Заключительный урок "Земля - наш дом" 10 класс

Земля –наш дом
Заключительный урок, посвященный году экологии
в Российской Федерации
«Земля –наш дом »,посвященный году экологии в РФ
Цель урока:
- развитие подготовленного говорения методом мобилизации разговорных
образцов, предложений, грамматических структур и лексических единиц по
теме в говорении учеников;
- научить удерживать в памяти лексические единицы и грамматической
последовательности с правильным оформлением говорения на уровне
коммуникативных задач;
- научить учеников видению разных способов охраны окружающей среды и
разумного долга человечества охранять природу.
Оснащение: написание слов обращение Земли к землянам; компьютер,
презентации, картины (символы и эмблемы стран, связанных с природой).
Карточки «Клятва верности Земле»; плакаты стенды (срок хранения отходов),
(Каждый день люди планеты чувствуют угрозу Матери-земли, ее поверхности:
лесам, морям, рекам, озерам, загрязнения воздуха, смену температурного режима.
И сегодня мы задумываемся над тем, что можно сделать для сохранения планеты).
С этой целью проводится урок конференция «представителей»
англоязычных стран Британии, США, Канады, России и Украины.
Порядок проведения:
1) Ученики располагаются за партами, которые поставлены буквой П.
2) На столах – таблички с названиями стран, флажки стран – представителей.
3) На груди учеников – участников конференции – визитки с именами (nicknames)
4) «Корреспондент» местной газеты.
5) Оформление доски: картинки, плакаты, карта, цитата, стих:
The Earth is garden,
It is a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
For all the human race
Helping Mother Earth,
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
And we would like to thank you,
Mother Earth.
Wed like to see you dressed
In green and blue,
We want to be loved by you.
Символы стран (на доске)
Britain (England) Rose
The USA Eagle
Canada Koala
Russia Birch
Ukraine Guilder-rose
Environmental problems:
1. Littering
2. Air pollution.
3. Water pollution.
4. Overcrowding, overpopulation.
5. Animals which are almost extinct.
6. Destruction of natural resources.
На доске – различные картинки с изображением природы, животных, птиц.
Корреспондент газеты «The Green Peace Newspaper» берет интервью у
участников конференции.
1. Why wasn’t pollution such a serious problem decades ago?
2. What can environmental pollution cause?
3. Why is pollution a complicated problem?
4. Can pollution be stopped immediately?
5. What can governments and individuals do to reduce pollution?
6. When did the accident in Chernobyl power-station take place?
7. What do you think you should do to protect the environment?
(после интервью корреспондент садится писать статью, а Конференция
Защита проекта. Работа первой группы.
О запасах Земли
Planet Cake.
1) Divide one part, which is considered land two parts: 0.125 are inhabited. Deserts,
mountains, iced places. People do not live here.
2) Divide into four parts, only 0,125 or 1/32 is inhabited land we get food.
3) What would happen if this part of the world were destroyed?
If we cut the parts that we mean water of the world we’ll see that less than 1% of
water is fresh and drinkable.
The largest part of it is fresh and under the surface.
a) 1% is drinkable water;
b) The other parts are seas and ocean, water in atmosphere and under the surface.
Начало конференции (обсуждение).
Программа конференции (problems)
1. Mankind is worried about nature pollution.
2. Ecology as a science.
Выступление учеников, которые готовили проект по ранее
запланированным темам:
Russian: The Earth is our home. We must take of it, for ourselves and for the next
generation. This means keeping our environment clean. We must teach the younger
generation how to protect the land. We must work hard on several environmental
problems: cleaning lakes, rivers; studying nature and the effect of pollution; recycling
cans and paper.
Ukrainian: The importance of this of this task is pointed out by ecologists and
relations between living things and relations between living things and their
environment. However, each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air,
and water clean. We don’t want to have one more Chernoby1.
Russian: ecology is a science about nature. Practically, it is a science of studying
whether we, human beings, keep our common home, the Earth, and how we use the
gifts it gives us: air, minerals, plants, and animals.
Australian: The Yarra in Australia was once such a pretty place to sit beside on a
hot summer day. But that’s all changed now. Factories have appeared on each side of
the river and people, sitting besides the river now, water now.
American: As we know, protection of nature has become one of the vital problems
of the 21
century. The Earth provides people with everything that makes the
foundation and cultural production. But the development of industry has a bad
influence on the nature of the whole world. People pollute land and water greatly. I
think it is very dangerous because it damages the health of people.
American ecologist: Ecology is the science of how living things are related to
their environment. Many Americans are concerned about their ecology today. They
are concerned about protecting the environment from pollution, overcrowding, and
annually which means that we consume more than 850 mln trees. But now we save
200 mln tons of paper a year by recycling, Recycle!!
Canadian: the close cycle use of water by industry was put into practice. Each
factory purifies and reuses the same water, instead of taking more from the river or
lake. Most of the factories in the gas, iron and steel industries now operate closed
cycle water system. It is the duty of mankind to respect and defend nature’s rights.
English: Plants are the basis of our life on the Earth. Yet now, in Britain
countryside’s, wild plants are being destroyed by pollution on a scale never known
before. Many meadows heaths, bogs and woods are gone forever.
Canadian: Around our planet there is a coat of gas called ozone. It’s our protector.
It helps keep our skin from hard sun rays and protects the land.
Australian: Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests.
These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides can cause
health problems when they end up in food, especially for kids.
I must say, there is some good news: the Australian government helps farmers to
find ways to protect crops without using many pesticides.
English scientist: We must do everything possible to save nature, to make our
rivers and air clean. Scientists point out the importance of this task. The branch of
science that deals with the environment is called ecology. From the point of view of
ecology, mankind should first of all lessen pollution.
American scientist: The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases, white
make the greenhouse effect on it. The sun’s rays penetrate through thick coats of
gases like a roof on a greenhouse. Factories and plants throw much waste into the air.
Even cutting down trees makes hear in all, this makes the greenhouse effect. If the
Earth’s temperature becomes higher only by some becomes degrees, it will change
the climate of the planet. Keep our Earth. Help stop the greenhouse effect by using
less energy, protecting and planting trees, end by recycling, so factories don’t need to
work as hard making things.
Russian: Considerable progress was made during the second half of the 21
century: forests areas have been planted or replanted; millions of new forests are
planted each year.
American: The good news is that many countries are working hard to end acid
rains. Scientists are figuring out ways making burn more clearly.
Ukrainian: Environment protection is a concern of the Ukrainian government. As
a result, the ministry of Environmental Protection was founded in Ukraine. Its tasks
are to control the state of environment and sources of pollution, to protect the water
resources of the country, to extent the network of nature reserves, and to maintain co
operation with international ecological organizations.
American: Humans has become so numerous and our tools so powerful that we
have driver fellow creatures to extinction, damned the great rivers, torn down ancient
forest, poisoned the earth, rain and ribbed holes in the sky.
Russian: Our science has brought pain as well as joy: our comfort is paid for by
the suffering from our mistakes, and now we build new politics of hope. We respect
and uphold the absolute need for clean air, water and soil.
American: Since environment degradation erodes biological capital forever, full
ecological and social cost must enter all equations of development.
English: we are just next generation in the march of time; the future is not ours to
erase. So where knowledge is limited, we’ll remember all those who will live after us
and err on the side of caution.
Russian: all this that we know and believe must now become the foundation of the
way of life. And this turning point of our relationship with the Earth, we work, for an
revolution: from dominance to partnership.
Canadian: The problem of disappearing animals is one of the most important. Our
mission keep our Earth. Animals and nature. We need to save our water. To keep it
clean and healthy so people, plants and animals will always have it to drink. Preserve
lakes, rivers, streams and animals! Let’s keep the Earth green and healthy and full of
millions of wonderful creatures!
Ukrainian: The Campaign for Environmental Protection is supported by public
organizations and individuals. The Ukrainian Green Party is very active today. Zeleny
Svit is the Ukrainian ecological newspaper. I’s like to recite a poem be Lorraine
Food is a treasure from the and sea,
Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees,
The warmth of the Sun giving life and day,
And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth.
I’d like to see you dressed in dressed in green
And blue and want to be by you.
Итог конференции – дискуссии.
Ученики говорят о правилах по защите окружающей среды.
We should:
a) Know what causes air pollution
b) Defend crops form pesticides
c) Throw away less trash
d) Find out how recycle
e) Use special bins and do not throw waste everywhere
f) Pick up litter you see as you are walking
g) Recycle bottles and cans
h) Plant trees and flowers every year
i) Love birds, insect and animals, help them to survive
j) Care about Mother Nature as well as it cares about us.
Care about Nature!
Keep the Environment Clean!
Мы должны:
1) Мы должны знать от чего возникает загрязнение воздуха;
2) Защищать урожай от пестицидов;
3) Уменьшать выброс мусора;
4) Найти способы переработки бумаги;
5) Использовать для мусора специальные контейнеры;
6) Не выбрасывать банки и бумагу на улице;
7) Отдавать на переработку бутылки и консервные банки;
8) Каждый год сажать деревья и цветы, любить птиц, насекомых и животных,
помогать им выжить;
9) Беспокоиться за нашу Мать-Землю так, как она волнуется за нас.
(Участники дают обещание верности Земле и природе)
Карточки с текстом верности Земле «Сохраним нашу планету» ассистент раздает
присутствующим «международной» конференции. Звучит мелодия П. Чайковского
«Времена года».
Never throw or break glass bottles. You damage the land. Take only what you need from
me. You are my parts.
So, your challenge is to restore an ecological balance and to maintain clean and healthy
planet for future generations.
(Участники конференции дают клятву верности Земле).
Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth
I pledge allegiance to the Earth, to its flora and fauna and human that it supports. I know that our
planet indivisible with sage air, water and soil.
Клятва верности Земле.
Я даю клятву верности Земле, флоре и фауне, человеческой жизни, которую она держит
на себе. Я знаю, что наша планета – единое целое с воздухом, водой и землей.