Конспект урока "Major War Conflicts of the United States of America. The War of Independence 1775-1783" 6 класс

Major War Conflicts of the United States of America
The War of Independence 1775-1783
Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using
George Washington
[ʤɔːʤ 'wɔʃɪŋtən]
Continental Congress
[ˌkɔntɪ'nent(ə)l 'kɔŋgres]
Midnight Ride
['mɪdnaɪt raɪd]
Declaration of
[ˌdeklə'reɪʃ(ə)n ɔv
William Howe
['wɪljəm hou]
Valley Forge
['vælɪ fɔːʤ]
Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word
Boston Tea Party.
Бостонское чаепитие
В сопровождении
causes of the War
Причины войны
to provide raw materials
Обеспечить материалами
saw themselves as carving
Считали себя создающими
was retained
Удерживаемый, был сохранен
Захват, расширении, экспансия
обессмертить, увековечить
to resist
to define
определять (значение слова) , давать
определение (какому-л. понятию)
to rebel
to withdrew
забирать; отзывать; отводить
supporting troops
Войска поддержки
to smuggle
провозить контрабандой
Суверенитет, независимость
to abolish
found themselves besieged
Оказались в окружении
Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:
The American Revolution and the war that accompanied it not only determined the
nation but also continue to define who they are.
Causes of the War. Firstly, the conflict between Britain and the American colonists
Causes of the War by the financial costs of the Anglo-French wars of the previous
thirty years. This cost, combined with the victories over the French had increased
British interest in their colonies. Secondly, at the heart of the division between the
colonists and Britain was a fundamentally different concept of the purpose of the
colonies. To the British, their American lands were there largely to provide raw
materials to Britain and be consumers of British manufactured goods. In contrast,
many of the colonists saw themselves as carving a new society from the wilderness,
unrestricted by decisions made 3,000 miles away across the Atlantic. As a result,
restriction of American trade and industry was increasingly controlled. Moreover,
The increase in the tension came in 1765-67 with the Stamp Act and the Revenue
Act. Direct taxation was introduced. All previous taxation had been in the form of
trade duties. Finally, in the decade before the colonies rebelled there was a new level
of interest in exploiting the American colonies. The first move was an attempt to limit
further expansion by the colonies. All these faced protest on both sides of the
Atlantic. In Britain the protest came from those merchants whose exports were being
taxed and then boycotted.
George Washington got convinced that the British government was intent on gaining
total control of the colonies. A campaign of non-importation was launched, although
the smuggling of English goods did not stop.
By 1769 the British government had decided to abolish all duties but the duties on
Tea. Tea was retained in part as a symbol of sovereignty. On 16 December 1773 a
group of Boston radicals, dressed as Indian braves, dumped thousands of pounds
worth of tea into the harbour, a protest immortalised as the Boston Tea Party. The
British reaction was critical. The port was closed until the lost tea had been paid for.
The colonial response was the first Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia
in September 1774. Congress agreed to block all imports and exports to and from
Britain other than those crops which the southern states depended on, to refuse to pay
any taxes to Britain and to prepare to resist any British troops. However, the
Congress did not at this stage want independence. Despite this, conflict was now
On 19 April 1775 in the town of Concord, only 16 miles from Boston the first
warfare took place. It is not known which side fired the first shots of the war, but the
militia withdrew and the British continued to Concord. Outnumbered by hostile
forces, the British column was being slowly destroyed by sniping.
News of the fighting spread quickly, and the British soon found themselves besieged
in Boston by an irregular but large force, which quickly dug itself in. On 26 May the
supporting troops arrived, led by three major-generals who were to play an important
part in the war - William Howe, Henry Clinton and John Burgoyne.
On 15 June 1775 George Washington was appointed commander of the new
Continental army. Washington's most important contribute to the war was the
foundation of a regular army.
The main event of 1776 was not to come on the battlefields. On 4 July 1776 the
Declaration of Independence was signed. The desire for independence had not been
amongst the causes of the war. However, New York did not sign until 15 July.
The results of the war started a new era in the human history. One the one hand, the
first of a series of wars of independence ended European control of both North and
South America. On the other hand, a new nation and state was born. It is natural, the
Day of Independence has been a beloved holiday for Americans ever since.
Answer the questions:
1. How did the financial costs of the Anglo-French wars of the previous thirty
years provoke the War of Independence?
2. What was the difference in concept the colonists and Britain saw Americans?
3. How were the colonies taxed?
4. What did the colonies rebel in the decade before?
5. Who did the protest come from in Britain?
6. What campaign was launched by the British government?
7. When did the British government decide to abolish all duties but the duties on
8. Why did not the British government abolish the duties on Tea?
9. What event was immortalised as the Boston Tea Party?
10. When did the Boston Tea Party take place?
11. How did the war break out?
12. What was the most important Washington's contribution to the war?
13. Where was the main event of 1776 to come?
14. What was the main result of the War?
Assignment 4. Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:
Assignment 5. Watch the video and be ready to answer the following questions:
independence (4 min)
Answer the questions:
1. What did the War of Independence mean for the nation?
2. How many people gave their lives for the country’s independence?
3. Was independence the initial goal of the colonists?
4. When and where was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
5. Who of the leaders of the fight for independence of America were
6. When and how is the Day of Independence celebrated?
Assignment 6. Discuss in groups:
1. The causes of the War were different.
2. The increase in the tension in 1765-67 between Britain and colonies.
3. The first Continental Congress in September 1774.
4. Three major-generals of the war.
5. The results of the war.
Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question!
1. It was not a cause of the War of Independence:
a) This cost, combined with the victories over the French had increased British
interest in their colonies scientific nature.
b) Different concept of the purpose of the colonies.
c) The British King argued with the American leader.
2. Direct taxation was introduced with
a) the Stamp Act and the Revenue Act
b) the Bread and Butter Act
c) the Clothes and Shoes Act
3. In September 1774 the first Continental Congress met in
a) New York
b) Philadelphia
c) Boston
4. At Boston Tea Party the tea was thrown into
a) the river
b) the sea
c) the lake
5. On 19 April 1775 the first warfare took place in the town of
Concord, only 16 miles from
a) Boston
b) New York
c) Philadelphia
6. George Washington was appointed commander of the new Continental army on
a) 15 June 1775
b) 28 December 1775
c) 1 May 1775
7. The city which did not sign the Declaration of Independence until 15 July was
a) New York
b) Los Angeles
c) Saint. Francisco
Home assignment
Option 1.
Gen. George Washington was the glue that kept the green American troops known as
the Continental Army together. Although he lost far more battles than he won, he
kept fighting and didn’t quit. The longer the war went on, the better the chances
became. It was all because of Washington’s leadership.
Write an essay of 10-15 sentences on the life and activity of George Washington
and his role in American History.
Option 2.
Before 1776, the United States of America was not a country. The individual states
were colonies of Great Britain. They were called British Colonies. This means that
the King and Parliament of Great Britain ruled the United States. The Declaration of
Independence was signed by 56 men.
Write an essay of 10-15 sentences on the War of Independence as a crucial point
in American History.