Конспект урока "Feat in the name of Life" 10 класс

Список ключевых слов:
Feat, the Great Patriotic War, Heroes, fascists, Victory Day
Из опыта работы учителя английского языка
МКОУ « КГ№1» г Кизляра учителя английского языка
Гарник Светланы Федоровны
Внеклассное мероприятие в 10 классе
«Feat in the name of Life»
Воспитание чувства сопричастности к истории нашей страны.
Воспитание чувства гордости за подвиг нашего народы в годы
Великой Отечественной войны.
Формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точки
зрения на социальные проблемы современной молодежи и
поколения прошлых лет.
Совершенствование известных знаний и их обобщение.
Формирование коммуникативных навыков.
1. Тематическая лексика:
to take part
to win
to be in a captive
Great battle
German army
to struggle against
war years
the enemy
In honour of
heavy battle
to be killed
to turn
to be brave
to defense
2. Магнитофон с записью песен «Подмосковные вечера», «День Победы».
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент.
Today we have an unusual arrangement because we will remember and speak
about one of the greatest wars on our planet. It is the Second World War. We will
introduce with your opinions about the World War Second and your attitude
towards this war. Look at the blackboard, you see the expressions.
All people should live in peace and harmony. Our present and future can not
be without the past.
II. Основная часть.
Вопросы учителя.
T. What holiday do we celebrate on the 9
of May?
T. What anniversary of Victory will we celebrate this year?
The Soviet people were living a happy peaceful life. But came the year of
T. What event took place in 1941?
Yes, the peaceful labor of Soviet people was interrupted. The Great Patriotic
War began. It was the most terrible, cruel war in the history of our country.
The Soviet Union lost 20 million people in the war. Hitler wanted to destroy
all the Soviet people. But all his plans failed, because our soldiers, officers and
leaders were clever and brave.
T. When did the battle of Moscow begin? (It began on the 30
of September
in 1941) Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites helped our defenders. “The enemy
will not pass”, they said. The soldiers and commanders did everything possible and
even impossible to stop the enemy. On the 7
of November the Soviet soldiers
paraded in Red Square.
Рассказ ученика о подвиге Дмитрия Карбышева во время войны.
General Dmitry Karbyshev, a Soviet engineer and a scientist was seriously
wounded and taken to a prison in 1941. The enemies knew that he was a leading
scientist and wanted him to work for them. But he told them: “I’m a Communist and
I hate you. I knew that we will win.” In the death camp he took part in organizing an
underground movement.
On the 17
of February in 1945 Karbyshev was put to a terrible death, the
Nazis took him outdoors, naked and watered him with cold water. His body was
covered with ice. As he died, he shouted to the prisoners, “Lift your heads,
comrades, victory is near!”
Рассказ ученика о подвиге Александра Матросова.
Alexander Matrosov was a famous Soviet infantry soldier during World War
II. He was called to the Red Army in Ufa city in September, 1942 and he was
directed to Krasnoholmsky infantry school (October, 1942), but soon the most part
of cadets were directed to the Kalininsky front.
For some time his brigade was in a reserve. Then it was directed under Pskov
city. Immediately after the march the brigade entered the battle.
On February 27, 1943 the 2nd battalion received a task to attack a strong
point near Pleten village, of the Pskov area. As soon as our soldiers went through
the forest and came out to the forest border, they got under strong machine-gun fire
of the enemy three enemy machine guns in strong points covered approaches to
the village. Assault group of submachine gunners suppressed one machine gun.
Another group of antitank riflemen destroyed the second point. But the machine gun
from the third point continued to fire the whole space in front of the village.
Attempts to make it silent failed. Then Alexander Matrosov crawled towards the
point. He approached to the embrasure from flank and thrown two grenades. The
machine gun became silent. But as soon as fighters attacked it, the machine gun
again revived. Then Matrosov rose, rushed to the point and closed the embrasure
with his body. At the cost of his life he helped to execute a fighting mission by his
In a few days Alexander Matrosov’s name became known all over the
country. He was not the first who made the similar act of self-sacrifice; his name
was used for glorification of heroism of Soviet soldiers. Alexander Matrosov’s feat
became a symbol of courage and military valour, fearlessness and love to the Native
He was buried in Velikie Luki city of the Pskov area. On September 8, 1943
A.M. Matrosov’s name was given to 254 guard shooting regiment; he was forever
enlisted in the 1st rifle company of this military unit. He was awarded the order of
Lenin (posthumously).
Our countryman Minnigali Gubaydullin has repeated Matrosov’s feat. Two
streets in Ufa city carry Alexander Matrosov’s and Minnigali Gubaydullin’s names.
In the Victory Park in Ufa, the majestic monument devoted to an immortal
feat of Alexander Matrosov and Minnigali Gubaydullin was built. The Eternal Fire
burns there.
T. What do you think about these young people?
P. I believe that young patriots were brave, strong and loved Russia.
T. Are you the patriots of our country?
P. I can say that I am a patriot because I love my country too and I`m going to
serve in the army after finishing school.
T. Let` s compare the present life of children with the life of young patriots.
As far as you know the best time is the young years. I can say that the
children’s young years during the war were hard because they had only one purpose:
to save and to help our country.
T. Did these children have the same problems as you?
(на доске карточки со словами, дать комментарии и сравнения к ним)
To want to study, to dream about the time without war, to quarrel with
parents, to help other people, to reject everything, to risk the life, to spend your free
time as you want.
To my mind the expression «to quarrel with parents» suits for different
times because this problem has been existed from birth of a man.
I think that to dream about the time without war suits for the both
generations, because a lot of people suffer from war nowadays too.
I`d like to say that the life in war years always is more dangerous, that`s
why children risked their lives more during the war.
P. Tanya Savicheva was 11 years old when the Great Patriotic Was began. She lived
happily together with her family in Leningrad. During the siege all her 6 relatives
who lived in Leningrad died of hunger and she was left alone.
The hunger during the siege was terrible. From November 20, 1941, the
industrial workers got 250 grammes of heavy bread a day. The bread was baked
together with oilcake. Office workers, students, dependents and children got only
125 grammes of bread. There was neither running water nor central heating. To get
water, people had to walk under gun-fire to the River Neva, break holes in the thick
ice and carry home a little water.
There were many cases of people dying in the streets. Day after day Tanya
wrote in her diary:
“Zhenya died on December 28, 1941.
Granny died on January 25, 1942.
Leka died on March 17, 1942.
Uncle Vasya died on April 13, 1942.
Uncle Lyosha died on May 10, 1942.
Mama died on May 13, 1942.
The Savichevs are dead.
All are dead.
Only Tanya is left.”
Tanya was wrong. Not all the Savichevs were dead. Tanya did not remember
that her elder sister Nina had been evacuated and her elder brother Mikhail was with
the partisans. Tanya was evacuated from Leningrad to the Shatsky District, Gorky
Region. The fight for her life lasted for many months, but the doctors could not save
her. She died in July 1, 1944.
632 000 people died of hunger. Some of the children who died had grey hair.
III. «Диалог поколений»
T. Let s imagine that some of you will be adults, other will be grandparents
and another will be teens. Ask each other and approve or disapprove your points of
views about our topic.
1 группа - (adults)
2 группа - (grandparents)
3 группа - (teens)
Grandparents: As far as you know we lived in a very difficult time. But we
think that we were more friendly, kind and helpful than teens and adults nowadays.
Adults: We respect your time and we are thanked for our happy life without
war but we disagree with your opinion because we built a lot of destroyed towns,
cities and we built new towns and cities. We like our country as you. We have done
a lot of for it.
Teens: We know that you are wiser, you have a lot of life experience but you
agree that all times were, are and will change and be hard for every person. We
don`t forget about your feats, but we have another points of views and we want to be
more open for communication with other peoples.
IV. Заключительная часть
We have listened to the opinions of these groups. What can you advice to
your children when you will become adults? Ученики высказывают свои
(To be a patriot of our country, to love our Motherland, to be proud of our
country, to serve in the army, don`t forget the heroes of the Second World War)
T. There is hardly a family in our country that has not lost a father, a son, a
daughter, a brother. Many young people fought heroically for their Motherland.
Hundreds of thousands of them showed the greatest heroism on the battle fields:
very many lost their lives.
All the people of the world should remember that the Soviet Union played the
main role in the victory over fascism.
We should never forget all those who gave lives for our motherland. The
country remembers them.
Young people display heroism not only during war, but also in times of peace.
They work in industry and on collective farms, they serve in the army to make our
country richer and stronger. I hope you know a lot of examples of heroism of young
T. How to become brave?
P. We must work on our character very much. Yuri Gagarin, for example,
worked many years before he could say “I see the Earth”.
P. As for me, I should study well, get good knowledge, take part in sport
competitions and work on my character.
T. How do we honor our war veterans?
P. In our country Victory Day is celebrated by all people in every city, town,
and village. It is the most important holiday in our country because it brought
peace not only for the Russian people but for the people of many European
countries. It became a tradition for participants of World War II to meet with
their war friends in hero cities. Many representatives from different countries
come to the Russia to celebrate Victory Day with our people. In Ufa war veterans
usually meet in the Park of Victory. There are many people with flowers at the places
where veterans meet. Young people greet veterans and present them with flowers. War
veterans talk about the part they played in the battles of the war and what they are
doing at present. They also sing their favorite war songs. Everywhere in our
country Russian people honor the memory of those who gave their lives for
the freedom and independence of our Motherland. People bring flowers and put
them on the graves where war heroes are buried. We usually organize school
parties devoted to Victory Day. We invite war veterans to the parties,
listen to the stories about the battles and heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers,
ask questions to obtain some more information about war period.
Список использованной литературы
1. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе». № 3, 1982.
2. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе». № 3, 1989.
3. Орехова Г.А. Эхо военных лет. Внеклассные мероприятия по военно-
патриотическому воспитанию; 2006г.
4. М. С. Кайнов, И. В. Кайнова, Подвиг во имя жизни - Feat in the Name of
Life: Сб. рассказов о Великой Отечественной войне: Кн. для чтения на
англ. яз. в 11 кл. сред. шк., 2-е изд., дораб.: М., Просвещение 1989, 144