Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа №70 г. Липецка
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 4
учителя: Ермишиной Е.А.
г. Липецк-2017
Variant I
I. Базовый уровень.
1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.
1. There _____a big grey carpet on my floor.
2. There _____three windows in our living room.
3. There _____a lot of books on the shelf.
4. There _____a nice armchair in Jane’s house.
5. There _____no chairs in my bedroom.
2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.
1. The new road is___________ than the old road.
a) wide b) wider c) the widest
2. The red dress is __________ than the green dress.
a) nice b) nicer c) the nicest
3. Mag’s scarf is the __________.
a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful
4. I like mountains ___________ than fields.
a) much b) more c) the most
5. The farm is ___________ than the city.
a) clean b) cleaner c) the cleanest
3. Напиши одним словом.
1. We go there to watch a film or cartoons.___________
2. A man who likes to go to the theatre._____________
3. A room where we cook.__________
4. A journey by sea.__________
5. a wife of a king.____________
4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.
1. My brother repairs/will repair/repaired my bike yesterday.
2. My little sister usually plays/will play/played puzzles in the evening.
3. Mag does/will do/did the washing up half an hour ago.
4. The Greens live/lived/have lived here since 2002.
5. His grandma doesn’t/won’t/didn’t go to the country tomorrow.
6. Alex doesn’t/won’t/didn’t water the flowers yesterday.
7. I watch/watched/am watching TV now.
8. Tom is doing/does/do his homework at the moment.
II. Средний уровень
1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.
Santa Claus was very busy in December. He __________ (get up) early. He
___________ (wash) his face and hands with snow. At 7 am Santa __________
(have) an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast. Then he __________
(give) bread to his deer Rudolph. Santa __________ (take) snow and cold weather
and __________ (sit) in the sleigh. He __________ (fly) to different countries. He
__________ (visit) forests and fields, rivers and mountains.
2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
Emma is English. She is ten years old. “I have my lessons in a big
classroom. It’s light and comfortable with lots of flowers. There are beautiful
pictures and posters on the walls. There is a computer and we often go on the
Internet to get some information. There are twenty children in my class. My
favourite subject is Art because I’m good at drawing and the teacher is really
Marc is eight years old and he is from Holland. His home is on the boat. He
and his family are always in different places. When they come to a nice port, they
stop. Sometimes they stay for a week and sometimes for a month. When they stay
for a long time Marс goes to school there. “My school is usually on the boat. I have
lessons on the Internet. It’s fun. Some days there is no school at all.”
1) How old is Emma? ____________________________________
2) What subject does Emma like? ___________________________
3) Where is Marc from? ___________________________________
4) Where is Marc’s home? _________________________________
5) Where does Marc have lessons? ___________________________
III. Повышенный уровень
Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.
Dear friend,
My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday
is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or
I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 1a.
There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly.
Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and
Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite
I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about
I hope to hear from you soon.
Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.
Dear _________
It was great to get your letter.
My name is ______________________________
I live in ______________________________________________________
I am _________________________________________________________
I live with ____________________________________________________
I _____________________________________________friends in my class.
My favourite school subject is ____________________________________
In my free time ________________________________________________
I can ________________________________________________________
Ключи к I варианту
I. Базовый уровень.
1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.
1. is
2. are
3. are
4. is
5. are
2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. b
3. Напиши одним словом.
1. cinema
2. theatregoer
3. kitchen
4. voyage
5. queen
4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.
1. repaired
2. plays
3. did
4. have lived
5. won’t
6. didn’t
7. am watching
8. is doing
II. Средний уровень
1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.
1. got up
2. washed
3. had
4. gave
5. took
6. sat
7. flew
8. visited
2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
1. Emma is ten years old.
2. Emma likes Art.
3. Marc is from Holland.
4. His home is on the boat.
5. He has lessons on the Internet.
Variant II
I. Базовый уровень.
1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.
1. There _____a nice garden behind the house.
2. There _____ a lot of big apple trees in the garden.
3. There _____ no clocks in the living room.
4. There _____ a sofa in the hall.
5. There _____ beautiful flowers on the table.
2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.
1. John is __________ than his brother.
a) tall b) taller c) the tallest
2. February is the __________month.
a) short b) shorter c) shortest
3. Moscow is one of the __________cities in the world.
a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful
4. I like ice cream __________ than cakes.
a) much b) more c) the most
5. In the city streets are __________ than in the country.
a) wide b) wider c) the widest
3. Напиши одним словом.
1. We go there to watch a film or cartoons.___________
2. A man who likes to go to the cinema._____________
3. A room where we sleep.__________
4. A journey by sea.__________
5. a husband of a queen.____________
4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.
1. The pupils go/went/will go to school every day.
2. Jim gets up/got up/will get up at 6 am yesterday.
3. My brother is /was/will be at home yesterday evening.
4. She cleans/cleaned/will clean the room tomorrow.
5. Jill makes/made/will make her bed every morning.
6. Sara is cooking/cooks/will cook now.
7. I live/lived/have lived here since 2002.
8. Mum reads/read/is reading at the moment.
II. Средний уровень
1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.
Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother and two sisters in the country.
She __________ (get) up at 5 am and __________ (clean) the rooms. Then she
__________ (feed) the animals and __________ (water) the flowers. At 8 o’clock
she __________ (go) to the kitchen and __________ (cook) breakfast for her
stepmother and sisters. At half past ten she __________ (lay) the table. After
breakfast she __________ (make) her sisters’ beds and did the washing up.
2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
It was a beautiful morning on Friday. Fred watched his favourite cartoon on
TV. Then he had breakfast with his brother David. After breakfast he said,
“Goodbye”, to his family and rode his bike to school. He put his bike next to the
wall. He always put his bike there with all his friends’ bikes.
Fred went into his classroom and put his books on the desk. The room was
very quite because no children were there. The teacher was not there too. That was
strange. What happened to his classmates? He sat down at his desk and took his
pen from his bag. Then he looked around and saw some people outside the
Fred saw his teacher with a guitar and all his friends. In front of them there
were two clowns. The first clown threw a tomato at the second clown. It went into
his mouth. All the children laughed. Fred stood up quickly. “Oh yes!” he said, “It’s
our last school day today. It’s the school party!” He ran outside and sat with his
1) What did Fred do before breakfast? ___________________________
2) How did he go to school? ___________________________________
3) Where were his friends and the teacher? ________________________
4) How many clowns were there? _______________________________
5) Why did they have a party? __________________________________
III. Повышенный уровень
Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.
Dear friend,
My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday
is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or
I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 1a.
There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly.
Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and
Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite
I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about
I hope to hear from you soon.
Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.
Dear _________
It was great to get your letter.
My name is ______________________________
I live in ______________________________________________________
I am _________________________________________________________
I live with ____________________________________________________
I _____________________________________________friends in my class.
My favourite school subject is ____________________________________
In my free time ________________________________________________
I can ________________________________________________________
Ключи к II варианту
I. Базовый уровень.
1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.
1. is
2. are
3. are
4. is
5. are
2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. b
3. Напиши одним словом.
1. cinema
2. cinemagoer
3. bedroom
4. voyage
5. king
4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.
1. go
2. got up
3. was
4. will clean
5. makes
6. is cooking
7. have lived
8. is reading
II. Средний уровень
1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.
1. got
2. cleaned
3. fed
4. watered
5. went
6. cooked
7. laid
8. made
2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
1.Fred watched his favourite cartoon on TV.
2. He rode his bike to school.
3. They were outside.
4. There were two clowns.
5. It was there last school day.
Список литературы:
1. "Enjoy English": М. З. Биболетова, 4 класс
2. Учебник Английский язык 4 класс И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева