Конспект урока "Protection of the Nature" 10 класс

Урок английского языка по теме
"Protection of the Nature" в 10 классе.
Преподаватель: Мазыкина Ирина Павловна
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизация знаний
Вид урока: проблемная дискуссия
Форма урока: ролевая игра (круглый стол)
Цель урока: 1.обучающая - проведение проблемной дискуссии;
2. развивающая - уметь применять полученные знания на практике в
нестандартной ситуации;
3. воспитывающая - научить школьников бережно относиться к
окружающей среде.
Задачи урока:
1. установить уровень овладения учащимися знаний по теме «Защита природы»;
2. проверка и оценка ЗУН по всему материалу, тренироваться в монологической
речи, умение задавать вопросы дискуссионного характера, отвечать
Дидактические задачи:
- установить уровень овладения учащимся знаний по теме.
- проверка и оценка ЗУН по всему материалу.
Специфика урока:
- учитель заранее обозначает вопросы,
- заранее указывает проблемы для повторения,
- указывает источники азетные статьи, ТВ программы, лозунги и
- заранее даются задания (для групп, индивидуальные)
- проводятся консультации.
Организация учебной деятельности: дифференцированная групповая работа.
Тип самостоятельной работы: эвристическая (перенос знаний в нестандартной
Вид самостоятельной работы: анализ, обоснование выводов.
Оборудование: - интерактивная доска
- лозунги, плакаты
- книги, журналы о природе
- учебники по экологии.
Урок проводится в форме ролевой игры. Ученики заранее продумывают свои
роли, тренируются в ответах на всевозможные вопросы, готовят наглядный
Например: журналисты определяют, представителями какой газеты, журнала,
ТВ они являются (пресс-группы), заранее составляют вопросы. Перед участниками
ставится речевая задача, которая обуславливает речевое поведение школьников.
Ведущий называет тему, цель проведения круглого стола (пресс-конференции):
выявить наиболее злободневные проблемы для их скорейшего разрешения
- сообщает, кем она организованна;
- представляет участников конференции;
- направляет ход беседы;
- комментируем высказывания;
- благодарит, что создает естественную обстановку.
В ходе урока ученики тренируются в монологической речи, умение задавать
проблемные вопросы дискуссионного характера, отвечать аргументировано.
В заключении происходит обобщение проблемных вопросов, составляется их
список, выносятся пути решения.
Ход урока:
Вступительное слово учителя:
My dear friends, today we have our lesson on the topic "Protection of the Nature". We
shall discuss many important problem connected with our topic. With the help of the film
you will exchange your opinions about this global problem, how to protect our Earth, how to
prevent further pollution of the atmosphere, what urgent and necessary measures to
undertake. We'll discuss the problems at the round table. You will be the journalists of
different newspapers and magazines, ecologists and the member of US environmental
agencies "The Earth is Our Home". Let's choose the press secretary. And now watch the film
about ecology, please.
(После фильма, продолжительность которого две минуты, двое учеников читают
стихотворение по очереди, по две строчки каждый)
What Have They Done to the World?
What have they done to the seas, my friend?
What have they done to the seas?
What have they done to the rivers, my friends?
What have they done to the trees?
What have they done to our land, my friend?
This land which is ours from our birth.
What have they done to our forests, my friend?
What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to the skies, my friend?
Skies that is blue and so clear.
What have they done to the skies, my friend?
What have they done to the air?
Press secretary: Friends, just now you saw a film about the environment situation in the
world. As this problem is global, I want you to discuss it. Please, be active in the discussion.
Who wants to be the first?
Pupil: I want to be the first. The film and the words of the poem impressed me greatly. I
am upset because just now we saw many polluted parts of our country. Now we know that
railways are also one of the sources of pollution. We know that the noise is a special kind of
environmental pollution. Every day I hear the noise of passing trains and cars.
Pupil: I agree with you. We breathe the air polluted by the waste of the transport. It's
very dangerous for the health of people, especially for those whose houses are near the road.
This problem is global, so let's speak out and discuss it. Friends, I am interested in the
question of why environmental problems have become very acute in our country.
Press secretary: Who would like to discuss it?
Pupil: I want to say a few words. For a long time too little attention was paid to the
environment. Today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried
about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need for
more energy. Newspapers and magazines write about water pollution, air pollution and soil
Pupil: I'd like to go on. People have been polluting the world around them for thousands
and thousands of years. But in the past, there were not many people and lots of places in the
world, so they could move to another place when their settlements became dirty. Now many
parts of the world are overcrowded, people live in big cities and match of the waste,
especially waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy
industry is very dangerous.
Pupil: I want to add. Fish dies in the lakes, river and seas, forest trees die too. Much of
this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by winds for great distances.
Pupil: I would like to add something. The ecological situation has become very bad. In
towns and cities there are many sources of environment pollution. Because of economic
difficulties the Ministry stinted on measures to protect the environment from industrial
pollution, as a result half of the water sources are polluted with communal and industrial
Press secretary: What other problem would you like to be discussed?
Pupil: I think, people of the whole world must take urgent measures to protect the
environment from further pollution of soil, water, air. Your opinion, please!
Pupil: The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is
pointed out by the ecologists, scientists who study the relations between living things and
their environment. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water
clean. Of course people undertake some measures to protect the environment, but this
activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.
Press secretary: One problem for the discussion, please.
Pupil: In many towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air is
over 10 times the admissible level. Do you know why?
Pupil: In many towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air is
over ten times the admissible level because with the development of civilization man's
interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial
enterprises appear au over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air
we breathe.
Pupil: I fully agree with you. Environmental problems are vary acute in densely
populated regions.
Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust
and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in
fires. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of
animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
Pupil: I want to add some more facts. The railway transport is also the source of
pollution. One locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into air as 40 or 50 cars.
Press secretary: Dear friends, please suggest one more problem.
Pupil: The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power station is beginning
to assume paramount importance. Can you explain why?
Pupil: The ecological situation has become acute. It is because 01 nuclear and
hydroelectric power stations which are very dangerous. People's careless interaction with it
caused environmental disasters. The most horrible disaster which happened in April 1986
befell Belarus and Ukraine and their people. As a result or the Chernobyl tragedy about 18%
of the territory of the Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances. Great
damage has been done to the republics' agriculture, forests and people's health.
Pupil: Well, you are right. The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power
engineering is of great importance, because when people build and exploit hydroelectric
power stations they change the structure of the soil and water.
Press secretary: What other problem would you like to discuss?
Pupil: Why have people become more environment-conscious in recent years?
Pupil: In my opinion people become more environment - conscious in recent years
because now nature is in a very dangerous situation. Many parts of the world are
overcrowded. Most of the people live in big cities. They suffer from smog. The waste of the
enterprises is very dangerous. The waste gets into the soil, water, air and of course this
affects the health of people.
Pupil: I consider we must take care of the earth for ourselves and for the next
generations. This means keeping the environment clean. There for Russia is cooperating in
the fields of environmental protection with other countries.
Pupil: I want to add this. The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, lakes and the destruction
of the ozone layer can lead our planet to a global catastrophe, and therefore the people of all
countries must do everything to save the Earth.
Press secretary: Please, suggest a problem for discussion.
Pupil: I wonder why Russia is cooperating in the question of environmental protection
with other countries.
Pupil: Environmental protection is a universal concern of all people and all countries.
That is why Russia is cooperating in the fields of environmental protection with the United
States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries.
Pupil: I also consider that people must discuss different ecological problems and make
correct conclusions. Only common efforts of all the people of the world will help to stop
further pollution of the earth.
Pupil: I want to add a few words. Russia and the USA are carrying out joint projects to
study and protect the environmental system of the Arctic and Sub arctic regions and also to
study some of the natural processes in the permafrost zone.
Press secretary: Have you any other problems for discussions?
Pupil: Why is it necessary for young people to participate in the environmental
movement to save our Earth from catastrophe? We know about the Chernobyl tragedy, we
know the ecological situation of our planet. We must act immediately to stop the pollution of
the environment, we must keep it clean.
Pupil: To my mind we must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations.
Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. Our Earth is in
a very dangerous situation. There are many places on our planet, which need immediate help
and of course we must do everything possible to save our Earth.
Press secretary: What else do you wish to suggest for the discussion?
Pupil: I know too little about the railway as a source of pollution. Who would like to
help me?
Press secretary: I would. Now railway pollution accounts for 9% of all harmful
substances. Railway transport pollutes the air. Every year railway enterprises throw into the
atmosphere a lot of harmful substances.
Pupil: I'd like to go on. In all countries scientists want to exploit environment - friendly
railway transport. In some regions of the world and of our country people have problems
with local harmful substances. These substances get into the water, so many rives, oceans
and lakes are much polluted. When people build and exploit railway stations they change the
structure of the soil.
Press secretary: I'm of the same opinion. People pollute the soil with industrial and
communal waste. The pollution of the air and the soil can lead our planet to a global
catastrophe. So people of the whole world must take urgent measures to keep the environment
Press secretary: Thank you for the interesting discussion. You know there are the
members of US environmental protection agencies "The Earth is Our Home" here. You can
ask them different questions about pollutions solutions in the USA.
P-journalist: Worldwide, the stinky problem of pollution has grown. More and more
factories, cars and tracks add their bad breath to the air. How do you try to solve this
Member: The battle against air pollution is also growing. Many US cities still have
dirty air. So most stales are making tougher laws against air pollution. And scientists are
looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner.
P-journalist: You know, chemicals called sulphates puff out of coal-burning factories
around the world. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers
and plants - and the creatures that heed them. Also, the wind blows the air around. So,
sulphates from one place can fall as acid rain many miles away. What do you do in this
Member: The good news is that many countries are working hard to end acid rain.
Scientists are figuring out ways to make coal burn more cleanly. And in many parts of North
America, the amount of sulphates in the air has dropped. So less acid rain is falling!
P-ecologist: Thank you! Nearly half of the lakes in North America are polluted. Often,
companies dump chemical wastes into water. Is there any good news?
Member: Yes, scientists are finding a solution to this problem, too. Some rivers have
been made much cleaner. And there are big plans to clean up the great lakes, the Chesapeake
Bay, the Mississippi River, and other bodies of water.
P-ecologist: Well, how farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against
pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up
in our food. Pesticides can cause health problems-especially for
Member: But here's the good news: the US government in helping farmers find ways to
protect crops walkout using many pesticides.
P-journalist: When we burn coal and for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little,
we're getting more energy from the sun and the wind.
Member: Yes, this energy is clean and renewable. Energy from the sun now helps heat
and light more than 100000 homes in the United States. More good news: many electric
companies have discovered that saving energy is better than making more energy. So they can
send experts to homes in the US to look for energy "leaks" - places where energy is being
P-journalist: Cars are world's biggest air polluters. What ways of solution of this
problem can you offer?
Member: Scientists are trying to invent cars that pollute less. Farmers in Illinois are
trying a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans. And there are minivans-electric being used
in at least six US cities.
P-ecologist: In 1993, each person in the US cities away about 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of trash
daily. Put it all together and you'd fill 45000 trash trucks every day. About 1/3 of this waste
comes from packaging.
Member: But here's a bit of good news. Some companies have begun to use less
packaging. And a lot of US cities have started recycling projects. In these ways we've begun
making less trash. Everyone should look at what they throw away and try to throw away less.
Press-secretary: Dear friends, you are future engineers, scientists, teachers and
ecologists. You will continue addressing the environmental problems which concern
everyone. The positive results depend on serious attention of the people of the whole world to
this problem. You will work out new projects, new slogans. You will be active members of
the movement for the protection of the environment from further pollution. What slogans
will you put forward to make people be more environment -conscious and more active in the
movement for the purity of the ecology? Your homework was to find or think of slogans.
Please, who will begin? (учащиеся по очереди показывают лозунги, произносят их и
- Protect the environment from industrial pollution.
- Stop the danger of environmental disaster.
- Keep the land, air and water clean.
–Let’s make the world a better place.
-Put better away.
-All woods are home to animals. So, behave as guests.
-Take part in environmental activity.
-Help nature. Protect it.
-Don't pollute the Earth.
Teacher: After the discussion I want you to sing the song which sounds as a call to the
peoples of the world to save the Earth. Please, sing a song. (Учащиеся хором поют песню
«Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song») http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbnRANz4nT0
Press- secretary: So, dear friends, our world may be covered with dirt and gasping for
air. But many kids are rooting for it, too. By the time these kids have grown up, the world may
be its clean old self again!
Thank you for the discussion. Dear friends, you know how dangerous the ecological
situation of our Earth is. What do people do and what must they do to protect nature from
further pollution, to keep the earth clean, to keep people healthy? Who would like to begin?
(Учащиеся друг за другом высказываются о мерах, которые принимаются или должны
быть приняты).
Measures to protect the environment.
a) People must actively cooperate in solving ecological problems
b) A global strategy of nature protection must be worked out by large international
c) To introduce the new subject «Ecology» and special environmental education in
d) To do researchers work at the problem of harmful substances.
e) To build purifying systems to avoid the pollution of water and air.
f) Some ecologically harmful plants must be removed from the city.
g) Green zones must be created.
h) Pollution control systems must be introduced.
i) Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used.
j) Noise must be reduced.
k) Clean air programmer must be worked out for cities.
1) Smoke control orders must be introduced into various parts of the city.
m) To trap harmful substances released into air with smoke and to purify them by
special filters.
Teacher: Dear friends, thank you for your discussion. Please, write down your home
task. I want you to write reports entitled «Environmental problems of our regions».
(Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание)