Конспект урока "Literary quiz" 9 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Тема мероприятия - «Literary quiz».
Учитель английского языка Филитова Галина Михайловна
Класс – 9
МОУ средняя школа №15, г. Егорьевск, Московская область, 2011г.
Выбор темы внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
обусловлен ее актуальностью и местом в системе уроков английского
Количество учащихся, занятых в мероприятии -20.
1. общеобразовательные - формирование лингвострановедческой
компетенции учащихся путем ознакомления с английской литературой.
2. воспитательные - воспитание интереса к английскому языку и
культуре страны изучаемого языка.
3. развивающие - развитие творческих способностей и умений работы в
4. дидактические задачи - активизация лексических навыков по
теме «Книги»; закрепление материала по теме и контроль его усвоения.
Место проведения: г. Егорьевск, средняя школа №15
Форма проведения - литературная викторина.
Содержание и методика мероприятия: учащиеся делятся на две
команды; каждая команда выбирает себе капитана и название; викторина
состоит из нескольких конкурсов.
Оформление кабинета:
Портреты английских писателей.
Мультимедиа проектор, компьютер
Оформление доски:
The 19
of March.
Literary quiz.
Team -2
Points for the 1-st contest
Points for the 2-nd contest.
... Points for the 3-d contest
... Points for the 4-th contest
... Points for the 5-th contest
Points for the 6-th contest
Total score
Total score
Структура мероприятия:
I. Организационный момент ............................................. 5 мин
II. Литературная викторина ............................................... 30 мин
III. Подведение итогов и награждение участников ............ 5 мин
Ход мероприятия:
I. Ведущий 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our Literary
quiz show!
During the whole month we have been studying the British literature and
now it's high time to find out which team knows this subject better.
Ведущий 2: You will have several tasks and for completing of every task each
team will get a certain number of points.
В 1: The most active of you will get good marks.
В 2: First, we'll choose the name and the captain for every team.
Ученики: Придумывают названия команд и выбирают капитанов.
В 1: OK, now you are ready to start the competition, aren't you?
Ученики: Yes, we are.
II. B 1. Look at the screen and remember English and American writers.
B 1. The first task will be the contest "Right or wrong?" I will give you sentences
about English literature and books in general. You will need to decide whether they
are right or wrong. Is the task clear?
Ученики: Yes.
В 1: читает предложения по очереди каждой команде.
(Приложение 1)
Ученики: команды, посовещавшись, решают: верно
неверно. (В1 и В2 записывают на доске очки)
В 2: Oh, you seem to be extremely knowledgeable at English literature. But
there is another task waiting.
Bl: раздает карточки с заданием. (Приложение 2)
В 2: Here you need to compose the titles of well-known books written by the
British writers of the fragments written in each card given to you by the
teacher. Try to do it correctly as quickly as possible. And let us know when
you're ready.
Ученики: команды выполняют задание на время.
В 2: And now let's see how you succeeded. The first team, please, call out
your variant of the first title.
Ученики: по очереди называют получившиеся названия книг (при
равном количестве правильных ответов очко получает та команда,
которая справилась с заданием быстрее.)
В 1: So, dear contestants, you've managed to do two tasks and the team of... is
leading for the present moment. But we're only in the middle of the contest and
everything can change. Now you have another task to complete.
(B 2 раздает карточки с заданием)
В 1: Please, find the author for each book given in the left column. For this
activity, you have only 4 minutes. (Приложение 3)
Ученики: выполняют задание. Результат выводится по схеме
предыдущего испытания.
1 объявляет победителя в этом испытании)
В 2: OK, guys the atmosphere is becoming hot in our competition. We're very
close to the end. But the next task for you is to explain the name of the literary
genres to your team for them to guess them. So, captains, come here.
B 2 раздает карточки с заданием: Для первой команды: Comedy. Для
второй команды: Tragedy.
Капитаны команд подходят к ведущим и получают задания. Затем
объясняют своей команде жанр книги.
В 2: So, the winner in this contest is...
В 1: The next task is to show your excellent knowledge of Shakespeare's life.
As you know, Shakespeare is one of the most famous English writers and
it's impossible not to know about his life and writing activity. So, ladies and
gentlemen, try to answer the questions about his life: it can be his books, birth
place and date, etc. Is that clear?
Ученики: Yes.
B1: Well, let's begin. (Приложение 4)
Ученики: стараются назвать как можно больше фактов из жизни и
творчества У.Шекспира.
B2: And what do you know about the literary genres of books? Let us check up.
B 2 раздает карточки с заданием: (Приложение 5)
B1: Well, the last task is to match the headlines (a-g) with the ideas of the articles
B 1 раздает карточки с заданием: (Приложение 6)
III. B2: Well, well, well. The competition is over and we're glad to announce that
the team of... .is the winner! Our congratulations!
В 1: And the most pleasant part of our competition is the award to the winner.
Captains and , come up to me. Don't be upset and remember that the
participation is more important than the victory.
В 2: Well, thank you for taking part in the quiz and for your excellent
knowledge of the British literature. Good bye.
Ученики: Good bye.
Учитель благодарит ребят и ставит оценки «хорошо» и «отлично».
Выводы (Самоанализ урока):
Содержание и форма проведения мероприятия полностью
соответствуют запланированным целям и поставленным задачам:
Мероприятие имеет большую познавательную ценность;
Мероприятие ставит перед собой цель — воспитание интереса к
английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка, т.е. повышение
мотивации учащихся к предмету;
Данное мероприятие играет большую роль в воспитании интереса
к чтению книг вообще и к английской литературе в частности.
Форма проведения мероприятия (литературная викторина) была
выбрана с учетом возрастных (для учащихся 9 класса более
приемлема свободная форма проведения мероприятия по
иностранному языку) и индивидуально- психологических
особенностей учеников (в классе всегда существовала
атмосфера соревнования и конкуренции).
Нестандартные уроки формируют у учащихся устойчивый интерес
к учению, снимают напряжение, помогают формировать навыки
учебной деятельности, оказывают эмоциональное воздействие на
детей, благодаря чему у них формируются более прочные, глубокие
Четко прослеживались межпредметные связи (английский язык,
зарубежная литература, страноведение).
Материал внеклассного мероприятия полностью основан на учебном
материале, изучаемом на уроках английского языка по данной теме.
В организации мероприятия прослеживался творческий элемент в
деятельности учителя и учащихся: учитель старался создать атмосферу
литературной викторины, ученики же активно проявляли творческое
мышление при выполнении упражнений-испытаний.
Уровень подготовки мероприятия:
Мероприятие полностью проводилось на английском языке:
выступления учителя и учащихся.
В ходе мероприятия использовались мультимедиа проектор,
компьютер, ТСО и музыкальное оформление.
В качестве наглядности использовались портреты английских
писателей, доска, презентация, некоторые задания на карточках.
Отношение учащихся к мероприятию:
Во время мероприятия учащиеся проявили энтузиазм и высокую
Показали дисциплинированность и личную заинтересованность.
На внеклассном мероприятии царила деловая и в то же время дружеская
атмосфера взаимопонимания и заинтересованности. Психологический
климат был благоприятным и способствующим плодотворному
сотрудничеству учителя и учащихся для достижения поставленных целей.
Мероприятие имело следующую воспитательную ценность:
Способствовало формированию всесторонне и гармонически
развитой личности школьника.
Воспитывало в учащихся качества сотрудничества и
взаимодействия, дух соревнования и желание стать первым.
Способствовало повышению мотивации к изучению английского языка
и культуры страны изучаемого языка.
Учащиеся оценивают мероприятие как интересное и познавательное.
Интересной и приятной частью мероприятия было объявление победителя и
награждение команд качестве призов использовались оценки «хорошо» и
В целом мероприятие отличалось высоким уровнем организации и
благоприятным психологическим климатом. Мероприятие можно считать
уроком - закреплением пройденного материала по теме «Книги, чтение и
английская литература», что подтверждает его познавательную,
дидактическую, развивающую и воспитательную ценность. Данная форма
проведения мероприятия выбрана удачно и является достаточно
эффективной для данной ступени обучения.
Приложение 1
Shakespeare performed his plays in the Globe theatre.
Jungle book was written by George Byron.
Fairy-tale is a book that tells an exciting story of crime and violence.
Smoking, eating and dancing are allowed in the library.
There were 3 sisters Brontee.
"Alice in Wonderland" was written by Lewis CarrolJ.
Shakespeare was born in London.
Robert Burns is a Scottish poet.
Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Winston Churchill.
"Romeo and Juliet" is a comedy.
Many famous British writers are buried in Westminster Abbey.
Charles Dickens is the author of "Oliver Twist".
There are no famous writers in Britain.
Western is another person's life.
There is only one Turgeniev's Museum - in Moscow.
"Gone with the wind" is a short story that teaches a lesson, in which animals or objects speak.
Charlotte Brontee wrote "Jane Eyre".
Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather.
Приложение 2
The school...
a. ...bondage
Gone with...
b. ...Crusoe
Of human...
c. ...Lear
d. ...for scandal
e. ...in a boat
f. ...the wind
g. ...Eyre
h. ...Pan
Three men...
i. ...Twist
j. ... in Wonderland
Приложение 3
The school for scandal
William Shakespeare
Charles Dickens
Jane Eyre
Lewis Carroll
Three men in a boat
Robert Burns
Robinson Crusoe
Somerset Maugham
Oliver Twist
Daniel Defoe
King Lear
Agatha Christie
Of human bondage
Charlotte Bronte
Detective stories
Peter Benchley
Songs and poems about Scotland
J. M. Berrie
Alice in Wonderland
Richard Sheridan
Приложение 4
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is often called the world's greatest playwright. He wrote comedies, tragedies
and historical plays in England in the last part of the 16th and the early 17th century.
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was
a businessman and the town's mayor. His mother came from a family that owned land near
Stratford. William had three younger brothers and two younger sisters.
Like other boys of middle-class families, William attended a grammar school in Stratford where he
got a good education and also learned Latin.
When William was 18 he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children, first Susanna and then
twins, a son named Hamnet and a daughter named Judith. Hamnet died when he was 11.
We don't really know what William did during the following years but in 1592 he went to London
to work as a writer and actor. It was a difficult job and only the best found work in London.
From 1592 to 1594 the Black Death spread across England. Many public places were closed and
plays couldn't be performed either. Shakespeare spent these years writing sonnets and poems.
When the theatres opened up again in 1594 Shakespeare joined the best acting company of the
countryLord Chamberlain's Men. It had the best actors, the best writers and the most famous
theatrethe Globe.
The Globe was a huge amphitheatre without a roof. The seats were curved around a stage that was
built on many levels.
Plays always started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. People who didn't have the money to buy a seat
were allowed to stand in the front of the stage. All kinds of people came to see the shows
housewives, children, noblemen and even visitors from other countries. The company also
presented special plays for kings and queens.
Shakespeare and his fellow actors were responsible for everything in the Globe theatre. They
owned the building and the costumes, they wrote the scripts and they also shared the profits that
they made. The actors and writers of the theatre worked together successfully for many years.
In the twenty years that he worked on stage Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. They can be put into three
big categories:
Tragedies are plays that show the downfall of a main character. His most famous tragedies are
Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.
Comedies are funny plays that have a happy ending most of the time. A Midsummer Night's
Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor are among the most popular.
Historical plays are dramas about the lives of some of England's most powerful kings like Henry
IV or Richard II.
On the 29th of June 1613 a cannon set fire to the Globe and burned the theatre to the ground.
William Shakespeare retired from the theatre in 1613 and went back to his home town Stratford,
where he lived until his death in 1616.
At that time the people of England did not know that their country's greatest poet and playwright
had died. They thought of him only as a popular actor and writer.
Questions: Supposed answers:
Peter Pan
Jerome K. Jerome
1. When and where was 1.William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-
Shakespeare born?
upon-Avon on the 23rd of April, 1564.
2. What was his mother? 2. His mother Marry Arden was a daughter of a farmer.
3. What was his father? 3. His father John Shakespeare was a glove-maker.
4. What kind of education did he 4. He got a good classical education at
get? King’s New School (a kind of a grammar school).
5. How old was he when he 5. He was only 18, when he married
married Anne Hathaway? the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway.
6. What was she? 6. She was a daughter of a farmer.
7. How many children did they 7. They had three children: Susannah,
have? then twins a son Hamnet and a daughter Judith.
Questions: Supposed answers:
8. Why did he leave Stratford? 8. We don’t know exactly why he did it.
9. What did he become in London? 9. He became an actor, a writer and a poet.
10. When did he produce most of 10.He produced most of his known
his known work? work between 1589 and 1613.
11. When did the company build 11.In 1599 a partnership of company
the Globe theatre? membership built the Globe theatre.
12. What plays were performed in 12. Julius Caesar, Othello, King Lear
that theatre and what happened and Macbeth were performed there.
to that theatre? On the 29th of June 1613 a cannon set fire
to the Globe and burned the theatre to the ground.
13. When did Shakespeare retire 13.In 1613 he stopped writing and
and go to live in Stratford? went to live in Stratford.
14. When did he die and where was he buried? 14. Shakespeare died on the 23rd of April 1616
and was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity
Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Приложение 5
Determine genre and then fill in the table.
Criminals, robbers, killers. There is always a clever detective or a
policeman who catches them in the end.
Aliens, spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars.
The author describes somebody's life or writes about himself (herself).
Wizards, witches and other magic objects and words. Some wizards are
bad, some witches are good.
Princes and princesses, very bad witches and magic animals that help
good people. The plot is usually very simple. Good people are
Bad people are punished.
Pirates, cowboys, boys and girls are always doing exciting things. You
also find ships, faraway islands, lost treasure, and a lot of danger in these
stories, but there is usually a happy ending.
Vampires, witches, ghosts and scary supernatural events.
Things that happened in the past. Some characters may not be real, but
the description of the period is usually very good.
Love and hate. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to come
Fill in the table. Match the genres with their descriptions
What is it about?
a) romance
b) detective story
c) biography (autobiography)
d) science fiction
e) horror
f) adventure story
g) fantasy
h) fairy tale
i) history book
Приложение 6
Match the headlines (a-g) with the ideas of the articles (1-7).
a) Thames Whale Dies
b) Kia to Build Plant
c) $50 M Expansion for Kremlin Museum
d) Americans Prefer Russia
e) Athletes Get Set for Melbourne
f) Global and Local News to Be Brought to Every Home in Moscow
g) Papers and Printed
1) One of the biggest South Korean car markers is planning to begin making its world-famous cars
in Georgia.
2) The International Herald Tribune and The Moscow Times are starting a new project together.
Soon Russian readers will be able to get their new periodicals daily.
3) A big sea animal got into the river. People tried to help it but could not.
4) One of the most important historical places in Moscow is getting a present on its 200
a new building for the growing collection.
5) Three of Belarus’ few independent newspapers stopped being published.
6) Sportsmen from 53 countries are in final preparations for this week’s Games.
7) The poll organized by the University of Connecticut shows that people in the country have
begun to feel more kindly to our motherland.
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