Конспект урока "Art in out life" 11 класс

NКонспект урока по английскому языку в 11-м классе с
применением ИКТ технологий по теме
Educational situation: « Cinema, Theatre and Music in our life»
Aims: To develop students' speech abilities, stimulation of
understanding foreign language in speech communication and
speech statements, to develop students' listening abilities.
Educational aim is to develop students' socialization and cultural
General educational aim is to develop linguistic mentality.
Basic goals:
1. To practice students to write compositions.
2. To stimulate speech activity according to the topic « Art in our
3. To develop students' listening activity and to understand
foreign speech.
4. To practice students and involve them talking to each other.
Equipment: video material, reports, extra material, additional
Teacher: Gerasimova Helen, MAOU « Gymnasium» Reutov,
Moscow region,
План урока
1. Организационный момент
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
3. Прослушивание сообщений учащихся про различные
направления из жизни культуры и искусства.
4. Просмотр видеофрагмента о культурной жизни страны
изучаемого языка и работа на понимание увиденного
посредством ответов на вопросы.
5. Тренировка учащихся в составлении диалогов по
изученной теме.
6. Ролевая игра в форме пресс-конференции.
7. Просмотр отрывка из видеофильма и обсуждение данного
8. Подведение итогов урока.
9. Рефлексия.
10. Домашнее задание: написать сочинение-
размышление, предполагающее завершение9финал)
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Stand up, please. The bell has already rung. Good
morning, students.
Class: Good morning.
Teacher: I'm very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Could you tell
me who is absent today?
Teacher: Thank you very much. This lesson isn't as usual, because
we have guests from educational committee. They want us to show
our , I mean, my and your knowledge, skills and abilities. The topic
of our lesson isn't new for you. We continue to study the topic «Art
in our life». Today we have different kinds of activity. Firstly, you
should tell your reports about different ways of art. Secondly, we'll
watch video and I'll ask you to answer some questions. After that
we'll greet a popular group « Roxette» and hold press-conference.
And at the end of our lesson we'll watch an extract from a well-
known musical «Moulin Rouge» and discuss it.
2. Проверка домашнего задания. Учитель заслушивает
письменные сочинения нескольких учеников по
изучаемой теме.
Teacher: And as usual, let's begin our lesson with checking your
hometask. Who remembers it?
P1: It was to find information about different famous persons from
the sphere of culture and to write a composition. Shall I start?
Teacher: Ok. Helen, please.
( Проходит опрос учащихся, заслушивается несколько
тематических мини-сочинений.)
Teacher: Thank you very much, but we can't check all the
compositions because we don't have enough free time and I
know that you have prepared very interesting reports. Who is
a volunteer?
3. Послушивание сообщений учащихся про различные
направления из жизни культуры и искусства стран
изучаемого языка.
P2: May I start?
Teacher: Yes, please.
P2: My report is about American Theatre.
« The greatest American contribution to the theatre genre is the
musical. Here the American Theatre is at its best. Examples
are « Oklahoma», « Carousel» and « South Pacific». In terms
of output, variety and size of audience, New York is still the
theatre of capital. Almost every popular play has its premiere
and most of its success in New York. The centre of the
American theatrical world is in a section of New York on and
near Broadway.
Teacher: Very good and interesting, thank you. And Helen, are you
P3: Yes, I am.
«Broadway is a mass of glittering lights and garish advertising signs,
but only two theatres are to be found along the bright diagonal.
Most of the so-called Broadway theatres are actually located
on the side streets west of Broadway. On a given evenings there
may be more than 30 plays and musicals being staged in this
district. Prices are high and tickets for popular productions are
often sold out months ahead».
Teacher: Thank you, and Sasha, please, I want to listen to you.
P4: « It's necessary to add that in the United States is not state-
supported. Many Americans tend to see culture and the arts
as areas that the government should not interfere with. They
do not see the government as the patron of the arts».
Teacher: Very good and we have two reports else. Olga, it's your
P5: « My report is about British Ballet».
« Ballet in Britain can be dated almost exactly from 1911 when
Sergei Diaghilev brought his Russian Ballet to London.
Somehow , against all possible expectation, they caught the
public imagination. London went ballet mad, as the music of
Stravinsky, the genius Of Nijinsky and Fokin were paraded
before it. There were some English dancers in the company,
who stayed on to found British Ballet. The ballet scene in
Britain is not as rich as the theatre in fringe companies, but
there are a fair number; the New London Ballet, the London
Contemporary Dance Theatre, The Scottish ballet are just a
few of the groups which are now bringing dance in all its forms
to the contrary at large.
Teacher: Thank you, Olga and the last report is yours, Dasha.
P6: My report is about Rock and Pop Music.
«The most classless music- rock and pop music-is listened to by a
large number of people all over the world. It also crosses
national barriers as easily as class barriers. Every year about
40 per cent of the best-selling singers in Europe are British and
about ten British singles get to number one in the United
States. British pop music still has a world-wide audience today.
Groups from Britain like the Rolling Stones, the Who, the
Clash, The Police and ex- Beatle Paul McCartney with his new
group Wings, are some of the most popular singers in the
English-speaking countries, as well as in many other countries.
There are lots of places in London where you can listen to rock
and pop music-in clubs, in concert halls, even in the Tube, and
in the streets.
Teacher: Thanks a lot. Your reports are very interesting and
4. Просмотр видеофрагмента о культурной жизни страны
изучаемого языка и ответы на вопросы.
Teacher: Well, I think that you are tired a little bit and I suggest
watching Video. I hope, you’ll like it because it's about the
cultural life of Londoners If you look at the blackboard, you can
see the questions on it and I want you to respond them after
watching. Is it clear?
Class: Yes.
Teacher: I advise you to pay much attention and to be very
serious. Ok?
1) What is Covent Garden?
2) How many seats are there in the Opera House?
3) Whom can you see in the streets?
4) How many pubs are there in London?
5) How many theatres are there in London?
6) How can you get a special ticket?
1) It's a market and a great number of shops.
2) There are 2000 seats in the Opera House.
3) We can see street entertainers and musicians.
4) There are 8000 pubs in London.
5) There are 40 theatres in the West End.
6) We can buy a ticket at a special kiosk on Leisester Square.
Teacher: Right you are! I think i t wasn't difficult for you! Very
good! Now let's work in pairs. Each pair will get a card with
special task and you should act your situations. Is it clear?
5. Учащиеся в парах составляют краткие диалоги, учитель
по очереди подходит к каждой паре и слушает
правильность составления грамматических структур и
корректно указывает на ошибки, если таковые имеются.
Tasks (situations)
1. Imagine that you are buying tickets.
2. Imagine that you find your seats.
3. You should discuss a horror film.
4. Imagine that you are a film star.
5. Imagine that you have lost your opera-glasses.
6. Проходит ролевая игра в форме пресс-конференции.
Teacher: That will do. Your dialogues are good and interesting.
And now it's time to hold press-conference and to greet famous
pop-singers from popular group «Roxette» and ask them some
questions. Who wants to be Marie? Julia, please and the rest of
you'll be correspondents. Let's open our press-conference.
P1: Hello, I am a correspondent from……and I want to give
information about our stars.
Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson first met in Halmstad in
Sweden in 1979 when Marie was playing the electric piano with a
band called Strul. Per was spending his time weighing
mushrooms, singing folk songs to sick people in hospitals and
teaching in a school. Later, in the 1980- s, Per was performing in
a group called «Golden Times» and Marie was a solo singer. They
were both very successful and lots of people bought their records
and went to their concerts. They are very famous everywhere
now, but in Sweden they are of course superstars….Let's greet
P2: I'm a correspondent from…and my question is «Which
famous person do you want to meet»?
P3: Per: «Elizabeth Taylor».
P4: Marie: «Jack Nicholson».
P5: I'm a correspondent from….and my question is «What's your
favourite hobby»?
P3: Per: I like collecting wine.
P4: Marie: I like painting.
P: I'm a correspondent from……and my question is «What
makes you happy»?
P3: Per: Performing with Roxette and being with my girl-friend.
P4: Marie: Performing with Roxette and being with my family.
P: I'm a correspondent from….and I want to ask. Do you need a
lot of sleep?
P3: Per: Yes, ten hours a night.
P4: Marie: No, five hours a night.
P: Hello, my name is…., I’m from….and my question is «How old
are you»?
P3: Per: Over forty.
P4: Marie: Forty-three.
P: Hello, I'm a correspondent from….My question is. «How do
you describe yourself»?
P4: Marie: Ambitious and untidy!
P3: Per: Ambitious and tidy!
Teacher: Very good! Let's thank our quests from Sweden for
their coming to us. It's unbelievable to meet with them here.
7. Проходит демонстрация отрывка из мюзикла, после чего
учащиеся выражают свои эмоции.
Teacher: And to wind up our lesson let's watch an extract from
French musical. Moulin Rouge and after that if we have any free
time, well try to discuss and to express your impressions.
Teacher: Thank you very much for today's lesson. We have had a
great and interesting work today. I want to thank everybody for
it. And of course, I want to explain your home task. It will be to
write the end of this story. May be it will be happy or unhappy,
we don't know. So our time is up and now your marks.
8.Подведение итогов.
Teacher: Ok, there is the bell. The lesson is over. See you
Class: Bye!