Конспект урока "BON APPETIT!" 8 класс

Открытый урок в 8 «А» классе
Выполнила: учитель английского языка
высшей категории
МОУ гимназии №9 г. Воронежа
Третьякова Галина Николаевна
г. Воронеж
1. Работа над активизацией лексики по теме.
2. Развитие навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.
3. Развитие навыков устной речи в форме монолога и диалога.
4. Контроль восприятия иноязычного текста.
5. Отработка навыков употребления Present Perfect Tense.
Ход урока.
I Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует учеников и сообщает им о
задачах предстоящего урока.
T: Good morning, everybody! So, today we’re going to talk about
different eating habits, tastes and preferences in food. It’s needless to
say that we all like to please ourselves with some special, tasty,
enjoyable and favourite food. However, we are all different and thus our
tastes differ as well. There’s a fantastic variety of words describing
different dishes. What about if we recollect them?
II Активизация лексики по теме.
Учитель продолжает:
T: Look at the blackboard and match the following words and word
(On the blackboard)
1. low-fat food a) not easy to prepare
2. full-fat food b) a cake without any taste
3. rotten fruits c) low calorie food
4. a tasteless cake d) not spicy flavour
5. steamed rice e) recently produced vegetables
(not spoilt)
6. junk food f) full-calorie food
7. broccoli g) an original Spanish dish
8. difficult to prepare h) very easy to chew meat
9. spicy sauce i) spoilt fruits
10. this is real temptation j) savoury sauce
11. mild flavor k) a kind of cauliflower
12. fresh vegetables l) rice cooked above the boiling
13. tender meat m) a kind of low-fat snack
14. an authentic Spanish dish n) this is really delicious
Учитель продолжает:
T: Well done! Now your task will be a bit more difficult. I’d like
you to give me the opposites of the following words. Read aloud one by
(Учитель раздает карточки)
Give the opposites of the following words:
(предполагаемые ответы)
1. full-fat - low-fat
2. rotten - fresh
3. tasteless - tasty
4. tough - tender
5. simple to prepare - difficult to prepare
6. expensive - cheap
7. unhealthy - healthy
8. minimum - maximum
9. authentic - original
T: Perfect! Now I’d like you to work with your workbooks. Open
them at page 23, exercise 8(Matrix Pre-Intermediate). Well, replace the
adjectives in italic with suitable opposites:
Ученики выполняют устно упражнение один за
другим, заменяя выделенные прилагательные на
1. Fruit salad: the traditional unhealthy, full-fat favourite.
2. Tagliatelle primavera: pasta with a tasteless sauce of rotten
spring vegetables.
3. A satisfying, expensive dish, quick to prepare with a mild flavour.
4. A traditional savoury English pudding, which is extremely
difficult to prepare.
T: Well done!
III Следующий этап урока направлен на
развитие навыков устной речи в
монологической форме.
T: Good! This time your task will be on the one hand more difficult
but on the other hand really interesting. Actually I have some fantastic
pictures for you. Look at them! Isn’t your mouth watering just to look at
them? Anyway it’s my cup of tea. Last lesson you read about food
labels. Now your task is to make up food labels yourselves. Choose any
picture you like and try to describe it. By the way, don’t forget to use the
words and word combinations we’ve just mentioned. You have two
minutes at your disposal.
(Учитель показывает несколько картинок с изображением
различных блюд. Ученики готовят своиfood labels”, а затем
отвечают по выбранным ими картинкам.)
Предполагаемые ответы учеников (3-4 выступления):
P.1: This dish is simple and quick to prepare. Very cheap but tasty.
Boiled eggs with garden peas. Great served in spicy sauce and boiled
potatoes. Enjoy yourself!
P.2: This is real temptation! A sweet and sticky full-fat cake with
maximum flavour. It’s really simple to prepare. Best served with fresh
berries. Bon Appetit!
P.3: Delicious tender chicken served in a spicy sauce and fresh
vegetables. The dish is expensive but simple to prepare. A traditional
favourite for all the family.
P.4: An authentic Russian dish of pancakes, caviar and salmon served
with sour cream. An expensive dish but unforgettable. Enjoy it!
T: Good of you! You really take the cake! I can imagine how it is
IV Следующий этап урока направлен на
развитие диалогической речи по заданной
T: It goes without saying everybody likes to eat something
delicious. Now we’re going to listen to the dialogue. Two people are
talking about their preferences in food.
Ученики слушают диалог.
Jane I love curry, it’s delicious.
Jim I hate it because it’s too hot and spicy.
I like mild food like fish and chips.
Jane I don’t like eating fried food, it’s unhealthy, and it looks very
T: Now your task is to replace phrases “I love” and “I hate” with
the following ones.
(Ученики читают тот же самый диалог (2-3 пары) и заменяют
фразы на предложенные в упражнении учебника, S/B page 47,
exercise 2, Matrix Pre-Intermediate):
I adore / I detest / I can’t stand / I like / I don’t like /
I really like
Учитель продолжает:
T: Good! As you see, tastes differ. Now it’s time to make up your
own dialogues. In pairs, talk to your partner about foods you like and
hate and why. Use the phrases we’ve just recollected in the previous
(Опрашиваются 2-3 пары).
T: Well done!
V Отработка навыков употребления Present
Perfect в устной речи учащихся.
Учитель продолжает:
T: Well, I think it might be a good idea to talk about what you have
eaten today. And we’ll see who the heartiest eater is over the past 24
hours. As for me, I’ve eaten some pieces of cheese and a toast. What
about you?
(Ученики один за другим говорят о том, что они ели сегодня.
На доске – формула образования Present Perfect)
T: This time I’d like you to make up sentences and questions in the
Present Perfect Tense with ever and never.
(Учитель раздает карточки, ученики составляют
предложения по ним один за другим).
Henry / make a cake X
Henry has never made a cake.
1. Maria /eat a curry X
2. Tina / be on a diet ?
3. Meg / buy caviar Х
4. You / bake pizza ?
5. Joe / try Russian pancakes Х
6. My parents / be to this new restaurant Х
VI Следующий этап направлен на контроль
восприятия иноязычного связанного текста с
последующим выполнением заданий ( множественность
выбора подстановочных с последующим выходом на
монологическое высказывание).
T: Well done! I tell you what! I’ve managed to find out a really
interesting article which is definitely worth listening to. It is about eating
habits of popular film stars. There’re some new words from the article
on the blackboard. Look at them first.
(On the blackboard)
a watermelon (without seeds) - арбуз (без семечек);
constantly - постоянно;
poached eggs - яйца пашот;
to complain about - жаловаться о;
a caterer - поставщик провизии;
dieters - те, кто сидит на диете;
exactly - точно, в точности;
baby spinach - молодой шпинат;
fussy eaters - привередливые едоки;
steamed - пропаренный.
Ученики слушают запись статьи What Do The Stars Eat?”
Film stars are everyone’s favourite subject. People love to talk
about what they’re wearing, who they’re dating, and how much money
they make. But have you ever wondered about what they eat? Chefs and
caterers on film sets have the answers. “Every actor has different eating
habits,” says chef John Sharp. “Some stars love meat, while others are
strict vegetarians who don’t eat meat, eggs, or fish. Some stars love junk
food, while others are constantly on a diet and eat only healthy foods.
Ninety-nine per cent of the time, actresses are on a diet and insist on
eating only low-fat foods. During the filming of Now and Then, Demi
Moore ate nothing but Basmati rice, steamed baby spinach, green beans
with lemon, and turkey sandwiches on wholemeal bread. During the
filming of Twister, Helen Hunt only ate low-calorie foods, including
poached eggs, dry toast, and steamed brown rice with vegetables.
Other stars love to eat junk food, and never count calories during
their meals. Eddie Murphy’s favourite food is Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t worry about how healthy her diet is, and loves
fatty bacon sandwiches with lettuce, mayonnaise and lots of butter.
One thing for sure is that cooking for the stars is never easy,
because they are often fussy eaters. “They want food fixed exactly the
way they like it and always have something to complain about,” says
caterer Susan Tate. Bill Murray won’t eat watermelon with seeds in it,
and Mickey Rourke insists on freshly squeezed carrot juice twice a day,
but he won’t drink it if it sits for more than six minutes.
Cooking for the stars is hard work, but few of these caterers ever
think about changing jobs. “I love my work,” says Susan Tate. “Where
else can I see what Michelle Pfeiffer eats for breakfast or what Al
Pacino has for a snack?
T: (После прослушивания статьи) I hope you enjoyed listening to
this really interesting article. Now it’s time to use your brains. I’ll give
you out some sheets of paper with this article, look it through and there
are some exercises to be done according to it. Lets do them on the spot.
(Ученики прочитывают статью про себя, затем выполняют
упражнения после статьи типа “multiple choice” один за другим
Exercise 1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. Vegetarians don’t eat….. .
a) junk food.
b) vegetables.
c) meat.
d) healthy foods.
2. Most actresses don’t eat…… .
a) low-fat foods.
b) sandwiches.
c) fatty foods.
d) steamed vegetables.
3. Who likes junk food?
a) Eddie Murphy
b) Demi Moore
c) Susan Tate
d) Bill Murray
4. Cooking for the stars is…..
a) boring.
b) difficult.
c) easy.
d) scary.
5. Caterers on film sets should …..
a) be fussy eaters.
b) prepare only healthy food.
c) change their jobs often.
d) fix food the way each star likes it.
Exercise 2. Fill in the words from the list and complete
the phrases.
dry, foods, eating , junk, freshly-squeezed, calories,
poached, steamed, strict
1. eating habits
2. steamed brown rice
3. healthy food
4. low-fat foods
5. poached eggs
6. dry toast
7. to count calories
8. freshly-squeezed carrot juice
9. strict vegetarians
Exercise 3. Fill in the correct preposition to complete the
phrases: of, about, for,of.
1. On film sets;
2. On a diet;
3. ninety-nine per cent of the time;
4. to insist on sth;
5. to worry about sth;
6. to cook for sb;
7. to complain about sth;
8. to think about sth.
T: Perfect! As you see, it wasn’t a hard nut to crack for you. Well,
and now to sum it up, just tell me what the stars like to eat. Scan the
article again. So, what about Demi Moore? (Helen Hunt, Whoopi
Goldberg, Mickey Rourke).
(Желающие ученики один за другим высказываются по заданной
Предполагаемые ответы:
P1: May I? Well, some actors only eat low-fat foods. For example,
Demi Moore enjoys “Basmati rice, steamed baby spinach, green beans
with lemon, and turkey sandwiches on wholemeal bread.
P2: As for Helen Hunt, she only eats low-calorie foods, poached
eggs, dry toast, and steamed brown rice with vegetables.
P3: Can I? Well, Whoopi Goldberg enjoys bacon sandwiches with
lettuce, mayonnaise and lots of butter.
P4: And Mickey Rourke insists on freshly-squeezed carrot juice
twice a day, but he won’t drink it if it sits more than 6 minutes.
T: Good of you! So, as you see, we talked a lot about different eating
habits and preferences in food.
You really take the cake today! Thanks a lot for your work. Your
H/W: Get ready to talk about your preferences in food.