Конспект урока "Crete Civilization" 10 класс

2013/2014 10
form students Textbook: Afanasyeva English IX Unit 1.
Lesson Plan 5 Date: 7, September
Teacher’s name: A. Kuznetsova
The theme of the lesson: Crete Civilization.
The aim: by the end of the lesson the Ss will raise their awareness about Crete civilization
The Objectives: Ss will practise listening for specific info and speak about Crete
New language and structure: Glossary of the text ex4p7
Language to be revised: historical & geo terms
Materials & equipment: Ss handouts, CD tape2
Anticipated problems: a lot of new lexis, lack of history knowledge about Crete, poor listening
Purpose of activity
I.Warm Up. Say in turn some fascinating facts
about Crete you’ve found.
II. Look at the map p 7 ex 4 and say:
1) What kind of land is Crete?
2) Where is it located?
3) Was Crete an independent state or did it
belong to any country? What country?
4) Its geo-position is a key one, isn’t it? Why?
III. Listening. ‘Crete: a culture built on an
island’ tape2 ex 4 p 7
1) Make sure you know the words. Match
them with their equivalents:
Soil зависеть от
Rough берег
Crossroads коза
Shore неприступный
Depend upon sth почва
A goat перекресток
2) Listen to the text and say what
important geo facts helped people to
build a civilization there.
3) Listen to the text again and do task 4 p
7 in your SB (True, False or Not Stated)
IV. Speaking.
1) In two groups brainstorm facts you
remember about Crete. Make group notes.
2) Take turns. Say facts about Crete. The team
with more sentences is the winner.
V. H/W: ex 7p10-12 r/tr, ex 8p12 in SB,
ex 9p12-13 write
To tune the Ss into
the theme of the
To practise reading
the map
To practise lexis
To practise
listening for the
main idea and for
the specific info
class work
class work
Solo work
Solo work
groups of 5-6
Ss’ handout
I.Warm Up. Say in turn some fascinating facts about Crete you’ve found.
II. Look at the map p 7 ex 4 and say:
5) What kind of land is Crete?
6) Where is it located?
7) Was Crete an independent state or did it belong to any country? What country?
8) Its geo-position is a key one, isn’t it? Why?
III. Listening. ‘Crete: a culture built on an island’ tape2 ex 4 p 7
4) Make sure you know the words. Match them with their equivalents:
Soil зависеть от
Rough берег
Crossroads коза
Shore неприступный
Depend upon sth почва
A goat перекресток
5) Listen to the text and say what important geo facts helped people to build a
civilization there.
6) Listen to the text again and do task 4 p 7 in your SB (True, False or Not Stated)
IV. Speaking.
3) In two groups brainstorm facts you remember about Crete. Make group notes.
4) Take turns. Say facts about Crete. The team with more sentences is the winner.
Ss’ handout
I.Warm Up. Say in turn some fascinating facts about Crete you’ve found.
II. Look at the map p 7 ex 4 and say:
9) What kind of land is Crete?
10) Where is it located?
11) Was Crete an independent state or did it belong to any country? What country?
12) Its geo-position is a key one, isn’t it? Why?
III. Listening. ‘Crete: a culture built on an island’ tape2 ex 4 p 7
7) Make sure you know the words. Match them with their equivalents:
Soil зависеть от
Rough берег
Crossroads коза
Shore неприступный
Depend upon sth почва
A goat перекресток
8) Listen to the text and say what important geo facts helped people to build a
civilization there.
9) Listen to the text again and do task 4 p 7 in your SB (True, False or Not Stated)
Ex 4 p 7 “Crete: a Culture built on an island”.
Listen to the text and sat ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Not mentioned in the text’.
1. Crete is an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
2. All known civilizations began growing in places suitable for farming.
3. Crete’s climate has always been ideal for farming.
4. The culture the people of Crete built is called the Minoan civilization.
5. People came to Crete because it was situated in the middle of the Mediterranean world.
6. The first Cretans came to the island about the year five and a half thousand (5500) BC.
7. The first Cretans grew a lot of different vegetables and fruit on the island.
8. On Crete honey was used to sweeten food.
9. The first Cretans made long voyages to the north of Europe.
IV. Speaking.
5) In two groups brainstorm facts you remember about Crete. Make group notes.
6) Take turns. Say facts about Crete. The team with more sentences is the winner.