Конспект урока "Как мы помогаем людям" 5 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Средняя
общеобразовательная школа №9» г. Вилючинск, Камчатский край
Урок для учащихся 5-х классов.
Цикл №3, урок №4.
«Как мы помогаем людям»
по УМК «Английский»
под редакцией ВП Кузовлева.
Урок разработала
учитель английского языка
Климова Н.И.
Lesson 4.
Цели урока:
развитие произвольного внимания, произвольной и непроизвольной
памяти, умения использовать опоры для построения высказывания.
воспитание ценностного отношения к природе, к окружающей среде,
готовности к личному участию в экологических проектах.
помощь пожилым и одиноким людям.
Задачи: - развивающий аспект:
развивать коммуникативные умения (сравнение и сопоставление
речевых единиц, формулирование основной мысли высказывания);
умение пользоваться логическими действиями сравнения, анализа,
развивать умения работать с информацией;
развивать и поддерживать интерес к предмету.
- обучающий аспект:
формирование лексических навыков говорения.
- воспитательный аспект:
создать предпосылки для формирования активной позиции по вопросам
помощи людям.
Тип урока: урок комбинированный.
Методы: интерактивный, словесный, наглядный, практический.
Магнитофон, мультимедиа проектор, ПК, мультимедиа презентация по теме
Fairy - Land”, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
Презентация FAIRY- LAND
1. Good morning boys and girls, nice to see you. I think you are fine today. We
shall begin our lesson with a poem.
I have watered flowers
It is great and fun.
My brother has cleaned the floor На доску
And he’s designed the drum.
We are happy the whole day
Because we help and play.
Design [diz’ain] создавать
a) Listen to the poem, read it and translate (T→Cl)
(P1, P2, P3….)
2. Today during our lesson we shall visit a fairy-land. We shall see what has
happened in the fairy-land.
A).To walk in the fairy-land you should remember the verbs.
Infinitive V1
B).Finish the sentences. Choose the right verb.
1. I have (clean/cleaned) the paths.
2. They have (cooked/cook) dinner.
3. She has (drawn/drew) the picture today.
4. He has (go/gone) shopping twice a week.
5. We have (raked/rake) the leaves.
6. We have (sewed/ sewn) many soft toys.
7. They have (buy/bought) apples twice a week.
8. We have (learnt/learn) a nice poem this month.
C). Answer the questions.
1. Have you cleaned up the house?
Yes, I…..
2. Have you swept the paths?
No, I…. I have ….
3. Have you learnt the poem this week?
Yes, I….
4. Have you raked leaves in the garden?
No, I…. I have…
5. Have you washed off graffiti?
Yes, I have….
6. Have you done the shopping?
No, I …. I have
7. Have you watered the flowers?
Yes, I ….
8. Have you swept the floor?
No, I ….. I have
D). Correct the mistakes.
1.I have cook dinner today.
2.They have sweep the floor in the kitchen.
3.We have sew many soft toys for children in the hospital.
4. She has play the piano for elderly and lonely people.
5. He has ride a bike in the yard today.
6. My mother has water the flowers in the room.
7. My sister and I have clean up the house.
8. The boys have watch a very interesting film today.
9. My parents have buy apples and bananas twice a week.
E). How can they boast?
1.Sweep the floor. I have swept the floor.
2.Sew soft toys.
3.Buy bread and butter.
4. Cook dinner.
5. Do the shopping.
6. Rake leaves.
7. Do your homework.
8. Clean up your house.
9. Sweep the paths.
10. Visit elderly and lonely people.
11. Collect secondhand books.
12. Pick up litter.
13. Help children in a local hospital.
14. Wash off graffiti.
F). What have the children done?
G). What useful things have you done this week, today or this month?
My friends
My sister
My brother
leaves in the garden
the class board
a new book for my
toys in the room
litter in the schoolyard
the shopping for the
flowers in the classroom
this week
this month.
rake the leaves
do the shopping
Boris and Olga
water the flowers
sweep the paths
sew soft toys
Barbara and Jane
clean up the house
wash off graffiti
do the shopping
water the flowers
sew soft toys
secondhand books
play with children
visit and help lonely
and elderly people
my room
my sister/brother
3. Dear boys and girls. Thank you very much for your work. You have done a lot
of tasks. Was it interesting? If it was interesting put a red balloon on the
blackboard. If it was boring put a yellow balloon on the board.
H. Ass.
Ex.4 p.43 (wr)