Конспект урока "Toy Shop" 2 класс

Конспект урока английского языка во 2 классе
«Toy Shop»
Разумова Елена Алексеевна
МОУ «СОШ № 27 с углубленным изучением
отдельных предметов»
г.Балаково Саратовской области
Задачи урока:
- повторение звуков и букв английского алфавита
- систематизация лексики по темам «Игрушки», «Где находятся игрушки»
-совершенствование речевых навыков
-развитие навыков чтения
-совершенствование навыков аудирования
-совершенствование навыков письма
-развитие и поддержание познавательного интереса учащихся к изучению английского
-развитие творческих способностей учащихся
- воспитание вежливости
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning, dear children and quests. I am glad to see you at our lesson!
Pupils: Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning! I am glad to see you!
Teacher: Who is on duty today?
Pupil: I’m on duty today. Today is the 15
of April. It’s Friday. All the pupils are present today.
Teacher: OK. Thank you! We are having an unusual lesson today. We shall repeat English
sounds, letters, recite poems, sing songs, role play dialogs, read and write, you will tell about
your toys and role play the tale “Where is my Mum?” Today we are going to the Toy shop. We
shall go along many streets to the shop and do many different tasks. But before our trip I want
to ask some questions.
Do you like to play?
Do you like to play with toys?
What toys have you got?
What do you like to play with?
Teacher: Now let’s sing a song “I’ve got a bear”
Pupils sing: I’ve got a bear, I’ve got a hare,
My toys are here, my toys are there.
I’ve got a horse, I’ve got a fox
I’ve got a brown cow.
I’ve got a duck, I’ve got a bird.
I’m playing now.
Teacher: Very well, children! You sing wonderful. Now let’s role play dialogs, which you have
Dialog 1
Danil : Hi, Danil!
Danil : Hi, Danil! Oh, you’ve got a new toy.
Danil: Yes, it’s a ball. Have you got many toys?
Danil: Yes, I have. But best of all I like my cars.
Danil: How many cars have you got?
Danil: I’ve got three cars.
Danil: What colour are your cars?
Danil: I’ve got a black car, a red car and a white car. What toys do you like to play with?
Danil: I like to play with my tank and my ship. My tank is green and my ship is yellow.
Danil: Let’s play with our toys.
Danil: Let’s.
Dialog II
Yulia: Mary, I’ve got a little yellow toy-puppy.
Mary: Oh, how nice it is! What’s its name?
Yulia: Its name is Chester. What toy-animals have you got?
Mary: I’ve got bear, an elephant and a fox. But I haven’t got a toy-monkey and I want to have it
very much.
Yulia: Mary, I can give you my toy-monkey. Its name is Chichi. It is very funny. Here it is.
Mary: Thank you, Yulia. You are very kind.
Teacher: OK. So, we are starting our trip to the shop!
The first street is Sound Street.
These are flowers, they are English sounds. Those are bees, they are English letters. Please, help
the bees find their flowers and name the word beginning with this sound.
Letters A D G R H I T W F
A Africa, America, and, am Ann
D doctor, daughter, dog, driver
G grandmother, grandfather, Great Britain
R Russia, red, rabbit
H hello, hi, how, have got, hare
I I, Ike
I is, it
W want, what, with, worker,
F family, father, fine, friend, from
T teacher, Tom, too
Teacher: Excellent! Now let’s continue our trip! The second street is Word Street.
The first task is to name opposites to the words
Black white
Yes no
Son daughter
Aunt uncle
Kitten puppy
Stand up sit down
Hello good bye
Big little
Girl boy
Mother father
grandfather grandmother
sister brother
Teacher: I see you know opposites very well!
You can see four pictures. Your task is to make one word out of the first letters of those words.
This word is one of you favourite toys. Go here and write the first letters of the words.
На доске четыре картинки - Ball, Elephant, Apple, Rabbit. BEAR
Teacher: What poem about the bear do you know?
My Teddy Bear
I have got a teddy bear
It hides from me everywhere
I look for him and call and call
Where is it, after all?
I can’t find it. Let me see,
It’s in my schoolbag,
Ready to go with me!
Teacher: Next task for you is to guess the word. These are the names of toy animals. Guess the
word and say if you want or don’t want to play with this toy.
Lold doll ogd - dog
Yppup puppy tac - cat
Oxf fox eitgr - tiger
Teknit kitten napleeht - elephant
Omknye monkey Allb ball
Дети называют правильное слово и составляют предложения I want to play with the fox /
I don’t want to play with the fox.
Teacher: Now we are in the Sunny Street! But look! The Sun is sad. It has not got rays. Please,
describe the picture. Say where the toys are! Let’s make the Sun happy! One sentence is one
Ученики подходят к доске, называют предложения и прикрепляют лучик солнышка на
магнитную доску.
Примерные предложения (по сюжету картинки)
The hare is on the table.
The hare is grey.
The bear is near the chair.
The giraffe is under the table. Etc.
Teacher: Thank you, children! Now the Sun is very glad! Let’s count the rays!
Teacher: We are in the Riddle Street. I ask some pupils to read riddles about the animals. And
other children have to guess this animal!
1. It can run and jump. It can’t swim. Sometimes it is fluffy. It is black and white, grey and
red. It is neither big nor small. It likes to play, sleep and lap milk. It is kind and nice. It is
my pet. It doesn’t like dogs. It can’t speak, but can sing. It sings, “Mew, mew”.
2. It can run and jump. Sometimes it is fluffy. It is black and white, red, grey and brown. It
can be big and small. It can swim. It likes running. It likes to eat sweet bones. It doesn’t
like cats. It is my pet. It is kind. But sometimes it can be angry. It can’t speak or sing. It
can only say, “Bow-wow-wow”.
3. It can run and jump. It is fluffy. It has a long tail. It is neither big nor small. It is nice but
cunning. It lives in a hole. It can be silvery or red. It can’t speak or sing. It likes to eat
hens and cockerels.
4. It can run and climb. It is not fluffy. It is small. It is grey. It has a long tail. It likes to walk
at night. It doesn’t like cats. It lives in a hole. It likes to eat cheese. It can’t speak or sing.
It can only say, “Pee-pee”.
5. It can run and jump. But it can’t swim. It is neither big nor small. Sometimes it is fluffy. It
is white and grey. It can’t neither speak nor sing. It can eat green grass, cabbage and
carrots. It has long ears. Its tail is not long. It doesn’t like foxes. It is nice.
Teacher: Thank you, children! Now it’s time to go to the Exercise Street. Let’s do
exercises! Stand up! Are you ready?
Children: Yes, we are ready!
Can you hop like a rabbit? Yes, we can!
Can you jump like a frog? Yes, we can!
Can you walk like a duck? Yes, we can!
Can you run like a dog? Yes, we can!
Can you fly like a bird? Yes, we can!
Can you swim like a fish? Yes, we can!
And be still like a good child, as still as you wish? Yes, we can!
Teacher: OK! I think we can continue our trip to the shop! Look! We are in the Poetry
Street! Can you see many pictures on the blackboard? You have drawn these pictures at
home. Do you like them?
Children: Yes, we do!
Teacher: What pictures do you like?
Children: I like the dog. I like the doll. Etc.
Teacher: What poems do you know about these toys?
Дети читают стихи
I’ve got a toy-dog. Its name is Jack.
Its head is white, its ears are black.
I am a hare, I run around the bear.
I am small. The bear can’t catch me at all.
I am a lion, I am a king.
Can you dance with me? Can you sing?
My pretty doll is very small
I love my pretty little doll.
My dog is clever, strong and quick
Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.
My cat is nice, my cat is gay
We play together every day.
I love my cat. It’s warm and fat.
My cat is grey. It likes to play.
My ball
I have a ball. It’s bright and round.
It can jump high and it can bounce.
Up and down, in the air, to ground.
We like together to jump and bounce.
Teacher: Thank you, children! You recite poems very well!
Look! We are in the most beautiful and exciting street Fairy Tale Street! Listen! The birds are
singing! Who is it?
Who is my mother?
Действующие лица:
Птенец, 5 Детей, Ослик, Собака, Кукушка, Ягненок, Кошка, Мама птица
Baby Bird: I am a little Baby Bird. Dear children, please, help me!
I can’t see my mother. May be you can see.
1 child: Can you fly my little bird?
Baby Bird: I cannot fly, but I can walk.
I can jump and hop, hop, hop.
I am going to find my Mother.
2 child: Baby Bird, Baby Bird, you can walk, you can jump,
You must find your dear Mum.
Baby Bird: Hello! Are you my mother?
Donkey: I am not your Mother!
Baby Bird: Who are you?
Donkey: I am a donkey. I bray “hee-haw”. I am not your Mother. I can’t be it.
3 child: Dear Donkey, What can you do?
Donkey: I can ride children.
Baby Bird: Hello! Are you my mother?
Dog: NO, I am not your Mother!
Baby Bird: Who are you?
Dog: I am a dog. I say “bow-wow-wow”
I often bark at little cats and cows.
4 child: What can you do?
Dog: I can jump, I can run.
I can play, it’s fun
Baby Bird: Hello! Are you my mother?
Cuckoo: No, I am not your Mother. I am a grey Cuckoo.
Baby Bird: My mother can fly. You are my mother.
Cuckoo: I am a grey, a grey cuckoo.
I can fly. That is true.
But I can’t feed little birds.
I don’t like them afterwards.
5 child: What can you do, cuckoo?
Cuckoo: “cuckoo, cuckoo” I sing, I say.
What a wonderful day!
I fly and sing from morning till night.
I fly away. Good bye! Good bye!
Baby Bird: Hello! Are you my mother?
Lamb: Am I your Mum? Oh, it’s fun!
Baby Bird: Who are you?
Lamb: I am a curly little Lamb. I like children. I like to play with them. Now I must go.
Baby Bird: Hello! Are you my mother?
Cat: Oh, my dear baby bird! It’s a pity, but I am not.
Baby Bird: Who are you?
Cat: I am a kind and clever cat.
I like milk and like you, Bird.
Let us play with me. Come here.
Close your eyes. I will be near.
My fur is nice. It is soft and silk.
First I’ll eat you and then my milk.
Mother Bird: tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet,
Oh, my little silly bird.
Don’t listen to the cat.
They like to catch and eat us, birds.
Don’t listen to her words!
To the cat: you, cunning cat. You, go away!
And don’t come some other day!
Baby Bird: you love me. You can defend me. Now I know who you are. You are my mother!
Who is my mother? Oh, she is so nice!
She is so brave and she is so wise!
She can defend me, she’s always right.
My mother loves me, kisses me at night.
Mummy, Mummy, so kind you are.
The dearest person my Mummy you are!
Teacher: And how can we help our mothers? Let’s sing a song!
What can we do for you, Mum?
(в траве сидел кузнечик)
What can we do for you, Mum? 4
What can we do? What can we do?
What can we do for you, Mum?
What can we do? What can we do?
What can we do for you?
What would you like to do, kids? 4
What would you like? What would you like?
What would you like to do, kids?
What would you like? What would you like?
What would you like to do, kids?
I’d like to clean the carpets
I’d like to wash the dishes
I’d like to dust the sideboard
I’d like to sweep the floor
How nice of you, how nice of you,
You’ve got so many talents.
How nice of you, how nice of you,
I’ll bake a cake for you.
Teacher: Thank you!
Teacher: Now we are in the Friends Street. You will listen to the story about two friends Liz
and Sammy and task after it.
Liz and Sammy
Liz has got a little grey kitten. Her name is Sammy. Sammy is very nice and funny and Liz loves
her kitten very much.
Liz has got many toys; dolls, balls, monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, tigers, cats and dogs. Sammy
likes to play with the toys. She likes to play hide-and-seek, too.
One day, Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see Sammy. Sammy is not near the table, she is not
on the chair, and she is not in the box. Sammy is under the sofa. She wants to play hide-and-
seek with Liz.
It’s fun to play hide-and-seek but Liz doesn’t want to play this game. She gives Sammy a little
yellow ball to play with. It’s fun to play with the ball, too.
Listen to the story and do the task circle the right answer.
1. Liz has got…
a) A puppy
b) A kitten
c) A cat
2. Sammy is…
a) White
b) Black and white
c) Grey
3. Liz has got many…
a) Toys
b) Boxes
c) Friends
4. Sammy is…
a) Under the sofa
b) In the box
c) Near the table
5. She gives Sammy…
a) A ball
b) A doll
c) A monkey
Teacher: OK, at last we are in the Toy Shop! Are you glad?
Children: Yes, we are glad!
Teacher: Please, buy toys, which you want. And then tell about it.
Seller: Hello!
Pupil: Hi!
Seller: Can I help you?
Pupil: Yes, I like this brown monkey. Please, give me the monkey!
Seller: Here it is!
Pupil: Thank you!
Seller: You are welcome!
Pupil: I’ve got a monkey. It’s big. It’s brown. It’s nice and funny. It’s in the box. I like to play with
my monkey.
2-3 ученика совершают «покупку» и рассказывают об игрушке.
Teacher: Well, some of you have bought toys. Are you happy?
Children: Yes, we are happy!
Teacher: Let’s sing a song “We are happy”!
I’ve got lots friends in my school,
I’ve got lots friends in my town.
I’ve got lots things, things to do,
I’ve got lots things, things to say.
I’m so happy – yeeeeeeee
I’m so happy ohhhhhhhh
I’m so happy, life so good…4 times
Teacher: Now our trip is over. And our lesson is over. You worked hard, you did your best.
Everybody gets excellent marks. Your homework is to write a letter to your friend and tell him
or her about your favourite toy. Good bye!