Конспект урока "Eating out" 6 класс

Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе
«Eating out»
Учитель: Золотарь Татьяна Леонидовна
Тема урока:"Eating out"
Учебно-методический комплекс: Английский язык. Ю. А. Комарова, И. В. Ларионова, К.
Макбет. Учебник для 6 класса. Москва, "Русское слово", 2016 г.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, экран, УМК Английский язык. Ю. А. Комарова,
И. В. Ларионова, К. Макбет
Цели и задачи урока
Основная практическая цель урока:
Научить учащихся моделировать речевую ситуацию и вести диалоги этикетного
характера, создать условия для проявления индивидуальности и познавательной
активности учащихся, уделяя внимание интонационным моделям и выражениям;
развитие социокультурной компетенции
Образовательная цель урока:
использование английского языка для повышения общей культуры, в частности,
для расширения кругозора о том, как заказывают еду в кафе, ресторанах.
Результат: приобретение учащимися страноведческих и лингвострановедческих
Воспитательная цель:
формирование уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к народу и
традициям изучаемого языка; системы моральных ценностей; понимания важности
изучения английского языка; воспитывать умение общаться с одноклассниками;
развивать умение отстаивать свою точку зрения
Развивающая цель:
развитие психических функций учащихся (памяти, мышления, внимания,
воображения), эмоциональной сферы, а также с формированием навыков и умений
межличностного общения.
развивать механизм языковой догадки; развивать способности вступать в
иноязычное общение; развивать способности логичного изложения мыслей.
Воспитательные, развивающие и образовательные цели достигаются через
практическую цель.
Задачи, за счет решения которых обеспечивается достижение основной
практической цели:
перенос лексико-грамматического материала модуля в ситуации речевого общения
(кафе, уметь сделать заказ);
активизация лексики предыдущих уроков по теме «Food and drink», «Ordering
активизация грамматического материала: Countable/Uncountable nouns,
употребление неопределенных местоимений some/any, местоимений и конструкции
How much;
совершенствование навыков диалогической речи на основе прослушанного и
прочитанного(домашнее задание к данному уроку);
Ожидаемый учебный результат
Данный урок обеспечивает формирование личностных, метапредметных и предметных
Планируемыми личностными результатами являются:
формирование умений речевого этикета в новых социальных ролях: роли
посетителя кафе и роли кассира (официанта);
формирование осознанного, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к
другому человеку, его мнению, мировоззрению, культуре; готовности и
способности вести диалог с другими людьми и достигать в нем взаимопонимания;
освоение социальных норм, правил поведения, толерантное отношение к
проявлениям другой культуры;
формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со
сверстниками и взрослыми, в межкультурной и межэтнической коммуникации.
Планируемыми метапредметными результатами являются:
формирование навыков работы в парах и малых группах;
освоение универсальных учебных действий (УУД).
o овладение основами принятия решений и осуществления осознанного
выбора в учебной деятельности, владение основами рефлексии;
o развитие умения взаимодействовать с окружающими учебной ситуации,
например, в кафе Tonys);
o умение устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логическое
рассуждение, умозаключение и выводы;
o развитие коммуникативных способностей;
o развитие умений чтения, развитие умения выбирать необходимую
информацию (поисковое чтение), расширение общего лингвистического
умение организовывать сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и
со сверстниками, распределять функции и роли участников (посетитель кафе
быстрого питания/официант, кассир), взаимодействовать и находить общие
способы работы, умение работать в группе, находить общее решение, слушать
умение адекватно и осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с
задачей коммуникации, умение планировать свое речевое поведение;
развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с
окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли (посетитель кафе быстрого
питания, кассир/официант);
осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля.
Планируемыми предметными результатами являются:
в коммуникативной сфере -
в говорении:
o начинать, вести, поддерживать и заканчивать диалоги при заказе еды в
ресторане быстрого питания, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета, при
необходимости переспрашивая, уточняя, расспрашивать собеседника и отвечать
на предложения в пределах изученной тематики («Еда, напитки») и усвоенного
лексико-грамматического материала (Countable/Uncountable nouns,
some/any/much/many/ How much);
в аудировании:
o воспринимать на слух и полностью понимать речь учителя, одноклассников;
в чтении:
o читать аутентичные тексты, меню, диалоги этикетного характера с полным и
точным пониманием основного содержания, уметь оценивать полученную
информацию, выражать свое мнение;
в письме:
o формирование орфографических навыков на основе изученных слов.
o Языковая компетенция:
o Формирование произносительных навыков на основе работы с изучением
лексики по теме «Еда, напитки».
o Расширение словарного запаса по теме «Еда, напитки».
o Соблюдение ритмико-интонационных особенностей ведения диалога
этикетного характера, правильное членение предложений на смысловые
o Распознавание и употребление в речи реплик-клише речевого этикета
Ход урока. Stages of the lesson.
1.Эмоциональное вхождение в урок. Lead-in (engage attention and create a context)
Речь учителя:
Good morning, boys and girls,
I am glad to see you. Today is the 10-th of Маrch, 2017. Today we have an unusual lesson
because at our lesson we have many guests. My colleagues are here too. I hope that everybody
who is present at our lesson won’t be strict towards us. We promise you to do all our best.
2.Постановка целей и задач урока:
1. Today we continue learning the topic «Food».
2. Repeat some words on the topic.
3. We'll use some expressions in your own dialogues.
3. Повторение
Revise words: and now look at the screen, please (презентация №1)
Речевая зарядка:
- Now, remember the words according to our topic.
Read and complete the poem. The words are given below (презентация Jam , cheese, cake,
honey, Cola, bread, cream)
Hi, my name is Sam, I like eating ...( Jam)
My name is Louise, I like to eat...( cheese)
My big brother Fake is fond of...( cake)
And my sister Bunny eats too much...( honey)
This girl is Lola. She likes drinking ...( Cola)
And this boy is Fred. He likes eating ...( bread)
But do you want to know the food that is a dream?
It’s chocolate cake, with lots of good…( cream)
-So I want you to answer my questions(фронтальный опрос) (презентация
1. What do you like to
eat for breakfast?
2. Do you prefer to eat
out or eat at home?
3. Do you like to eat
4. Do you have a cup of
tea or coffee for lunch?
5. What is your favorite
6. What is your favorite drink?
7. What fruit do you like?
9. Do you eat fast food?
4. Работа с текстом (чтение)
Read the text and try to answer the questions.
Let's read the following text
1 . Reading. Чтение
The Vegetable Garden is a brand new vegetarian restaurant, in New York, in the heart of the
city. My friend and I went to dinner there last night. We both thought it was very attractive. We
began with an appetizer of roasted and baked vegetables, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Next, the waiter brought out ingredients for a large green salad, and he made the salad in front of
us. We ate the salad along with big bowls of hot chili. The waiter forgot the bread, but he soon
came out of the kitchen with not one, but two delicious kinds of bread: one was an olive bread
and the other was a cheese bread. For dessert, I had a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, grapes
and bananas, and my friend chose carrot cake with caramel sauce. All in all, we got excellent
value for our money. The meals cost $17 each. I recommend The Vegetable Garden to people
who love fresh food.
2. Проверка понимания прочитанного текста(презентация №3).
Look at the questions and try to give the right answers
1. The name of the restaurant is...
о last week
о The Green Vegetables
о this morning
о The Vegetable Garden
5. How many people went to dinner?
о The Heart of the City
о three
о The Fruit Salad
о two
2. What kind of restaurant is this?
о one
о Italian
о four
о Spanish
6. What did the reviewer have for dessert?
о Mexican
о chilli
о Vegetarian
о carrot cake
3. Where is the restaurant?
о caramel sauce
о in the city
о fruit salad
о in Mexico
7. How much did the meals cost?
о in San Francisco
о $ 16 each
о in the country
о $ 7 each
4. When did the reviewer go the restaurant?
о $ 17 each
о last night
о $ 70 each
о two days ago
Do you want to visit this restaurant? Why?
5. Listening. Аудирование
- Let's listen to the dialogue "Ordering food"( St. book-p. 81) and refresh your knowledge
of it. Pay attention to the pronunciation of money and prices once again (презентация
-Now I'm going
to give you cards
with the
expressions from
this dialogue,
your task is to
write down the
translation and
try to estimate
each other. The
criteria you can
see on the board.
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Критерии оценивания:(презентация)
6 - 5 expressions an excellent mark "5"
4 - expressions-a good mark "4"
3 expressions-a satisfactory mark "3"
2 expressions and less- a bad mark "2"
6. Speaking. Говорение
Imagine that you are at the cafe, for example, Tony’s. Please, look at the screen. It’ a
menu. You are customers who would like to order food. Now you should make up a
dialogue using speech-patterns and list of menu below. Role-play your own dialogues.
7. Reflection. Рефлексия. Итог урока
Т: In the cafe visitors usually give a tip. Now everyone can leave a tip for me. But today a tip
isn't money, these are smiles you have on your tables. Choose a smile. (Т: Now we can see the
result of our lesson. We have so many smiles, that's why I can say we have spent our time
usefully. Thank you for your work.
1.Now, boys and girls, what we studied on this lesson?
2. Take this tables and write on them:
a) What did you like on this lesson?
b) What didn`t like on this lesson?
c) What might be done better?
d) How do you feel yourself today?
And now your marks...
OK, the lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good-bye.
Зам. директора по УВР МБУ имназия №39" _____________________Н.И. Леванова
The Vegetable Garden is a brand new vegetarian restaurant, in New York, in the heart of the
city. My friend and I went to dinner there last night. We both thought it was very attractive. We
began with an appetizer of roasted and baked vegetables, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Next, the waiter brought out ingredients for a large green salad, and he made the salad in front of
us. We ate the salad along with big bowls of hot chili. The waiter forgot the bread, but he soon
came out of the kitchen with not one, but two delicious kinds of bread: one was an olive bread
and the other was a cheese bread. For dessert, I had a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, grapes
and bananas, and my friend chose carrot cake with caramel sauce. All in all, we got excellent
value for our money. The meals cost $17 each. I recommend The Vegetable Garden to people
who love fresh food.
The Vegetable Garden is a brand new vegetarian restaurant, in New York, in the heart of the
city. My friend and I went to dinner there last night. We both thought it was very attractive. We
began with an appetizer of roasted and baked vegetables, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Next, the waiter brought out ingredients for a large green salad, and he made the salad in front of
us. We ate the salad along with big bowls of hot chili. The waiter forgot the bread, but he soon
came out of the kitchen with not one, but two delicious kinds of bread: one was an olive bread
and the other was a cheese bread. For dessert, I had a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, grapes
and bananas, and my friend chose carrot cake with caramel sauce. All in all, we got excellent
value for our money. The meals cost $17 each. I recommend The Vegetable Garden to people
who love fresh food.
The Vegetable Garden is a brand new vegetarian restaurant, in New York, in the heart of the
city. My friend and I went to dinner there last night. We both thought it was very attractive. We
began with an appetizer of roasted and baked vegetables, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Next, the waiter brought out ingredients for a large green salad, and he made the salad in front of
us. We ate the salad along with big bowls of hot chili. The waiter forgot the bread, but he soon
came out of the kitchen with not one, but two delicious kinds of bread: one was an olive bread
and the other was a cheese bread. For dessert, I had a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, grapes
and bananas, and my friend chose carrot cake with caramel sauce. All in all, we got excellent
value for our money. The meals cost $17 each. I recommend The Vegetable Garden to people
who love fresh food.
The Vegetable Garden is a brand new vegetarian restaurant, in New York, in the heart of the
city. My friend and I went to dinner there last night. We both thought it was very attractive. We
began with an appetizer of roasted and baked vegetables, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Next, the waiter brought out ingredients for a large green salad, and he made the salad in front of
us. We ate the salad along with big bowls of hot chili. The waiter forgot the bread, but he soon
came out of the kitchen with not one, but two delicious kinds of bread: one was an olive bread
and the other was a cheese bread. For dessert, I had a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, grapes
and bananas, and my friend chose carrot cake with caramel sauce. All in all, we got excellent
value for our money. The meals cost $17 each. I recommend The Vegetable Garden to people
who love fresh food.
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have
a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some...,
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation
Name ___________
-Can I have a\an\some..., please
- I'd like a\an\some..., please.
-How much is a...?
-Anything else?
-Anything to drink?
-Enjoy your meal!
The translation