Конспект урока “Post Office vs Internet. The TWWA Project” 9 класс

Автор материала: Баланцева Юлия Ивановна, учитель иностранных языков МБОУ СОШ № 2 ЗАТО г.Радужный Владимирской
Название материала: Открытый урок английского языка в 9 классе
КЛАСС: 9 класс
ТЕМА: Post Office vs Internet. The TWWA Project
ЦЕЛИ: совершенствование навыков устной монологической речи при подведении промежуточных итогов телекоммуникационного проекта
«Какие мы».
ЗАДАЧИ: активизировать лексику по теме «Переписка», систематизировать представление учащихся о способах и правилах ведения
переписки, развивать навыки сотрудничества через работу в группах, учить анализировать и обобщать материал, учить делать выводы,
задействовать на уроке весь ученический коллектив.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: компьютер, проектор, экран, стенд.
1. Введение.
T.- Good morning, dear pupils! You may take your seats. Today we have an unusual lesson.
We have guests in our classroom and we are happy to see them. We’ve been working on a very
interesting project this year and, of course, we’d like to share our experience with them.
T.- There’s an interesting quote on the board. Will you have a look at it and read it, please.
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself” (John Dewey)
“Образование это не подготовка к жизни, это и есть жизнь” (Джон Дьюи)
T.- What do you think about this statement?
T.- Well, yes. Whatever we do in our life, we gain some experience and knowledge and thus we
learn. At the same time whatever we do we communicate. And today we are going to speak
about communication.
Учитель приветствует учащихся
и гостей и водит в тему. На
экране эпиграф цитата Джона
Дьюи (СЛАЙД). Обсуждение
сводится к роли общения в жизни
T.- As you remember, when we started the project, we discussed the ways of communication
and answered some questions on this topic. Then you analyzed the results of the questionnaire
and today let us first comment on them.
SS… -Dear guests, before Ann starts speaking about the results of the Questionnaire I would
like you to answer some questions about letters and e-mails. We are going to give you a
questionnaire. There are some questions about your way of corresponding with other people.
Please answer the questions. You are only to put a tick where you like. I’ll be glad to analyze
your answers.
(1. Do you write letters and or send postcards via post office? Yes./No.
(2. Do you write e-mails? Yes./No.
(3. How often do you write e-mails? Regularly(almost every
SS… - At the beginning of our project we decided to answer some questions ourselves. First of
Ученица проводит опрос гостей,
раздав им опросные листы с
тремя вопросами.
all we decided to find out what ways of communication we know and use. The second
question was about letters and postcards. As you can see, % of my classmates write letters.
At the same time % of my classmates write e-mails. And the fourth question was about how
often we send e-mails. And here is the diagram. The results are: …% write emails …
So with the help of our questionnaire we found out that writing e-mails is a very popular way of
communication in our class. And today we are going to speak about e-mails.
Учащаяся анализирует опрос в
своем классе (4 диаграммы на
А4). На экране слайд с видами
общения. (СЛАЙД)
3. Post Office vs
T.- Well, you see how many different kinds of communication there are in the world. But today
we’re going to focus only on two written forms of communication letters and e-mails. Let us
call the next task “Post Office vs Internet”. You will work in two groups. The first will speak
about the pros and cons of the post office system. The second group will describe Internet e-
mailing. You’ve got two groups of pictures on the board and two sets of cards with sentences
on your desks. Your task is to match the pictures and the phrases and to decide whether it is a
positive or a negative fact. In some minutes you are to stick the pictures and the sentences to the
appropriate column.
T. As you see, both post office and internet have their positive and negative characteristics.
Still what do you prefer?
На экране заставка бокс
Доска поделена на две части:
почта и Интернет. В каждой
части 2 колонки ( + и - ).
Учащиеся работают в группах
(одна анализирует плюсы и
минусы почты, другая -
интернета). На столах по набору
предложений, на доске
прикреплены фотографии. Затем
учащиеся выходят к доске,
крепят картинки и предложения в
нужных колонках, по
возможности, аргументируя
4. Differences
between letters
and e-mails.
T. Are letters and e-mails written in the same or are there any differences between them?
На стенде плакат,
демонстрирующий разницу в
написании обычных и
электронных писем. Учащиеся
комментируют плакат.
5. Email
T. Are there any rules of writing e-mails? Will you comment on the way of writing e-mails?
SS… As you know in every kind of communication there are certain rules and
recommendation. The same is with e-mails. Last year we discussed writing ordinary letters and
this year we began with the way e-mails are written.
There is a new word for it - Email Netiquette. Netiquette combines the words “etiquette” and
And here are the main rules of Email Netiquette:
1) Communicate Clearly. Include the main idea of your message in the subject line.
2) Stick to main points by including only the most important and interesting
Учащиеся рассказывают о
правилах переписки и этикете.
На экране картинка по теме
3) Do you want an answer? Then tell your reader what you want them to do.
4) Edit your writing for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and extra words.
T. What other rules do you know?
5) Communicate Respectfully. Don’t insult the reader.
6) Use the receiver’s first name in the opening.
7) Respond to questions and content in messages received.
8) Disagree respectfully. Do not use bold or all capital letters, as this communicates
9) Ask questions in your messages to discover what the receiver thinks about a topic.
10) Share ideas, resources, and experiences that add to the discussion topic.
6. the TWWA
T. That’s right! All these rules are very important for good correspondence. And you had to
observe them while e-mailing your epals. In summer I found an American class for you on the
following website: www.epals.com. Their teacher Kerry Flieger and her students were eager to
collaborate with us. We chose the TWWA project as the best for starting correspondence. Do
you remember what the abbreviation stand for?
SS…The Way We Are.
T. Quite right. And according to the project calendar you had to write at least 5 letters to your
epals and to make a digital presentation about you and your friend. Let us first recollect what
the letters were about.
Email 1. The first e-mail was called “All about me”. In this letter we introduced ourselves and
opened the letter in a friendly way.We shared information about our age, family, friends
hobbies, usual days.We asked our ePals questions about themselves. In the end wewrote a
friendly closing to the letter (we told our ePals how excited we were to hear from them).
Email 2. The second e-mail was connected with our reading tastes. We wrote about the role of
books in our life and about our favourite literature genres. We wanted to find out what our epals
read at school and in their spare time. We also shared information about our favourite writers.
Email 3. The third e-mail was called “Music in our life”. Music plays dominates the life of
modern teenagers. There are lots of different genres, groups, bands, singers. Many pupils in our
class are fond of playing musical instruments or singing. We were interested to know what
music is popular in the USA. We also asked our epals about music lessons and music bands at
their school.
Email 4. The fourth e-mail was about our town. We described its location, population and
buildings. We wrote about schools, shops, clubs, other buildings and nature. We also described
our school, its classrooms and our studies. Then we asked some questions about their town and
5 уч описывают содержание 5ти
писем, которые они писали: 1.о
себе и семье 2.хобби, чтение
3.музыка 4.город, школа
5.традиции, праздники (этот этап
в виде фронтальной работы с
классом: вопрос - ответ)
Почему именно такие темы – это
составляющие нашей культуры
Email 5. In the fifth letter we described some of the most popular holidays in our country and in
our families. We wrote about our favourite holidays and the way we celebrate them. We also
wanted to know what holidays are popular in the USA.
Email 6. In our last e-mails we shall share our completed projects with our ePals. We shall
include a friendly opening, answer to any of the last questions, a brief introduction to the
presentation, and a friendly closing that thanks them for being our pen pal.
7. Venn
T. We haven’t finished our project yet. However, we can share some results with our guests.
You were to make Venn Diagrams at the previous lesson. Some of them can be seen in our
classroom. On the basis of your works I created two tag clouds. Let us have a look at the board
and comment on them.
SS…Well, I think that everything we see here can be called parts of the culture.
T. What do you mean by the word “culture?
SS… Culture is a way of life for a group of people. It includes what they do, what they believe,
what they think is good, how they act, and how they communicate with each other. Culture is
the attitudes and behaviors of a group of people Culture is what a person knows, celebrates,
worships and values all put together. It includes religion, food, how they communicate and
much more. Culture is all the knowledge and values shared by a society or community.
We can compare our two cultures and say that we have both much in common and lots of
differences. For example, our towns are pretty small. We both have two schools. But we have
two secondary schools and our epals have primary and middle/high school studying separately.
Our school is much bigger but theirs is better equipped, each student in Enosburg has a personal
laptop which s/he can take home. We are fond of sports (football, basketball, volleyball) and
music (singing, rock, club music, alternative). They are fond of hunting, horse riding, cross
country, pop music. Most of them have got lots of siblings. They are friendly and merry,
organize funny parties, like, for example, pajamas’ day and others.
На стенде диаграммы Венна.
На экране 2 облака тэгов.
Учащиеся комментируют их.
8. PPP
T. Thanks for your comments. But some of you have already begun working on your digital
presentations. Let us see what Nikita has prepared for today.
Презентация «Я и мой друг по
9. Poem/Photo
T. Thanks a lot. Now we have some minutes left and I’d like to read a poem to you.
Unseen Friend
by Iceman
Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?
You hold a place within my life,
unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.
I picture what I think you are,
perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.
So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.
- You have never seen your epals. But would you like to see them? I’ve got a photo of our
friends but no names are attached. You can only guess who is your epal. We could also send
our photo to Enosburg but we’ll do it next time.
- And now it’s time to finish our lesson. I’d like to give the last word to Ira who will analyze
the questionnaire.
SS… Well, I have analyzed the results of the questionnaire and I’d like to share them with you.
Here is the diagram. As you can see …% of our guests write letters and postcards and …%
don’t. …% write e-mails. And on the last diagram you can see how often you write e-mails. …
Thanks for your answers. And we hope that you will write e-mails more often, because it’s
interesting, exciting, up to date. Besides e-mails help to save forests from being cut down. So
write e-mails and go green!!!
11. Подведение
T. Well, dear students. This is the end of our lesson. Let’s share our impressions. What did
you like most? What was the most difficult and the most interesting moment for you?
T. Thanks everyone for your work. See you next week. Be ready to share your presentations.