Конспект урока "Year after year"

460007, г.Оренбург ул. Красина 43а
Тема: « Year after year»
Ельчининова Анна Михайловна
Учитель английского языка
Оренбург 2013
Конспект открытого урока английского языка
« Year after year.»
(учитель английского языка Ельчининова Анна Михайловна.)
Цели и задачи:
1бразовательная: развивать умения и навыки устной речи, обеспечить
закрепление лексического материала по теме, создать условия для применения
2азвивающая: развивать интерес к изучению английского языка, развивать
умения во всех видах речевой деятельности, умение работать в паре, развитие
творческих способностей. Развитие умений использовать речевой образец в
качестве опоры для построения собственных высказываний, использовать
языковую догадку.
3. Воспитательная: -способствовать развитию потребности уметь слушать и
вступать в диалог, договариваться и приходить к общему решению в
групповой деятельности, развивать чувство сотрудничества в парной работе.
Планируемый результат:
1. Уметь описывать время года, употреблять в речи название месяцев и
прилагательные для описания времени года.
2. Вести диалог- расспрос, уметь задавать вопрос о любимом времени года,
месяцах и отвечать на вопрос собеседника, оперировать изученной
Личностные: Уметь выбирать оптимальные формы, проявлять
познавательный интерес к учению.
Коммуникативные: Формировать умения слушать и вступать в диалог,
рассказывать о времени года, погоде, работать в паре.
Познавательные: Уметь строить речевое высказывание по образцу,
формулировать ответы на вопросы учителя.
Регулятивные: оценивают правильность выполнения действий, планируют
свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её
I Организационный момент и приветствие.
Good afternoon, children! Nice to see you again. I hope everybody is ready to work! Sit down,
please! Today we’ll remember some last lessons. What did we do on last lessons? What did we
speak about? Put up your hand if you know the answer.
Please, tell me what season is in this picture?
Is it frosty? Snowy? cloudy?
Is the snow cold or worm? White or blue?
Look at this picture. Is this a cloud? What colour is this cloud?
Do you like cloudy weather?
Is the weather fine? bad? windy? Frosty?
What the weather like today? (Today is cold and sunny.)
Look through the window. Is the weather fine? bad? windy? Now?
Do you like this season? Why? .
Today we’ll speak about seasons. We’ll learn to describe different season, to compare autumn,
spring summer and winter. Besides we’ll speak about the weather.
II Фонетическая зарядка
Look at the blackboard. There are some sounds here. You should read them and after that you
should compare them with words which have these sounds. Then you should number all these words
according to the numbers of sounds. Then you’ll read the topic of our lesson. At first let’s read them
all together.
What words did we get? (Year after year)
Yes, this is the topic of our lesson.
Very good. But now, look at this poem.
III Речевая разминка
(в данной рифмовке можно использовать элемент драматизации. Класс делиться на группы:
девочки, мальчики, ведущий. Первую строку произносят - девочки, вторую - мальчики.):
Lets choose It. Sasha, come here. Let’s to divide into teams. Team of girls and boys team. Get
ready to read. Ready! Steady! Go!
“In winter I ski and skate”,
Says little Kate.
“In summer I like to swim”,
Says little Jim.
“And what do you do in spring?”
“In spring we play and sing”
What else poems about the seasons do you know?
So how many seasons are there in a year? (There are…) .
Listen to the riddle and guess what seasons it is.
This is the season,
When fruit is sweet.
This is the season,
When school-friends meet.
I come with cold and snow
But you like me I know. /winter/
This is the season,
When days are long
And the Sun is high and strong.
This is the season,
When birds make their nests,
This is the season,
We all like best. (Spring)
What is your favorite season?
Why do you like it?
IV Развитие навыка выборочного чтения.
Read the text of the children. What’s their favorite time of the year? Complete the sentences. Use
the words from the list. Pay attention to these words. Ask me questions if you need any more
I like summer, but I like autumn, too. This season is not warm. It’s sometimes cold and
often ( rainy and cloudy). But is very beautiful season. The trees are bright. There leaves are
red, orange, and yellow. There are many mushrooms, berries and nuts in the forests and a lot
of fruits and vegetables in the gardens.
rainy and cloudy
beautiful season
I like…… This season is the coldest season of the year. I like when it’s cold. I like to ski,
sledge, and skate. We can go to the park or sports ground to play hockey. I like snow very
much. There is ice on the rivers, lakes and on the roads. It’s slippery and sometimes foggy.
Animals are cold and hungry. Children can help them. They can give them corn, bread and
to ski, sledge, and skate
sometimes foggy.
I like.. because it’s very warm and sometimes hot. The days are long and the nights are
shots. The trees are green. You can see many flowers in the parks and gardens. We can swim
and go for a walk with my friends. I have the longest holidays. I enjoy this season.
longest holidays
sometimes hot
I like winter, but I like.., too. My favorite month is April and May. It’s not hot and is not
cold. The trees are beautiful. It’s a nice time to go for a walk. Birds come back and sing there
beautiful songs.
not cold.
favorite month
Continue the sentence using the texts.
Summer\winter\ autumn\spring\ is beautiful because…..
For example: Summer is beautiful because you can see many bright flowers in the
parks and gardens.
V Развитие навыка построения монологического высказывания по
Now, I'll give you shirts of paper some of your will have the start of the sentences and some of
your will have end of the sentences. Find each other.
I put on warm clothes
They are spring month
It’s often snows
It’ cold in the street
The trees are red, orange, and
It’s winter
We can play snowballs
There is much snow in the
The weather is fine
It’s autumn
I like Match, April and May
It’s summer
VI Физминутка
And now it’s time to have a rest.
Long Summer Day
Walk and talk together on a long summer day,
Walk and talk together on a long summer day.
Jump around together on a long summer day,
Jump around together on a long summer day,
Run around together on a long summer day,
Run around together on a long summer day.
What season did you hear?
How many months are there in a year? There are….
How many months are there in each season? There are….
What months are there in each season? The spring (autumn, winter, summer) months are……
Look at the blackboard and answer the question:
How many words can you find? Find and circle.
Match the words in column A to the words in column B.
Continue: June\September\January\ Much\ is the……
For example: December is the coldest month of the year.
December is the coldest month of winter.
Let’s play. Which month is before /after (Which month comes after/before)
Answer the questions in writing.
Which month is before September? (August)
Which month is after June? (July)….
VII Развитие навыка диалогической речи.
Every time I get up I usually ask my mother “What’s the weather like today?It’s cold or warm?
I listen to the radio and the announcers usually say about the temperature. Did you understand
the question?
And do you often speak about the weather?
English people like to speak about the weather very much. Let’s start learning how to do it?
Look and ask your neighbor.
It’s a beautiful\fine\nice\sumnny\bright day, isn’t it?
It’s rather cold\cool\warm\frosty\windy, don’t you think?
Shocking\wet\dull day, isn’t it?
Yes, indeed\it certainly is\rather\horrible.
I hope\ let’s hope it continues\goes on like this for a few more days.
let’s hope it stays like this.
Listen and put the sentences in the right order. Complete the dialogue using the phrases above.
Mary: Hi Jeanne! Yes, I hear you quite
well. How are you?
Jeanne: I’m fine, thank you! And how are
Mary: I’m also well, thanks! How’s the
weather in Ottawa today?
Jeanne: It’s a fine weather, but it’s a bit
rainy. How about London? Is the weather
good there?
Mary: You know, as usual. It’s quite
foggy and chilly. I wish it was summer.
Jeanne: Yes, I remember. Summer in
London is gorgeous. Of course, it rains
sometimes, but I still like the temperature.
It’s fine and I feel comfortable.
Mary: How is summer in Ottawa? I think
it should be nice.
Jeanne: Well, it is nice, of course. It can
also rain sometimes or be cloudy, but in
general it’s warm and sunny.
Now think of your own dialogues and act them out. (на свое усмотрение переставляет
выражения в тексте, ориентируясь на уровень класса)
VIII Проверка домашнего задания.
At home you will write a story about the season. You must describe your favorite season. Let’s
listen to your texts.
IX Развитие языковой догадки
There is an English saying about seasons. Please, find it in the word search box. Write down the
saying on the dashed line under the box. Each dot stands for a letter. There six words in the
Winter finds out what summer lays up.
Find Russian equivalents to this proverb.( Лето собирает, а зима подбирает)
Crop is grown and stored when it is warm and consumed when it is cold. Что летом родится,
то зимой пригодится Лето - припасиха, а зима – подбериха. The bee works in the summer
and eats honey all winter (Am.). Winter discovers what summer conceals. Winter eats what
summer gets. Winter eats what summer lays up. Winter finds out what summer lays up.
Discuss the proverb:
Do you agree with the proverb?
Do you know any similar proverbs in your own language?
Who is the proverb created by and why?
Use your imaginations and try to work out your own proverb or saying about winter.
X Домашнее задание:
Complete the open dialogue.
A: Good morning. How are you today?
A: I’m more less al right, thanks. Lovely day, isn’t? Did you hear the weather forecast for today?
A: Good! And what about the outlook for tomorrow?
(обращается внимание на время, ведется работа с лексикой, если ребятам она не понятна.)
Итог урока.
What new words do you know?
What did we do today?
I think have got aim of the lesson. We have learnt season of the year, we have learnt the weather,
and we have learnt the new words.
I have put an excellent mark: because answered correctly. She hasn't had any mistake in her
speech, reading.
Today I like your work. Give me your record books and sing a song:
School is over, oh, what fun,
Oh, what fun, oh, what fun.
School is over, play begun;
Fun and play begun;
Who’ll run fastest, you or I?
Who’ll laugh loudest? We’ll try.
Oh, what fun! Play begun!
School is over, we’ll run!
Play begun! Play begun!
Now we’ll have fun.
Who has got any questions come to me after the bell.
Список использованных источников.:
Н.И. Красюк Увлекательные уроки английского языка в школе. Ростов – на- Дону
Е.Н. Попова из-во «Учитель» Английский язык2-4 классы материалы для
коррекцищнно-развивающих занятий с учащимися I start to love English. Волгоград
Шереметьева А.В. Английский язык. 3 класс в 3 ч.- Саратов: Лицей, 2007г- Ч.3
Ю.Я. Пучкова Игры на уроке английского языка: Методическое пособие-М; ООО
«Издательство АСТ», 2003г
Полякова С.Е., Рыжих Н.И Английский 365 дней в году.-Донецк: ООО ПКФ
«БАО», 2006г.