Конспект урока "It takes many kinds to make the world. What makes people different?" 7 класс

МОУ «СОШ №34 с углубленным изучением отдельных
г. Старый Оскол, Белгородской области
Урок в 7 классе
по теме:
«It takes many kinds to make the world.
What makes people different? »
Ивашкина Елена Владимировна
Цель: Развитие лексических навыков говорения и чтения по теме "Характер человека",
развитие аудитивных навыков по теме.
o Развивать навыки устной речи по теме;
o Развивать навыки обсуждения прочитанного и прослушанного материала;
o Воспитывать у учащихся толерантное отношение к людям разной внешности,
темперамента, национальности;
o Способствовать развитию критического мышления школьников.
Оборудование: ПК, интерактивная доска, мультимедийные презентации, аудиозапись.
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends! Let’s start our lesson. The theme of our lesson for today is «It
takes many kinds to make the world. » and we will speak about peoples' characters and find out
what makes people different? We have to learn to express our opinions about it. But at first lets
do some gymnastic for tongues (tongue twister, Презентация 1, слайд 3).
Teacher: Well, thank you. And now tell me, please, what do you think about this question?
(students' opinions). Good. So, people can be different in appearance, personality, beliefs and
opinions, education, tastes, language and culture, behavior and manners and so on). But let’s
check up, if you remember human features of character. There are two columns of words and
you have to find antonyms. (slide with antonyms, презентация 1, слайд4).
Teacher: What do you think can influence our character?...... Well, in our group there are
students that believe that stars have an influence on us. Let’s listen to them (Project: Signs of
the zodiac, презентация 1, слайды 5-14)
Pupil 1: There are 12 signs of the zodiac. These are: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces,
Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, and Aries.
P2: And astrologers believe that these signs can influence people's character.
P1: They suppose that every sign has its typical traits of character and behavior.
P2: Let's find out, if it is really so.
P1: Well, in our group we have 3 Aquarius. These people are friendly and cheerful. They have a
lot of brilliant and crazy ideas, they like to be different. In our group these are Vera, Sveta and
Cristina Fomina. Stars say that they are wise, impartial, kind. They like to tell truth.
P2: Pisces. People of this sign are quiet, a bit lazy. They like helping other people, are good at
art. But they are whimsical and haughty. This all is about our Marina.
P1. I think that not everyone will agree with stars, but let’s go on. The next sign in our
horoscope is Aries. These people are usually generous, bossy, a bit selfish. They are often angry
and bad-tempted. They like sport. They don’t like to lie and are not cruel. These are Rita , Ann,
P2. Two students in our group, Cristina Danilenco and Daniel, were born under the sign of
Taurus. The people of this sign are careful and helpful. They like working in the garden, like
nature, flowers, like cooking food. They are hardworking, loyal, have a good sense of humor.
But they are obstinate.
P1. Being obstinate is sometimes very useful.
P2. That’s just I was thinking.
P1. Well, let's pass to the next sign. Gemini. It is a very interesting sign. These people are
clever, funny, cheerful, but fickle and impatient. They are interested in books, like traveling and
chatting with friends - they are talkative. These are Nastya, Sasha and Elena Vladimirovna.
P2. Leo. This is Vlad. Stars tell us that he is confident, proud, purposeful. He is a loyal friend
and a strong enemy. He likes extravagant things and luxury. He is very cheerful.
P1. A direct opposite of Leo is Virgo. They are critical, careful, shy and even-tempted. Untidy
people annoy them. They like animals and to put aside money. They are very thrifty. We speak
about Daniel.
P2. Finally we came to the last sign in our group: Scorpio. It is very inconsistent. People are
clever and brave, but not very honest and egocentric. They always get what they want. They are
good friends.
P1. Well, we presented you stars' influence on human characters. Do you agree with it?
Teacher: Well, thank you girls and what about you? Do you agree with it? .....
Thank you, boys and girls. And now let’s play. Take pieces of paper and write down three
adjectives that mean your main features. (Play “Describe yourself”) Good, thank you. And
now play for the teams/ you have to describe a person from the opposite team in 3-5 adjectives
or examples and then to guess who it is. (Play “Who is it?”)
Teacher: Well, we found out that stars can influence our character. But what about geography?
Does our character depend on the place, on the country we live? We have learned enough about
Russia, about the USA and about the UK. And now let's look throw some presentation and think
could it be or no? (Презентация 2) Tell me please what you think about it. (Discussing)
Teacher: And now let’s listen to the story about two friends, Tim and Jim. After listed to it you
have to describe characters of the boys and compare it. (Working in groups). So, we see that
people can be different but they can be friends. But what do you think a real friend should
be?(Diagram) See you, your imagination about it is different too. So, Lets make a
conclusion to our lesson: we all are different but we have to get along with each other.
Подведение итогов. Д/З.