Конспект урока "Урок-путешествие «Петергоф - русский Версаль»" 7 класс

7 класс. Тема: «Путешествия». Видео урок.
Урок-путешествие «Петергоф - русский Версаль».
Образовательная - активизация грамматических и лексических единиц в речи
учащихся в рамках темы «Путешествие».
Воспитательная воспитание потребности приобщения к мировой культуре.
Развивающая развитие фонематического слуха; развитие умения
распределять внимание.
Задачи: 1) развитие умения аудирования;
2) развитие диалогической речи;
3) развитие монологической речи.
1. Оргмомент. Речевая
зарядка (5 мин)
Good morning, dear
students. How are you
I’m fine. Tell me, please,
What is the weather like
today? Masha, do you
like such weather? And
you, Dima? Do you like
such weather? And tell
me, please, what do you
like to do in such
weather? And you,
Katya? I see. You know
that very soon we’ll have
autumn holidays. What
do you usually do on
Your ideas are very
interesting, but as for me
I liked Kolya’s idea most
of all. I like travelling so
much. Today I’d like you
to join me and travel to
one of the most amazing
Good morning, Margarita
P1: I’m fine and how are
P2: Thank you, I’m fine
P3: The weather is fine
today. It’s warm. The sun
is shining in the sky. But it
is windy.
P4: Yes, I do. I like such
P5: Yes, I do. I like such
weather too.
P6: I like to go for a walk.
P7: I like to play football
with my friends.
P8: I usually play
computer games.
P9: I usually visit my
P10: I go to the sea with
my granny.
P11: I think, it’s Peterhof.
places of interest in
Russia. How do you think
what place it is? (There
are pictures of Peterhof
on the blackboard). Yes,
you are right. Today we’ll
watch a film about this
wonderful place
2. Фонетическая зарядка
Before we start watching
the film. Let’s practice
some interesting words
(on the blackboard)
Peter the Great
The Second World War
Repeat the words.
3. Аудирование с
информации (просмотр
фильма) (12мин)
Now are you ready to
watch a film about
Peterhof? Watch and
listen very attentively.
You have received the
questions. Be ready to
answer them in the end
of the film.
Yes, we are ready. Watch
the film.
4. Диалогическая речь(8
Did you like the film?
What did you like most of
all? What new
information have you
received? Now let’s
discuss the film. Answer
my questions, please.
Who founded Peterhof?
Which fountain system
did Peter the Great
choose for his fountains?
What does the ceremony
of fountain opening
remind us?
Yes, we did. We liked the
film very much. We liked
the ceremony of
fountains opening. It was
very beautiful.
P1: I’ve learnt that
Peterhof was damaged
during the Second World
P2: I’ve learnt that the
fountain system in
Peterhof is unique.
P3: Peter the Great
founded Peterhof.
What happened to
Peterhof during the
Second World War?
What did Soviet people
do to preserve beautiful
What happened to
Peterhof the biggest
sculpture “Samson”
What does “Samson”
What happened to
Peterhof after the war?
P4: Peter the Great chose
Italian fountain system.
P4: The ceremony
reminds us the Patriotic
war of 1812.
P5: Peterhof was
P6: Soviet people buried
sculptures next to the
P7: People still don’t
know what happened to
Samson, but it’s believed
that the Germans took it
with them.
P8: Samson symbolizes
power of Russian army.
P9: After the war
Perterhof was restored by
Soviet people.
5. Монологическая речь.
Now let’s sum up all
information that we have
received. Prepare your
reports about Peterhof.
Express your attitude if
you like Peterhof or not;
if you want visit it or not.
I’ll give you two minutes
to prepare your reports.
Two students tell the
class their reports about
6. Подведение итогов и
объяснение д\з
Thank you for your work.
I liked it very much. Did
you like the lesson? What
was difficult for you?
What was interesting for
Your work was hard. Your
marks are: Petrov - 5,
Semenov - 4, Sidorov 5.
Your hometask is to write
a story about your most
interesting travelling. Do
you have any questions?
Yes, we did. We liked it
very much. Sometimes it
was difficult to
understand the speech. It
was interesting to learn
new facts about Peterhof.
No, we don’t. Good-bye.
Thank you very much.
Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, доска.
Урок-путешествие «Петергоф - русский Версаль» предназначен для учащихся
7 класса средней общеобразовательной школы. Урок является завершающим
уроком в цикле уроков по теме «Путешествия» и направлен на повторение
изученного материала и активизацию грамматических и лексических единиц
в речи учащихся. Данный урок направлен на развитие навыка аудирования,
диалогической и монологической речи. Т.к. данный урок является видео
уроком, он способствует повышению мотивации учащихся в изучении
иностранного языка. Урок-путешествие «Петергоф - русский Версаль» имеет
высокий воспитательный потенциал. Урок направлен на воспитание
потребности в приобщении к мировой культуре. Благодаря наличию
аутентичной записи, урок способствует развитию фонематического слуха.