Контрольная работа "Some, any there is, are, was, were" 4 класс

Test. Unit 6. I - v.
А. Напишите вторую форму глагола
1. water …………
2. work …………
3. dance …………
4. cry …………
5. say …………
6. see …………
7. go …………
8. have …………
9. fly …………
10. invite …………
B. Напишите, что произошло
We go to school.
We went to school.
11. They see him every day.
……………… him yesterday.
12. He goes to the zoo
……………… to the zoo yesterday.
13. They have five lessons every day.
……………… five lessons yesterday.
14. They fly.
15. They say goodbye.
……………… goodbye.
C. Задайте общиe вопросы.
She played basketball.
Did she play basketball?
16. He cleaned the room yesterday.
17. She washed her bike yesterday.
18. They skated yesterday.
19. She helped her mother yesterday.
20. They watched TV yesterday.
D. Напишите правильный ответ.
21. Two weeks ago he ……… (is, was, were) in Moscow.
22. He ……… (catch, catches, caught) the fish yesterday.
23. She usually ……… (come, comes, came) home at 2 o clock.
24. ……… (He was, Was he) in Africa? – No, he wasn’t.
25. Two days ago it ……… (is, was, were) sunny.
E. Напишите, что произошло в прошлом.
Clean talk collect finish watch play
He collected stamps.
26. They ……… basketball.
27. I ……… to my friend.
28. My brother ……… his room.
29. My parents ……… TV.
30. She ……… her work.
F. Вставьте there is, there are, there was или there were.
31. ……… a cake in the lunch box. You can eat it.
32. ……… a cake in the lunch box. Where is it now?
33. ……… ten chairs in the classroom yesterday, and now ……… eight chairs.
34. ……… two bananas in my bag. Who knows where they are now?
35. ……… a nice little bird in the box. Look at it!
G. Допишите предложения, используя some или any.
36. I’ve got ……… questions. And you? Have you got ……… questions?
37. Can you make ……… cakes? – I’m sorry. There isn’t ……… butter.
38. We’ve got ……… sugar, but we haven’t got ……… jam.
39. She’s got ……… nice little dolls, have you got ………?
40. I haven’t got ……… milk. Please buy ……… .
H. Переведите предложения.
41. В портфеле нет карандашей.
42. В бутылке нет воды.
43. В комнате нет дивана.
44. Она живет в Омске.
45. Она жила в Омске.
Test. Unit 6. II - v.
А. Напишите вторую форму глагола
1. ask …………
2. live …………
3. smile …………
4. try …………
5. do …………
6. take …………
7. sit …………
8. fall …………
9. give …………
10. study …………
B. Напишите, что произошло
We go to school.
We went to school.
11. They do their homework after lunch.
……………… their homework after lunch.
12. He sits down.
……………… down.
13. She gives books to me.
……………… books to me.
14. He takes sandwiches.
……………… sandwiches.
15. It falls down.
……………… down.
C. Задайте общиe вопросы.
She played basketball.
Did she play basketball?
16. She skated there.
17. They worked in this pet shop.
18. They played hockey.
19. They wanted the work.
20. He cleaned his room.
D. Напишите правильный ответ.
21. Last summer we ……… (go, goes, went) to Moscow.
22. They usually ……… (go, goes, went) to the park in the afternoon.
23. Now she always ……… (go, goes, went) shopping on Saturdays.
24. He is a good boy. He often ……… (help, helps, helped) his friends.
25. Yesterday he ……… (help, helps, helped) his friends.
E. Напишите, что произошло в прошлом.
Answer invite water study work try
He worked in the bank.
26. She ……… the flowers.
27. I ……… Russian.
28. My brother ……… to help me.
29. My parents ……… their friends.
30. She ……… the questions.
F. Вставьте there is, there are, there was или there were.
31. ……… a cake in the lunch box. You can eat it.
32. ……… a cake in the lunch box. Where is it now?
33. ……… ten chairs in the classroom yesterday, and now ……… eight chairs.
34. ……… two bananas in my bag. Who knows where they are now?
35. ……… a nice little bird in the box. Look at it!
G. Допишите предложения, используя some или any.
36. Peter hasn’t got ……… pencils, but I’ve got ……… .
37. I have got ……… English stamps. Have you got ……… ?
38. I’d like ……… sandwiches. Have we got ……… cheese?
39. We haven’t got ……… bread, we must buy ……… brown bread.
40. I’d like ……… juice, have you got ……… ?
H. Переведите предложения.
41. В бутылке нет молока.
42. В саду нет роз.
43. В книге нет картинок.
44. Он доктор.
45. Он был доктором.