Конспект урока "Природа и проблемы экологии" 8 класс

Предмет: англ. яз.
Класс: 8
Тема: Природа и проблемы экологии.
- активизировать лексику по теме;
- развивать навыки аудирования;
- воспитать культуру общения на английском языке.
Материал: учебник Enjoy English для 8 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой
Ход урока
I.Начало урока
- Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down.
2.Организационный момент
- Who is on duty today? -What date is it? - What day of the week is it? - Is anybody absent?
3. Проверка домашнего задания
- What was your hometask? Lets check it.
Ex 31, pg 36
Any human being can be creative and make the world better. It's amazing that all people are different. Some
people are attracted by art, others by science. Some spend their time and energy protecting nature.
Unfortunately, we don't often notice how amazing and attractive the wild life is. An inhuman attitude to the
environment doesn't sit with human nature.
4. Сообщение задач урока
- Today we’ll start a new topic. It is also connected with our planet. You will listen much, learn some more new
friends and learn to use the article “the”.
II.Основная часть
1.Развитие навыков аудирования
Ex 1, pg 40
"No dogs here."
a) You are not allowed to take your dog into this
b) You can see a notice like this on a lawn, in a
school, shop or any other place where people
shouldn't take their dog.
"All dogs must be on a lead."
a) You are not allowed to walk your dog unless
it is on a lead because your dog can be
dangerous to others.
b) You can see a notice like this in any place
where you might go with a dog: in the street,
in a park or in a forest.
"Health Warning. This area is not a dog toilet.
It is for recreation and play."
"It is an offence to allow your dog to foul
footpaths. "
a) You are not allowed to let your dog use the
footpath as a toilet.
b) You can see this notice in parks or in gardens
where lots of people come to rest and the
place should be kept clean.
"Feeding animals is strictly prohibited."
"Keep away from the .... "
a ) You shouldn't feed the animals or go nearthem.
b) This notice can be seen at the zoo or at the circus to protect the animals' health and to
protect people from danger.
"Please keep off the grass."
a) You are not allowed to walk on the grass or lie on it.
b) You can see this notice on lawns.
"Save the elephants!
a) This notice means that people should protect the elephants. Their population is getting smaller because
hunters kill elephants for their ivory tusks.
b ) You can see this notice in places where elephants live (Africa or India) or where people care about
"No fishing."
a) You are not allowed to fish at this place.
b) You can see this notice by a river or a lake insome seasons when fish should be protected. "Kindly refrain
from smoking in the hall."
"No smoking."
a) You are not allowed to smoke because it'simpolite and dangerous for people around you.
b) You can see such notices on a plane, in a train, in the theatre, in an office, in a school or in any other public
"Stop using your car"
a) You shouldn't use your car because it causes noise and air pollution.
b) You could see this notice in big cities where people use their personal cars even if they can do without them.
"Protect the forest! Take your garbage home with you!"
a) You shouldn't throwaway your garbage in the forest, woods or park after you have had your picnic there.
b) You can see this notice by the roadside or in special places in the forest where people come to have
barbecues or picnics.
"No swimming. Crocodiles"
a) You are not allowed to swim in the river or lake even if the water seems to be very clean and safe.
b) You can see this notice by the rivers and lakes visited by tourists where crocodiles live.
2. Физкультминутка
- I think you’re tired. Let’s have a rest.
3. Введение грамматического материала
Ex 4, pg 41
Определенный артикль используется в следующих случаях:
С существительными, которые нам известны, которые выделяются из ряда вещей. Когда мы говорим
о чем-то конкретном. Такое часто происходит при повторном упоминании: Bob has got a car and a
bike. The car is green and the bike is blue.
С уникальными существительными: the sun, the Earth
С именами газет (the Guardian), кинотеатров (the Odeon), театров (the Empire), музеев (the Louvre),
кораблей (the Marie Celeste), организациями (the United Nations)
С названиями рек (the Thames); с группами островов (the Seychelles); с массивами гор (the Alps); с
пустынями (the Sahara); с океанами (the Atlantic); с каналами (the Panama canal); странами, если они
включают в себя слова типа States, Kingdom, Republic (the UK); с частями света (the
С именами музыкальных инструментов и танцев: the guitar, the salsa
С названиями семей (напр. the Browns) и национальностями, оканчивающимися на -sh, -ch, или -ese
(the French). В ином случае можно говорить и с the и без (the Egyptians/Egyptians)
Со званиями: the Queen, the President. НО: Queen Victoria (т.е. если указано имя - не ставим)
Со сравнительными степенями: the best. НО: Most people enjoy going to the cinema
Со словами day, morning, afternoon и evening: It was early in the morning when they left. НО: at night, at
noon, at midnight, by day/night
С историческими периодами: the last Ice Age, the Vietnam war. НО: World War I
Со словами only, last и first (если они используются как прилагательные): She was the only one who
didn't come
Определенный артикль не употребляется (или ещё говорят что употребляется "нулевой артикль"):
С неисчисляемыми и множественными существительными, когда мы говорим о чем-то в общем
смысле этого слова. Planes are a safe means of transport. Tea is a very popular drink.
С именами: Ann works as a librarian
С названиями игр, днями, месяцами, праздниками, цветами, напитками и едой. We had dinner with the
Smiths on Friday.
С языками. Bob speaks Polish, French and English fluently. Но если используется слово language то
артикль ставится: The French language is spoken in parts of Canada
С именами стран, которые не включают в себя слова State, Kingdom или Republic. Germany, India,
Australia. Исключения: the Netherlands, the Gambia, the Vatican
С именами улиц (Oxford street, Penny Lane), площадями (Trafalgar Square), мостами (London Bridge)
Напоследок, несколько устойчивых выражений с определенным артиклем "the". За этот полезный
список спасибо нашей постоянной читательнице Аде.
what is the time?what the fuck?
the day before yesterday
the day after tomorrow
on the right (left)
on the whole
to go to the theatre (the cinema)
play the piano (other instruments)
to tell the truth
on the table (bed … )
III.Завершающая часть
1.Подведение итогов
2.Постановка домашнего задания