Конспект урока "Устная переводная аттестация" 6 класс

(6 класс)
Апрель 2013
В контроль говорения включены:
задание С2 тематическое
монологическое высказывание;
задание С3 диалог-расспрос в
предлагаемой ситуации общения
№ 1
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You have to write an article on environmental problems for your
school English Magazine. You and the editor of the magazine are
discussing what problems to mention in the article.
Discuss with him:
what environmental problems should be written about;
what the title of the article would be;
when you should hand in the article.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of the
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you want to
Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about the weather.
Remember to say:
what the weather is;
what the weather is like today;
what type of weather is your favourite;
what instrument helps to tell what the weather will be like.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until
you have finished. Then he \ she will ask you some questions.
№ 2
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are discussing where it’s better to live: in town or
in the country.
Ask him \ her:
where he \ she would like to live: in town or in the country;
what advantages and disadvantages of living there;
what the life in the country and in town is like.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 3
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You have just come from London. You and your friend are talking
about your journey.
Ask him \ her:
if he \ she has ever been to London;
what parts London is divided into;
what places of interest London has.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 4
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are talking about Queen Elizabeth II.
Discuss with your friend:
when and where she was born;
if she got a good education;
if she is married and who is her husband;
what places are connected with her name;
if her family is big or not.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 5
Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about Scotland.
Remember to say:
where Scotland is situated;
what you know about its capital and national symbol;
what other interesting places you would like to visit and
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until
you have finished. Then he \ she will ask you some questions.
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are talking about William Shakespeare.
Discuss with your friend:
when and where he was born;
if he had a family;
what he did to earn his living;
when and where he died.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 6
Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about Wales.
Remember to say:
where Wales is situated;
if the Welsh language is different from English;
what you know about the capital city.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until
you have finished. Then he \ she will ask you some questions.
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are discussing your friend’s trip to the USA.
Discuss with him:
your impression;
the places of interest;
the length of the journey;
the weather conditions.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 7
Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about the USA.
Remember to say:
what you know about the history of the USA;
how many states the USA has;
what the most famous places are;
what the typical weather is in the country.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until
you have finished. Then he \ she will ask you some questions.
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are talking about famous British and Russian
Discuss with your friend:
what holidays the British people like celebrating;
what holidays Russians usually celebrate;
what your favourite holiday is and why.
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
№ 8
Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about Australia.
Remember to say:
where Australia is situated;
what you know about the climate of Australia;
what interesting animals inhabit Australia.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until
you have finished. Then he \ she will ask you some questions.
Student Card
Task 2 (23 minutes)
You and your friend are talking about George Washington.
Discuss with your friend:
when and where he was born;
what things he learnt to do when he was a boy;
what he is famous for;
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your
Remember to:
be active and polite;
ask questions and find out all the information you need.
Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
Why are the weather forecasts important for people?
Who studies weather?
Is the weather in Russia and Great Britain different? Why?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
How often do you listen to daily weather forecasts?
Task 2
You are the editor of the school English magazine. After the student’s
greetings answer his \ her questions.
You’ve got the following information about the article.
work out a plan
the reasons of these problems
the solving of these problems
the title reflects the main idea
by the end of this week
To finish the conversation say, “You are welcome!”
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
Can you prove that our planet is a wonderful place to live on?
What is the main ecological problem in your opinion?
What do you do to protect the nature?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
What is the main ecological problem in your city?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend. You are discussing where it’s better to
live: in town or in the country. You are going to help him \ her.
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
The best place to live is the countryside.
The countryside is beautiful and peaceful.
Noise, pollution and traffic jams in the city.
It’s difficult to find a job in the city. To work for yourself and live in your
own house.
People in the country are healthier and stronger.
To finish the conversation say, “Good bye!”
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
What do you know about the Great Fire of London?
What is understood by the Commonwealth?
Who is the Head of the State?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Would you like to visit Britain? Why?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend who has just come from London. You are
talking about his \ her journey.
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
Where has he \ she been?
How did you like it there?
How long did you stay there?
What did you learn about London?
What is the oldest part?
What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
What impressed you most?
To finish the conversation say, “Bye.”
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
What county is called the “Garden of England”?
Why do people find the Southwest attractive?
What do you know about Oliver Cromwell?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Which region of England would you like to visit and why?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend. You are talking about Queen Elizabeth
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
Where have you been?
What places did you see?
What do you know about Queen Elizabeth II?
Did she get a good education?
Has she got a family?
What places are connected with her name?
Why is it said that the Queen reigns but doesn’t rule?
To finish the conversation say, “Thank you very much for such interesting
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
What is Scotland washed by?
What big river flows across the country?
What else do you know about Scotland?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
What would you like to see in Scotland and why?
Task 2
You play the part of friend. You are talking about William Shakespeare. You are
going to ask questions about this famous writer.
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
When and where was he born?
Did he get a good education?
Did he have a family?
What did he do to earn his living?
When and where did he die?
To finish the conversation say, “Thank you.”
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
Which two languages are taught side by side in schools of Wales?
What is population of Wales?
What can you see on the flag of Wales?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Would you like to learn the Welsh language? Why? \ Why not?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend. You are going to ask questions about your
friend’s trip to the USA.
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
Where have you been?
How did you like it?
How did you get there and what places of interest did you see?
How long did you stay in New York?
What else did you see?
What was the weather like?
To finish the conversation say, “America is worth visiting.”
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
What is the USA washed by?
What is the population of the USA?
How do you understand the phrase “The USA is a big melting pot”?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Why do people say that the USA is a young country?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend. You are talking about British and
Russian holidays.
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
What holidays are celebrated both in Russian and in Great Britain?
Which holiday is the most popular with the British children?
What do British children do at Halloween?
What does “Trick or Treat” mean?
What holidays are popular in Russia?
What’s your favourite holiday? Why?
To finish the conversation say, “Thank you”.
Warm up
What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?
Task 1
Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a
Why is Australia called “the upside down world”?
What are the main cities in Australia?
Europeans called Australia “terra australis incognita” What does it mean?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Why is Australia called the most extraordinary country?
Task 2
You play the part of a student’s friend. You are talking about George
You’ve got the following information about this topic.
When and where was he born? (22 February 1732)
Did he get a good education? (private school)
What is he famous for? (wrote the Constitution, the first American
To finish the conversation say, “America is famous for its outstanding
Устная переводная аттестация Form 6 (ответы) 2013
Card 1.
№ 1
The weather
Weather is daily conditions of a particular place that we cannot control. It is not
the same everywhere. Weather can be warm or cold, wet or dry, bright or
overcast, rainy or sunny, windy or calm, foggy or clear, changeable or settled.
People often listen to the weather forecast to know what clothes to put on, if we
should take an umbrella or not.
As for the weather today, it’s quite warm \ cold and sunny \ cloudy. It’s windy \
It’s not windy today. The temperature is …. degrees above \ below zero. It’s a
good time to spend the day in the open air \ to stay at home and watch TV. The
weather can affect our mood. If it is sunny, we feel happy and delighted, but we
feel depressed when it is cloudy or overcast. I prefer sunny weather, because
then I can go outdoors to walk with my friends.
A barometer is an instrument which helps to tell what the weather will be like.
When a barometer shows high pressure in summer the weather will be hot and
sunny. When a barometer shows high pressure in winter the weather will be cold
and frosty. When the barometer shows low pressure in summer the weather will
be rainy and cloudy. In winter it will be wet and windy.
1. Weather forecasts are very important for people, especially for those who
work as farmers, pilots, drivers or sailors.
2. Weathermen collect information about the weather.
3. Yes, the weather in Russia and Great Britain is different because Russia is
the largest country in the world. It is warmer in the south and colder in the
north. The weather in Great Britain is rather windy and wet because Britain
is an island.
4. I often listen to the weather forecast.
№ 2.
A: Excuse me, could you give me some advice?
B: Yes, of course.
A: I have to write an article about environmental problems for our school
magazine. I know much but what should I start with?
B: First, you should work out a plan of the article. Have you tried?
A: Not yet. But I think the most important problems are air pollution, water
pollution, the shortage of natural resources, the noise from cars and planes,
destruction of wildlife and the growth of population.
B: If I were you, I would start with the reasons of these problems.
A: Great idea! Many seas and rivers are poisoned because factories and plants
produce a lot of industrial waste and pour it into the water. Fish and sea animals
die. A lot of forests are cut down every year. Birds and animals leave their
habitats because there is not enough oxygen in the air. Air pollution causes the
ozone holes in the atmosphere and acid rain.
B: That’s right. And what about the solving of these problems?
A: I’m going to write what people can do to protect the Earth. Is it a good idea?
B: - No doubt. Have you thought over the title?
A: Not yet. Is “The Earth Needs a Friend” good?
B: Why not? It reflects the main idea of the article.
A: When must I finish the article?
B: By the end of this week. Is it enough time for you?
A: Yes, it is. Thank you.
B: Youre welcome.
Card 2.
№ 1.
What do the following animals have in common: pandas, rhinos, turtles, whales,
pink pigeons, tigers, elephants and crocodiles? They are all endangered animals!
For centuries, humans have hunted elephants for their impressive tusks, killed
tigers for their beautiful furs, and caught crocodiles for their skin. Some species
have become extinct.
The reason is that people destroy the forests, the natural habitats of plants and
animals; people pollute the air and water and the animals die.
People cut down trees, that’s why there is less oxygen in the air, it may influence
our health. Rainforests are very important because they produce oxygen and
absorb carbon dioxide. Also, some medicine is made from plants.
People can survive if they protect the nature. Factories and plants should stop
polluting air and water and put special filters on their chimneys. People should
plant more trees and create national parks for endangered animals and plants.
We also should stop throwing rubbish into the water or in the streets.
1. Yes. Our planet is really beautiful. It’s so wonderful when the sun is shining
and you feel hot. It’s so pleasant to swim in the clear water. It’s so nice to
walk in the forest or meadow and listen to birds singing.
2. As for me I think air pollution is the most important ecological problem.
Different cars and buses, plants and factories pollute the air we breathe in.
If we don’t solve this problem quickly, we won’t survive.
3. I try not to waste water. I never throw rubbish into the water or in the
streets. I never leave rubbish in the forest and I never pick up rare plants.
№ 2.
A: What is the best place for a family to live: in town or in the country?
B: I think the best place to live is the countryside.
A: Really? I believe the best place for a family is the town because I can have all
modern conveniences and I can visit a lot of interesting places.
B: I don’t think it’s a good idea to live in a big city. The countryside is so beautiful
and peaceful.
A: I see what you mean. But I am an energetic and active person and I enjoy
visiting museums and cinemas, cafes and shopping centers. Life in the city is so
B: Well, it’s great to come to the city as a tourist but if you live there all the time,
I’m sure you will be fed up with all these sights and museums. Just think about
noise, pollution and traffic jams during rush hours.
A: As for me, I don’t mind noise and pollution. But if I live in a city, I can get a
good education and earn more money than in the countryside.
B: I can’t agree with you. It’s difficult to find a job in a big city. As for me, I would
prefer to work for myself and live in my own house.
A: I agree with you but, in my opinion, there is nothing to do in the countryside.
The life is so boring. In addition, I think it’s very hard to earn your living there.
B: But country people are healthier and stronger because the air in the country is
clean, there are many forests and fields in the country. People can spend much
time in the open air. It’s very good for health.
A: I see your point but I’d rather live in the city because I can have a lot of fun
Card 3.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official
name of the state which is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four
countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are
London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The national emblem of England is the red
rose. The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. The national emblem of Wales
is a daffodil. And the national emblem of Northern Ireland is a green shamrock.
The UK is an island state. The two main islands are Great Britain (where
England, Scotland and Wales are situated) and Ireland. The two islands are
separated by the Irish Sea.
The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the
Straits of Dover. It is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the North
Sea in the east.
The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is not too hot in summer or too cold
in winter. It often rains in England.
The surface of England and Northern Ireland is flat. Farmers raise animals
or grow crops in the fields. But Scotland and Wales are mountainous
(ˊmaυntɪnəs). They are not very high. The highest mountain of the UK is Ben
Nevis, it’s in Scotland.
There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. The
capital city London stands on it. The longest river is the Severn. The Clyde is the
main river in Scotland. There are also a lot of beautiful lakes in Scotland and
People from the UK are called British. But people from England are English,
people from Scotland are Scottish or Scots, people from Northern Ireland are
The population of the UK is about 58 mln people. They speak different
languages. The official language is English.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. One of the main industries
of the country is shipbuilding. There are some industrial cities in the UK, such as
Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Glasgow, Swansea
and others.
The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three
crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England), the cross of St.
Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint
of Ireland).
1. The great fire of London started in the house of the king’s baker near
London Bridge in 1666.
2. The Commonwealth is an organization of about 50 countries, former
3. Queen Elizabeth II.
A: Hello!
B: Hi, ………………………..! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
A: I’ve just come back from London. Have you ever been there?
B: Yes. It was out of this world. And how did you like it there?
A: I enjoyed it greatly. I can’t say I’ve seen a lot, but I liked the places I visited: the
Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and
Hyde Park.
B: How long did you stay there?
A: For two weeks. I wouldn’t mind staying there longer. You know, you need lots
of time to see all places of interests.
B: Sure. And what did you learn about London?
A: London is the capital of the UK. It is one of the largest cities in the world and
the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 11 million people. London is
situated on the river Thames. Traditionally London is divided into 4 parts: the City,
Westminster, the West End and the East End.
B: You are right. What is the oldest part?
A: The City, it’s the heart of London. There are a lot of banks, offices and firms
there. It is the financial and business centre of the UK. It is also known as “The
Square Mile”. There is the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral here.
B: Well, and which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
A: Buckingham Palace. But there are a lot of royal places in London. For example,
St James’s Park, Hyde Park, which was a hunting forest, and Regent’s Park, the
home of London Zoo.
B: That’s very interesting. But what impressed you most?
A: The West End, it’s the richest and the most beautiful part of London. The best
hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there. I bought a lot of
souvenirs in Oxford Street, the famous shopping centre. I think London is worth
Card 4
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four
countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
England is the largest part of the UK. There are five regions in England: the
Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England.
The Southeast is a highly populated and industrial region. The main cities
are London, the capital of the UK, Windsor, Dover and Brighton, one of the best
resorts. One of the main attractions is the County of Kent, known as the garden of
England. There are the main roads, ports and airports here, for example
Heathrow airport.
The Southwest is a farming region where dairy products are produced. The
principle cities are Bristol and Bath. It’s a popular place for writers, poets and
holidaymakers. The main attractions are Stonehenge and Land’s End.
East Anglia is also a farming region. There is Cambridge and the Fens here.
The Fens area is the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell, an English general and
The Midlands are the heart of England. It’s the most industrial region. The
main cities are Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool, Oxford with a famous University
and Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare.
The North of England is an industrial region. The scenery here is very
attractive with valleys and meadows, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains.
The main cities are York and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The main attractions are
Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans, and the Lake District, a famous national park.
1. The County of Kent. It produces a lot of fruit and vegetables.
2. It’s a popular place for artists, writers and holidaymakers.
3. He was Lord Protector of England, an English general and politician.
A: Hello!
B: Hello, …………………………..! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
A: I’ve just come from London. I visited a lot of places connected with the Crown.
B: Really? What places did you see?
A: You know that there are a lot of royal palaces in London and around it. For
example, Buckingham Palace. It’s the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
B: How interesting! What do you know about Queen Elizabeth II?
A: Oh, I know much about her. She was born in Windsor on the 21
of April in
1926. She didn’t go to school, she was educated at home by her parents. She was
taught to read and write, she studied Latin, Geography, Economics and Music.
B: Well, she got a good education. Does she know any foreign languages?
A: Yes, of course. She speaks French well. She is also good at horse-riding,
swimming and dancing.
B: Has she got a family?
A: She has got a big family. She is married to Prince Philip and they have got 4
children: three sons and a daughter. Also she has got 6 grandchildren.
B: What places are connected with her name?
A: She has 5 official residences in Britain.
B: Why is it said that the Queen in Britain reigns but doesn’t rule?
A: She is the Head of the state but she can’t take any important decisions.
Card 5.
№ 1.
Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. Its symbol is
a thistle, its patron saint is St. Andrew. The country is divided into Highlands and
Lowlands. Most of industry is concentrated in Lowlands. The capital city is
Edinburgh but the largest city is Glasgow. Glasgow is the centre of industry, trade
and business.
Edinburgh has a great history. It is known as the Athens of the North. It has two
parts: the Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town is famous for the Castle
and Holyrood Palace. The Castle used to be a fortress and then a royal palace. It is
situated on the Castle Rock. It looks like a castle in a fairy tale. The Edinburgh
military tattoo takes place every year in front of the Castle. 6 hundred performers
play military music and march to it. Also there is a famous Edinburgh festival.
Holyrood House is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh.
There is also a modest monument to a dog called Bobby which attracts a lot of
holidaymakers. The dog belonged to John Gray. When he died Bobby lived near
his grave for 26 years. Later it was buried near his master and his statue became
the symbol of devotion.
The New Town is famous for Princes Street which is very beautiful and has a lot of
gardens. Also it’s a popular shopping centre. Princes Street is connected with the
name of the famous writer, Sit Walter Scott. There is a monument to him here.
1. Scotland is washed by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
2. The Clyde River.
3. Scotland is associated with the national musical instrument a bagpipe, the
national men’s clothes – kilts, the national food huggies, the Loch Ness
Monster and the Scottish whisky.
A: Great Britain is famous for a lot of writers, poets and scientists. One of them is
William Shakespeare.
B: You are right. When and where was he born?
A: He was born on the 23
of April in 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon. His father was
a glove-maker.
B: Did he get a good education?
A: Yes. He went to a grammar school.
B: Did he have a family?
A: William Shakespeare married at the age of 18, his wife was 26. They had three
B: What did he do to earn his living?
A: He wrote plays and acted in the Globe theatre. His plays are performed in the
whole world.
B: When and where did he die?
A: William Shakespeare died on his birthday, on the 23
of April, in 1616 in his
native town.
Card 6.
Wales is a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language. It is
situated to the west of England. Its symbol is a daffodil, the patron saint is St.
David. The capital city is Cardiff. It’s an industrial city which has a castle, a
cathedral and a university. There are other big cities such as Newport and
The Welsh speak English and the Welsh language. Welsh is very much different
from English. It’s one of the Celtic languages.
Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the second highest mountain in
Britain. Wales has also green fields, forests and farms. It’s the country of
mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls.
Rugby is the national game of Wales. The Welsh enjoy watching TV and visiting
The 1
of March is St. Davids Day, the national holiday of Wales, when people
wear traditional national costumes and pin a daffodil or a leek to their clothes.
1. Welsh and English are taught at schools.
2. About 3 mln people.
3. A dragon.
A: Guess what? I’ve just come back from my holiday!
B: Where have you been?
A: I was in the USA.
B: Wow! How did you like it?
A: It was fantastic. It’s good to be true.
B: How did you get there and what places did you see?
A: I got there by plane from Sheremetyevo to New York, Kennedy Airport.
B: How long did you stay in New York?
A: For two days. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan, the famous skyscrapers,
the Metropolitan and the Bronx Zoo.
B: You are lucky. And what else did you see?
A: I visited Philadelphia, the birthplace of American democracy, and Washington,
D.C., the capital city.
B: What was the weather like?
A: It was wonderful, sometimes a bit windy, but usually very warm and sunny.
Card № 7.
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after
Russia, Canada, and China). It is situated on North American continent and also
includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
In 1492 Christopher Columbus, an Italian traveller, discovered America. He was
looking for India. The first English settlements appeared in North America at the
beginning of the 17
century. The colonists sailed from the English city Plymouth
on board “Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called it “New England”.
There are 50 states in the USA. The capital city is Washington, D.C. It stands on
the Potomac River in the eastern part of the country. English is the official
language. The flag of the USA is known as the "Stars and Stripes".
The USA is a country of mountains, rivers and lakes. The main mountains are the
Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is
located in Alaska. The longest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri. It has
almost every kind of weather.
The USA is a highly developed industrial country. The largest cities are: New York,
Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San-Francisco, Washington and
others. The Head of the State is the President.
One of main attractions is the Grand Canyon which was formed by the Colorado
River. It’s interesting that there are different kinds of plants and animals on
opposite sides of the canyon.
Americans like modern cities, new houses and new cars. The people of the US are
a mixture of many nationalities.
The national holiday is celebrated on the 4
of July. It’s an Independence Day
when the USA became independent from Britain.
1. The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean
in the east, by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the south.
2. The population of the USA is about 300 mln people.
3. The USA is called a “melting pot” because people of different nationalities
live in the country.
A: There are a lot of British and Russian holidays.
B: You are right. What holidays are celebrated both in Russia and in Great Britain?
A: The New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter and May Day.
B: Which holiday is the most popular with children in Britain?
A: I think it’s Christmas with its Christmas tree and presents.
B: And what about Halloween?
A: Yes, ‘m sure they enjoy it. It is celebrated on the 31
of October. Children cut
an ugly face in a pumpkin and dress up in strange costumes of ghosts and witches.
B: And what do they do?
A: Children walk around every house and knock on the door.
B: And so what?
A: They ask: “Trick or treat?”
B: What does it mean?
A: It means "Give me a treat - an apple, a sweet, some candies or I'll play a trick
on you."
B: But what holidays are popular in Russia?
A: I think New Year’s Day, Maslenitsa, Easter, Women’s Day and Victory Day.
B: What’s your favourite holiday?
A: New Year’s Day. We celebrate it with lots of tasty food and many presents.
Card 8.
№ 1.
Australia is the smallest continent but the largest island in the world. It is situated
in the Southern Hemisphere. The capital city is Canberra. Australia is divided into
6 states and 2 territories.
There are a lot of deserts in the center and in the west of Australia; these regions
are dry and uninhabited. In the northeast there are tropical forests and in the
southeast there are mountains. Australia is the hottest place in the Southern
Hemisphere. In July the temperatures are from 20 degrees to 30 degrees above
zero. Summers are warm and sunny, winters are mild.
Australia is famous for its amazing animals and birds. Many of them are found
only there. Australia is the home of the platypus and the echidna. These animals
lay eggs. But the best known animal is the kangaroo. Some of them are tall as a
grown-up man. Another well-known animal is the koala, it eats leaves. Kangaroos
and koalas have pouches to carry their babies.
The next animal is a wild dingo, a dog with a bushy tail. The largest bird in
Australia is the emu. It cannot fly but it’s a good runner.
Australia is a country which attracts many tourists.
1. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere where winter comes in
July and summer begins in December.
2. The capital city Canberra, then Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin
and others.
3. The unknown southern land or Australia.
A: There were a lot of presidents in the USA but the first president known as “The
Father of the Nation” was George Washington.
B: You are right. When and where was he born?
A: He was born on the 22
of February in 1732 in the state of Virginia.
B: Did he get a good education?
A: Yes. When he was 11 years old, his father died. His family couldn’t send him to
England. George went to a private school. He was taught to be a soldier and a
Virginian gentleman. He learned to ride a horse, to hunt, shoot, sail and swim. He
learned to work hard. Everyone liked and trusted him.
B: What is George Washington famous for?
A: He was among those who wrote the US Constitution. People respected him for
his courage, honesty and wisdom. He knew that his duty was to serve his country
so he promised to protect the Constitution. Soon he became the first President of
the country.