10. ……slices of cheese are left on the plate?
How many or how much?
1. They have too ( much/many) furniture in the room.
2. There are too (much/many) books on your desk?
3. You have too (much/many) mistakes in the test.
4. You must drink (much/many) coffee.
5. You put too (much/many) vegetables in the soup.