Конспект урока "Keeping Fit: Yoga"

Carried out by: Tsvetkova Olga
Keeping fit: Yoga.
Theme introduction. Vocabulary.
1. Look at the sign below. Have you ever seen it? Do you know what it means?
2. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “yoga”?
3. Complete the sentences using the vocabulary above:
1) The ____________ of a muscle refers to its ability to stretch into a particular shape.
2) The following guidelines suggest several ways to ______________________. Especially for
people who work sitting in an office chair for most of the day.
3) Relaxation techniques can help you __________________ and ____________.
activity, sport,
Physical and
Gym, sports
centre, yoga
at home
and in the
open air
and muscle
stress and
4) _____________________ can be seen when muscles are in a state of slight tension and they are
ready for action.
5) ________________________ is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin,
or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about eating smart, feeling great, having
more energy, improving your outlook, and stabilizing your mood.
6) Regular _______________________ helps improve your overall health and ________________,
and reduces your risk of many chronic diseases.
7) The relation between physical exercise and ____________________________ has increasingly
come under the spotlight over recent years.
8) Exercising _____________________ for just five minutes leads to an immediate improvement in
mood and self-esteem, research shows.
9) Our _________________ is challenging and creative. We have a wide variety yoga videos, from
Beginner Yoga to Power Yoga and more!
4. Answer the following questions using the vocabulary above:
1) Do you do any physical activities other than the usual sports? How long have you been
doing these activities?
2) Does the area where you live have gyms, swimming pools, sports centers for both young
people and older people?
3) What category of people would do physical activity on a daily basis?
5. Listen to the interview with Kino McGregor, an international yoga teacher. Would you like to
have her job? Give reasons for your answer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VMUN7Bm1hI (6 min).
6. Answer the following questions:
1. When was the first time Kino got in touch with yoga?
2. When did she start practicing seriously?
3. What was the style of her first class?
4. What was the pivotal thing that changed her journey in the practice?
5. What would she recommend to someone who wants to become a yoga teacher?
6. What was the most moving moment of Kino’s yoga journey?
7. What would Kino’s perfect happy day look like?
7.Cross out three recommendations to yoga teachers that Kino didn’t mention in the interview:
* Commit oneself to the journey of yoga
* Get as much information as possible
* Be open to the world
* Take intensive training
* Try different disciplines
* Take workshops
* Stop eating meat
* Find one discipline, one style of yoga and go deeply into it
* Find your teacher
8. Say True, False or Not Stated
1. Kino started practicing yoga when she was 23.
2. She started practicing yoga in a gym.
3. Taking intensive training is important for a future yoga teacher.
4. The yoga teacher should be kind but strict.
9. Find in the list below “the ingredients” of Kino’s perfect happy day:
Start a day with a cup of favourite coffee
Getting up at whatever time she wants to get up
Reading her favourite newspaper
Watching morning news on TV
Having tea with family and chatting with them
Doing her meditation practice
Doing her asana practice with no concern for any time
10. GRAMMAR: The Infinitive as a Predicative
Look at the table below and study the use of the infinitive:
My intention is to exercise in the open air at least twice a week.
The team’s desire is to win.
My favourite experience on the trip was to take different yoga classes.
Jane’s greatest aspiration was to lead a healthy way of life.
Their goal will be to survive.
Her job was to hire the best people available.
To strive is to succeed.
11. Use the infinitive as predicative in the following sentences:
1) “My job is ___________ everyone alike, and be courteous, even when passengers are not”, said
the stewardess. (to treat)
2) But the difficulty was ______________ an excuse for absence from home. (to find)
3) My idea was _____________ a fuller explanation of what they plan to discuss. (to demand)
4) All you can do is _________________. (to obey)
5) The only thing to do was ______________who she was. (to explain)
6) The first objective was ___________________ ourselves a suitable house to live in. (to find)
7) All I wanted to do was ___________________ the formalities short. (to cut)
8) The best thing for you to do is _________________the thought of her out of your mind. (to put)
9) One of the first things he did was ________________his brother. (to telephone)
12. Read the text, think of the meaning of the words in bold type. Underline the use of the
infinitive in the function of the predicative. (http://www.kinoyoga.com/about/ashtanga-yoga)
«Yoga is as deep as you
want to be. There are at
least twenty different types
of yoga that all have the
authentic power to offer
real transformation along
with an army of teachers
deployed worldwide.
Perhaps the most
important decision a yoga
practitioner makes is the
choice of a teacher. If you
decide to try yoga a good
method is to embark on a
trial period where you
sample many different
styles of yoga until you get
a feel for each.
Use your intelligence and
look for empirical proof
that each particular
method of yoga will
produce the stated results.
The best way to test the
validity of yoga is to look at
students who have been
practicing yoga for many
years. Then if you like what
you see in the senior
practitioners proceed along
the path before you with
full confidence that you too
will one day achieve similar
Think of the best title for the text above. Where could it be published? Give your reasoning.
Make a plan for the text and use it to give a piece of advice to yoga beginners.
13. Let’s talk!
Look and the picture. Do you agree with the message? Give reasons for your answer.
Методический комментарий:
Данный модуль рассчитан на аудиторию уровня B2 (пороговый продвинутый) согласно
критериям для самостоятельной оценки достигнутого уровня говорения «Европейский языковой
портфель». Более всего подходит для использования на языковых курсах во взрослых группах в
рамках темы «Спорт», «Здоровый образ жизни» и т.п. Модуль начинается с введения темы:
учащимся предоставляется возможность самостоятельно угадать тему модуля. Новые лексические
единицы вводятся через сеть понятий, их начальная отработка производится за счет выполнения
лексического языкового упражнения на подстановку слов. Следующее речевое упражнение:
ответы на вопросы с использованием новых лексических единиц - направлено на отработку новой
лексики в устной речи. Далее следует ряд упражнений на аудирование. Аудированию
предшествует соответствующая установка. Речевые упражнения по прослушанному тексту:
ответьте на вопросы, согласитесь/не согласитесь, найдите правильную комбинацию
словосочетаний – направлены на формирование умения понимать иноязычный текст на слух.
Успешность их выполнения служит показателем уровня понимания аудиотекста. Затем следует
представление грамматического материала (инфинитив в функции предикатива) способом
индукции от наблюдения за отдельными случаями употребления грамматического явления к
обобщению и правилу. Затем выполняется упражнение на данное правило (материал взят в
учебнике по практической грамматике Крыловой И.П.). Далее это же грамматическое явление
предлагается найти в тексте для чтения. Происходит формирование навыка изучающего чтения.
Для выполнения речевых упражнений к тексту необходимо его полное и точное понимание,
формулирование его основной мысли. Последнее упражнение на развитие навыка говорения
служит закреплением пройденного материала. Приветствуется использование в речи изученных
лексических единиц и грамматических явлений. Лексико-грамматические упражнения
представлены в сжатом виде и при необходимости могут быть дополнены.