План-конспект урока "Daysout" 5 класс

План-конспект урока по теме Daysout
Класс: 5
Цель: развить навыки понимания прочитанного, совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения
образовательные:создать условия для отработки навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
развивающие:создать условия для развития коммуникативной культуры учащихся, умения вести диалог, умения обобщать
воспитательные: создание условий для формирования культуры общения, умения работать в коллективе.
Вид занятия: комбинированный урок.
Оснащение урока:на доске картинки с лексикой по теме,раздаточный материал, учебник 5 класса, аудиозапись для физкультминутки, карточки для
Ход урока
Задача этапа
Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
Good morning, my dear pupils! Pleased to see you again. Take your seats.
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What’s the weather like today?
Who is absent today?
Проверка домашнего
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания
Now,Let’s check your homework. Each of you will have a table with the irregular
verbs. This table has 3 columns the first form of the verb, the second form and
the translation. Fill in the missing words
Exchange your sheets of paper and check it.
Answer my questions please.
Did you go to school last Sunday?
Did you play on the slides on Saturday?
Did you go to the country on you days out?
Did you swim last Sunday?
According to my question try to understand our topic today.
Основной этап
Cсовершенствование грамматических навыков по теме
And now it’s high time to work with Past Simple. Please,go to the blackboard and
stand in a line. You have a sheet of paper with one word or word combination
from the sentence. You task is to make the sentence.
1) On Sunday/ the seesaw/ my cousin/ and/ played/ on/ on the swings/
2) On/ did/ you/ who/ for a picnic/ with/ go/ your day out?
3) She/ her mum/ didn’t/ tennis/ helped/ my sister/ play/ yesterday/
Very good. Take your seats. I’ve got a letter from my friend, But it was rain and
my letter is wet now. Take your letters and Help me to read it. Boys, you have got
the first part of the sentence and girls you have got the second part. Complete
sentences. Ask each other to know the information.
Last Saturday she went to the country _____(who?). She picked mushrooms
_____(when?)________, played on the slides in the afternoon and watched TV in
the evening. On Sunday she went for a walk with ____(who?)______.
____(when?)______ she went to the country with her mum and her dad. She
picked mushrooms in the morning, played on the slides in the afternoon and
watched TV in the evening. On Sunday she _____(what?)___ with her friends.
You are so clever. Thank you.
Now stand up please. If you hear the word “ head” touch your head, if you hear
the word “ shoulders” touch your shoulders, if you hear the word “ knees” touch
your knees
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Основной этап
Усовершенствование навыков самостоятельного чтения,
диалогической и монологической речи
Children, doyouwanttogotothe zoo, aqua park, science museum or coaster? Open
your books at page 59 and read the text about your place.
Now you should make dialogs. You should use ?words WHERE? WHEN?
Children, Lets listen to your dialogs. Ok, you told the dialogs to each other. Do
you want to tell the text to me? One person from your pair starts, the second
It was very interesting/Thanks.
Tell me, what did you do at our lesson today? What new words did youlearn
Домашнее задание
Повторение пройденного материала дома
Подготовить проект на тему “My day out
подведение итогов
урока, оценивание
учебной деятельности
созданиеусловийдляоценочнойдеятельности учащихся,
формирование у них способности к самоанализу.
Дорисовать смайлик. Если ребенок хорошо усвоил лексику, грамматику и
ему удалось говорение, то он рисует веселый смайлик, если нет, то
In conclusion I want to thank you for the lesson and your cooperation. You know
the material rather well. Your marks are….
The bell has gone. Stand up, please. Good buy till our next lesson.