Конспект урока "Обычаи стран Европы" 7 класс

МБОУ СОШ №2 г.Озёры Московской области
Урок-отчет о поездке в страны Европы.
Тема: « Обычаи стран Европы»
Учитель английского языка Артемова Е.В.
Январь 2013 год.
Знакомство с правилами поведения, коммуникативными
способностями ,типичными для людей, живущих в европейских странах.
Учебные развитие навыков чтения и аудирования с различными
учебными стратегиями, развитие навыков говорения, активизация изученной
лексики, расширение словарного запаса.
Развивающие развитие лингвострановедческой наблюдательности,
ассоциативного и логического мышления, развитие умения работать в
Познавательные расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора.
Воспитательные формирование интереса и уважения к культурам разных
оборудование: текст песни для чтения, карточки с заданиями для работы в
группах, презентации, компьютер и интерактивная доска, раздаточный
материал .
Ход урока.
I. Определение темы. (3 минуты). Good morning! I`m very glad to meet you
again. Ready to work? Let`s begin. Look at the screen. The theme of our lesson is
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. This is a proverb. Can you give Russian
equivalent of this proverb? (Учащиеся говорят пословицы).That`s right. Clever
of you. There are some other proverbs that express the same idea. Read them.
(Слайд 3).
II. Постановка задач урока. (2 минуты). How do you think what we are going
to do during the lesson? Ученики высказывают предположения. Yes, you are
right. We`ll listen reports, speak about the ways of behaviour in different
countries, watch the presentations, do the test.
III. Развитие навыков чтения. (8 минут). Now let`s read the song “When in
Rome, do as the Romans do”. But first of all we`ll pronounce the unknown words
from the text. Read after me. (Приложение 1, slides 4,5 )
WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO. (listen to the song)
How much do you know about different cultures around the world? What
would be wise to bear in mind while you are traveling around this or that
country? Body gestures have different meanings depending on the country in
which they are expressed. In November we were in some European countries.
Some Tips for Travellers. (slide 6)
1. In Japan you should avoid eye contact.
2. In Spain, women should be careful about making eye contact with strangers,
as it might signal interest of a romantic nature.
3. In France, you shouldn`t sit down in a cafe until you`ve shaken hands with
everyone you know.
4. In Pakistan, you mustn`t wink. It is offensive.
5. In Korea, you mustn`t blow your nose in public.
6. In Finland, you shouldn`t begin to eat before your host does.
7. In the Middle East, you shouldn`t take pictures of women in black
8. In Afghanistan, you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.
Potsdam. Germany (slide 7)
1. While dining, keep your hands on the table. It is rude to put your hands on
your lap during dining.
2. To wish someone good luck, make two fists (with your thumbs tucked inside
the fists), and gesture as if you are slightly pounding on a table.
3. To specify number “one”, use your upright thumb.
4. It is impolite to shake someone`s hand with your other hand in your pocket.
Parents often scold children for putting their hands in their pockets because it is a
sign of disrespect.
5. If you are talking with someone, do not chew gum. This is considered very
rude. To do so would remind a German person of “a cow chewing its cud”.
Communicative rate
No com.
Amsterdam. Holland
1. To point with your index finger is considered impolite.
2. When you are talking to someone, do not keep your hand or hands in your
pockets. This is considered rude.
3. To slap someone on the back or to be noisy are both very rude gestures in
4. To yawn, blow your nose, sneeze or scratch yourself in the presence of others is
considered poor manners.
Communicative rate
No com.
Paris. France
1 .Loud talking and other forms of noisy behaviour should always be avoided.
2. Try not to stare at anyone in public.
3. You should never “jump the queue” (проходить без очереди).
4. Don`t stand too close to people you are talking to. “Keep your distance”.
Communicative rate
No com.
IV.Развитие навыков аудирования. (9 минут). Listen to the text and choose the
right answer. Let`s see the key. (Слайд 14).
V.Релаксация. (3 минуты). Now let`s have a rest and do some exercises for
VI. Работа в группах. (10 минут). Well, let`s continue our work. Form the groups.
Задания для групп.( print)
Задание 1. Make up a dialogue.
Tourist office person:
1. Good morning! Can I help you?
2. London? Great choice. The tour includes the excursion to Buckingham Palace,
the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II. You will also visit the Tower of London
and St. Paul`s Cathedral.
3. My preferences are the British Museum and the National Gallery. Besides
Westminster Abbey is also an attraction not to be missed.
4. You leave Moscow on the 5th of June.
5. 80 thousand roubles for adult.
6. Well, loud talking and other forms of noisy behavior should always be avoided.
7. Yes, you should never “jump the queue”. And remember tipping is not
widespread in British pubs.
8. Here is your ticket. Have a nice time in London. You are always welcome.
a) That sounds nice! What else is worth visiting?
b) How much does his tour cost?
c) When and from where do we leave Russia?
d) Well, I think I will take this tour.
e) I`ve heard that the English like to queue. Is this true?
f) Yes, I`d like to book a tour to London. Could you tell me what the tour
g) I`ve never been to England before. Are there any tips for travelers?
h) Good bye!
VII. Тестирование. (7 минут). Take lists of paper and do the test. You may use
the texts and the information you`ve listened. Ready? Look at the screen and do
the task. Change the papers and check them. See the key. (Слайд15 ).
VIII. Подведение итогов. (3 минуты). What do you think of the lesson? (Слайд
Выставление оценок: «5» - …, «4» - ...
IX. Домашнее задание. (2 минуты). «5» - Compare the ways of behavior in
Russia and in other countries of the world, «4» - learn the song «When in Rome,
do as the Romans do», «3» - write out ten sentences from the text about ways of
behavior in different countries, do the task 3
2. Томахин Г.Д. «An Englishman`s home is his castle»
3. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/english-skills-practice/video-
Анализ урока.
Урок-отчет по английскому языку, с презентациями и использованием ИКТ
для проведения в старших классах с 9 по 11. Тема урока: « Обычаи стран
Европы» отчет по поездке детей нашей школы в страны Европы: Германия,
Голландия, Франция, Чехия в ноябре 2012 года. Цель данного урока -
знакомство с правилами поведения, коммуникативными способностями,
типичными для людей, живущих в европейских странах. Были поставлены
следующие задачи:
Учебные развитие навыков чтения и аудирования с различными
учебными стратегиями, развитие навыков говорения, активизация изученной
лексики, расширение словарного запаса.
Развивающие развитие лингвострановедческой наблюдательности,
ассоциативного и логического мышления, развитие умения работать в
Познавательные расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора.
Воспитательные формирование интереса и уважения к культурам разных
В ходе урока использовалось следующее оборудование: текст песни для
чтения, карточки с заданиями для работы в группах, презентации, компьютер
и интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.
Время распределено достаточно рационально, дети выполняли все виды
работ: чтение, аудирование, говорение (диалог, обсуждение), тестирование
и письменное задание на дом.
Домашнее задание - творческое, разноуровневое, объяснено и доступно для
выполнения детьми разного уровня подготовленности. Контроль знаний
проведен в форме тестирования и оценен прямо на уроке, оценки
выставлены и прокомментированы. На уроке была комфортная
психологическая атмосфера. В дальнейшем ученики сделают презентации и
напишут сочинения о поездке, выступят на районном семинаре.
Task 3. Read the letter. What advice does the girl give her friend?
106 Sussex Gardens
London W2 1UH
26 July
Dear Julia,
Many thanks for your letter, and I`m glad to hear you are coming to
England soon. It will certainly be good for you. In this letter I`ll give you a few tips
to avoid making the mistakes I made.
Now, you`ll be coming to brush up your English, so you`ll want to make as
much conversation as possible. Don`t believe all the stories you hear about how
unfriendly the English are. In trains or cafes they will talk to you, but you must
“break the ice” first. You may speak about the weather, their dogs, food. But
don`t criticize their private life. Don`t ask them how much money they earn. This
would be considered extremely rude in Britain. It is also not polite to ask about
their age or how much they weigh. Avoid religious questions too. People in Britain
are generally quite careful about time. Try to be punctual too.
Now, Julia, pay attention! The English like to queue. My God! They queue
everywhere, for the buss, at the cinema, in shops, everywhere.
As for clothes, you can wear what you like, except your “birthday suit”. Never
trust the weather. Don`t bring loads of clothes with you. The shops are full of
attractive things to wear at reasonable prices. Nobody minds what he or she
wears. They seem to care about clothes only if they have an invitation to
Buckingham Palace.
That`s another thing. “Keep your distance” when you speak to a person. The
British don`t tend to stand close to you when they speak to you.
Well, Julia, I`m sure you`ll have a good time here, and I hope these few “dos
and don’ts” will be helpful.
All the best,
Приложение 1
When on foreign shores I am
Very truly yours I am
But if inclined to play I am
Sweetheart, that's the way I am....
When in Spain for reasons I don't explain
I remain enjoying a brew
Don't deplore my fondness for fundador
You know how a fundador can lead to a few
And baby when in Rome
I do as the Romans do
If per chance I'm saying farewell to France
And romance drops in from the blue
Cherchez l'amour
I beg of you please endure
My taking a brief detour with somebody new
It's just that when in Rome
I do as the Romans do
And though from Italy I lied to you prettily
Oh don't think of me bitterly
But know that I'm true
Except now and then in Rome,
I get that old yearn in Rome
And naturally when in Rome
I do as the Romans do