Технологическая карта урока "Дорожная азбука. Road ABC" 7 класс

Интегрированный урок английского языка и ОБЖ
по теме "Дорожная азбука" ("Road ABC")
Класс 7 А
Тема урока :Дорожная азбука
Планируемые образовательные результаты
активизировать знания, умения и навыки
употребления модальных глаголов в
английском языке;
обобщить лексический материал по теме
"Правила дорожного движения";
уметь произвольно строить речевое
высказывание в устной и письменной
форме; уметь анализировать его,
передавать содержание в выборочном
уметь действовать по предложенному
организовывать учебное
сотрудничество и совместную
деятельность с учителем и
сверстниками, работать
формировать осознанное, уважительное и
доброжелательное отношение к другому
человеку, его мнению, культуре, языку;
формирование общекультурной и
этнической идентичности как составляющих
гражданской идентичности личности;
готовности и способности вести диалог с
другими людьми и достигать в нём
индивидуально и в группе;
уметь слушать и вступать в диалог;
точно выражать свои мысли в
соответствии с задачами и условиями
Решаемые учебные проблемы: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков по теме посредством интеграции учебной и
внеучебной деятельности, межпредметных связей (английский язык и ОБЖ) по теме "Правила дорожного движения";
активизация речемыслительной деятельности учащихся; развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи учащихся на
английском языке;
Основные понятия, изучаемые на уроке: виды транспорта, слова и выражения на тему «Правила дорожного движения», дорожные
знаки, модальные глаголы should, must
Педагогическая технология: коллективная учебная деятельность в малых группах.
Ресурсы: дорожные знаки, раздаточный материал, мультимедийная презентация с вопросами; карта Лондона, видеосюжеты,
буклеты с правилами дорожного движения на английском языке, жетоны.
Организационная структура урока.
1. ЭТАП 1 Актуализация знаний
Деятельность учителя
Сообщение о теме и характере работы на уроке. Teacher: Good
morning, dear students and our guests! Take your seats, please, and the
Деятельность учащихся
Приветствие учителя
Good morning, teacher!
Road ABC lesson is beginning.
T-Where do we live?
T-Can we say that we live in a big and dangerous transport world?
T- What kind of parts do we play?
At this lesson I want you to look at the traffic rules from different
points of you and take part in a traffic quiz. We are going to have 3
(the students choose the name for their teams and the teacher
announces them) Распределение учащихся по 3 командам
(Пешеходы, пассажиры и велосипедисты)).
TEAM 1 - pedestrians
TEAM 2 - bikers
TEAM 3 - passengers
P- We live in a big city.
P- We can say that we live in a big and dangerous transport
world where we play different parts.
P- We play different parts: we are mostly pedestrians, bikers,
(The students choose the name for their teams and the teacher
announces them)
TEAM 1 - pedestrians
TEAM 2 - bikers
TEAM 3 - passengers
2. ЭТАП Создание проблемной ситуации. Целеполагание
Деятельность учителя
Today we are going to speak about traffic rules which we all should
obey and follow. We all live in a big city and so we can say we live in a
big and dangerous transport world where we play different parts: we
are mostly pedestrians, bikers, passengers, and your parents and you
can soon also be drivers, motor bikers or traffic controllers.
T-What shall we speak about today?
P-That’s all right, today we are going to speak about Road Safety, but
first of all let’s do our phonetic exercises and remember our poem .
Деятельность учащихся
P- Today we are going to speak about Road Safety
Обучающиеся декламируют стихотворение
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light
Standing on the corner bright
Green means go, we all know
Yellow means wait, even if you're late
Red means stop
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light
Standing on the corner bright.
3 ЭТАП "Открытие" нового знании.
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
Обучающиеся находят в таблице названия различных видов
T-In the magic square there are 10 kinds of transport. Find these words
and circle them:
Please, match the words from the left and right columns to make pairs
and to see what we can do in the street:
транспорта и называют их.
(bus, taxi, trolleybus, car, motorbike, bicycle, ambulance, lorry,
car, tram)
1. cross
2. go
3. break
4. check up
5. look
6. turn
7. keep
8. call
9. ask
the light
to the left
the police
a stranger
along the pavement
the traffic rules
straight on
the road
1. get off
2. buy.
3. give up
4. obstruct
5. look
6. follow
seats to old people
a conductor
the driver's directions
your step
out of the window
a tram
TASK 3 : Our transport world is full of different signs. They are called
ROAD SIGNS. They tell us what we can do, what we should do and
what we mustn't do in the street.
Now each team will see 3 road signs and you will tell us what they
mean for us:
(Teacher shows 3 different signs for each team and the students tell
what they can, should or mustn't do when they see them)
7. ask
8. take
9. put on
10. watch
the door
a taxi
a seat belt
a bus pass / ticket
1. use
2. ride
3. show
4. break
5. turn on
6. go
7. wear
8. watch
9. turn
10.fix the rules
the light
the traffic lights
a helmet
a bike
both hands
the brakes
along the road
The students tell what they can, should or mustn't do when they
see different signs )
5 ЭТАП Применение нового знания.
Деятельность учителя
TASK 4 : Imagine we are in London. As you know there are some
differences in the traffic rules in England and in Russia. Can you name
TASK 5 : You are a British traffic officer and meet a stranger who
wants to get from one place to another. Can you help him/her to get to
the place wanted? Give instructions using a map.
Team1. " Bank - School"
Team 2. "Cinema - Cafe"
Team 3. "Gas station - Supermarket")
TASK 6: You are going to watch some video clips where you will see
some mistakes the characters do. Tell them what they should do and
what they mustn't do not to break the traffic rules and keep safe in the
Деятельность учителя
(Students name these differences.)
(Students from each team make up dialogues "Asking the way"
using the map of London:
Team1. " Bank - School"
Team 2. "Cinema - Cafe"
Team 3. "Gas station - Supermarket")
(Students watch video clips and give the right directions and
recommendations )
Task 7
Teacher: Maria has prepared some riddles for you . Please, try to guess.
1.This house on wheels
Is running a race
Taking people
From place to place. (bus)
2.I am on the one side of the river
I am on another side of the river
People, cars, buses run on me all time. (bridge)
3.I have three eyes and one leg.
I help people and cars. (traffic light)
4.Four brothers run always together. (wheels)
5.What animal does help us to cross the road? (zebra)
6.I walk along the street
I walk around the town
I know all the rules
I don`t get into trouble. (pedestrian)
7.This is the horse but he doesn`t eat grass
This horse is steel, it has two wheels. (bike)
8.It is black and white stripes.
It is like a magic stick that fairy has. (baton)
9.It is not for buses
It is not for cars
It`s only for us. (pavement)
10.It is not alive but walk
It is not movie but led us. (road)
6 ЭТАП Контроль и коррекция результатов (итог урока).
Деятельность учителя
3. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: OK. Now let's see which team has more points. (counting
The winners today is TEAM: They will all have excellent marks.
But I think you've all done a great job today.
Деятельность учащихся
I hope you will always keep safe in our transport world and never get
into trouble there.
We all together work hard to design a special leaflet where you can
find the road signs and traffic rules for everyone not to forget them.
(Giving prizes)
We've revised the traffic rules and remembered the road signs.
We've helped the strangers to get to the right place and found the
reasons for the road accidents.
6 ЭТАП Рефлексия
Деятельность учителя
Our students know some poems about traffic rules
Деятельность учащихся
The poem
P1: Look right, look left
The green says “go”
Now go slow
The red says ”stop”
Now do so.
P2: My street is very wide
My street is straight
I never cross the street
When the light is red.
P3: Buses and cars in our town
Run up and down
Run up and down
Stop! look at the light
First look to the right
Second look to the left.
P4: In the streets the buses run
Two by two, or one by one
Children: Be very very careful
When you cross the street
Use your eyes and use your ears
And then use your feet.
In Russia look to the left first
In England look to the right
Then look up and check the light.
When all the cars have stopped
It`s time for you to go.
Walk between the lines
That`s the safest way I know.
8 ЭТАП Домашнее задание.
Teacher: Now our lesson is going to the end. It was very interesting and useful to know information about the main traffic rules in
England and Russia. I want to say thank for all participants. All of you have some sings. Please, choose the sing what do you think about
our meeting.
The lesson is over. Thank you and goodbye.
(все участники выбирают значок, соответствующий настроению встречи)