План-конспект урока "Strange but True" 8 класс

НОУ Школа «Ника»
По теме «Strange but True»
УМК Matrix Pre-Intermediate Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth для 8 класса
Учитель английского языка
Славгородская Д.А.
Москва, 2013
Тип урока: урок развития умений (монологической речи)
Практическая задача: развивать у учащихся речевые умения, в частности навыки
монологической речи на основе текстов до уровня микромонолога.
Воспитательная задача:
Способствовать проявлению интереса к культурному достоянию других стран
(на основе текстов, а также видеоролика про Stonehenge)
Образовательная задача:
Способствовать расширению социокультурного кругозора на основе текстов, а
также видеоролика про Stonehenge.
Развивающая задача:
Способствовать развитию внимания, кратковременной и долговременной
памяти, воображения, мышления на основе текстов, а также на основе
домашнего задания
I Организационный этап(5 мин)
1) Организационный момент
T: Good morning, children. Glad to see you again! Sit down please. How are you today?
T: Nice to hear that. I’m fine too, thanks. Let’s see what we will do today. Today we are
going to speak about different interesting but quite strange places on our planet.
2) Речевая зарядка
T: Now, my first question to you is: What unusual places on our planet do you know?
P1: Egyptian pyramids!
P2: Stonehenge!
T: Right you are! Have you ever been there?
Ps: No/Yes!
T: What strange historic sights do you know? Have you ever seen them yourself?
II Основной этап(37 мин)
1) Ознакомление с новыми л.е.
T: Well, as you have already guessed today we are going to speak about different
wonderful places that are beautiful but a bit strange. First of all, let’s discuss what
adjectives we can use to describe different places of interest? I want you to put them
down in your exercise books because you will need them during our lesson.
P1: exciting
P2: ancient
P3: magnificent
P4: significant
P5: breathtaking
T: Good and now let’s get acquainted with some phrases and word combinations that also
can be of some use for us while speaking about interesting places.
(На доске презентация с новыми Лексическими единицами)
T: Look at the blackboard. Do you know the meaning of the word “sacred”? Can you
P1: священный, святой
T: Right, thank you. Now who can tell me what “to turn into” means?
P2: Превращаться!
T: Good. What do you think the phrase “original culture” means?
P3: Самобытная культура!
2) Тренировка (УРУ)
а) Имитация
T: Excellent. Now let’s practice these words a bit. I will say some sentences and if they
are correct you have to repeat them after me. Listen carefully. (Режим T-P1, P2, P3)
T: Every country has its own sacred places.
P1: Yes, every country has its own sacred places.
T: Some of them are turned into places where people can pray.
P2: Yes, some of them are turned into places where people can pray.
T: It can be difficult for foreigners to adapt for the original culture of the country they
P3: Yes, it can be difficult for foreigners to adapt for the original culture of the country
they visit.
T: Disneyland was named after Walter Disney.
P4: Yes, Disneyland was named after Walter Disney.
T: People are unaware whether aliens exist or not.
P5: Yes, people are unaware whether aliens exist or not.
T: Literature has deep significance for culture of each country.
P6: Yes, literature has deep significance for culture of each country.
б) Подстановка
T: Ok, now have a look at these handouts. There are several sentences with gaps. Your
task is to fill in gap using the words from the box ( they are the words we have just
(Самостоятельная работа, затем проверка в режиме T-P1-P2-P3…)
в) Трансформация
T: Good, now I want to ask you, have you ever heard about Stonehenge?
P1: Yes, of course!
T: Do you know what it is?
P2: A group of stones located in Britain.
T: Have you ever seen it?
P3: No.
T: Ok, now let’s watch a video about Stonehenge, one of the most exciting sights in
Britain. You task is to watch carefully and to answer the questions that are written on the
handouts using the words we have just discussed!
г) Репродуктивное упражнение
T: Thank you very much. Now you know how to describe different places of interest.
Now let’s try to describe them. I want you to be tour guides. Divide into 3 teams. You
have to prepare a kind of a presentation on one text (1st team text about Uluru p.100,
team text about Black hills p.100, 3
team text about Cristo Redentor p.49 your
WB). You have to decide how to divide the text between all of you and to write some key
words that would help you to build up the text for your presentation. Moreover, you
should use the words that we have discussed today. Your task is to convince all of us to
choose your place as a destination to go there for holidays. So pay attention that you
should be informative, convincing and creative. You have 10 minutes to prepare your
T: While you are listening to the other team your task is to write down the missing
information in your students books on the first 2 texts or on the handouts on the 3
Then we are going to check it up.
…. (слушаем презентации по текстам, приготовленные учениками в классе)
T: So we have now listened to all the presentations, now our task is to decide who the
best tour guides were and where we will go on our holidays? Let’s vote. (определяем
IV Завершающий этап (3 мин)
1) Подведение итогов:
T: Good, so, who can tell me: what did you learn today?
T: Great. Thank you very much. I like the way you worked today. You were very active.
T: выставление отметок + устное оценивание.
2) Домашнее задание (записано на доске)
T: At home you have to prepare a presentation about any place of interest in our country.
You should prepare a Power Point Presentation or just a text with colourful pictures.
Your speech should be for about 5 minutes. You have to be creative, informative and
T: The lesson is over. Thank you very much.