Конспект урока "The Problem of Spending Free Time" 10 класс

The Problem of Spending Free Time.
Тема урока: “The problem of spending free time”.
На основе учебника «Звёздный Английский». 10 класс. «Просвещение». Москва 2010.
(Допущен Министерством образования Российской Федерации)
Цели урока:
Образовательные расширить знания учащихся о способах проведения свободного
времени, о различных видах хобби, различных видах спорта.
Воспитательные воспитание активной жизненной позиции, желание развивать
личностные качества, заниматься полезными видами деятельности.
Практические Развитие навыков монологической речи, умение излагать своё мнение,
размышлять по теме, выражать свою точку зрения, развитие воображения, мышления,
умения обобщать, синтезировать материал по теме, сравнивать и обощать.
1. There are a lot of things people can do in their free time.
2. What leisure activities do you enjoy doing ?
3. Entertainment can be educational, develop your personality.
4. What way can people benefit from sport?
5. If you use your free time to the best advantage, it will help you in the future
I point. Things people can do in their free time.
Slide №1. (pictures)
Warming up. They look at the photos.
- What is each person doing?
- Which of these activities are sports and which are hobbies? Why do you think so?
- What subject will our lesson be devoted today?
Slide №2. (Spending Leisure time)
Сообщение темы урока.
Today our lesson will be devoted to the problem of spending free time. You will have an
opportunity to tell us about your interests, kinds of sport you are keen on and your hobbies.
Slide №3. The plan of the lesson.
- Things people can do in their free time.
- Your favourite leisure activities.
- Hobbies can be educational and develop your personality
- People benefit from doing sports
- The saying If you use your time to the best advantage, it will help you in the future.
Slide №4. Pictures of different leisure activities.
They see the quotations on the sheets of paper. They read them and try to match the activities they
see on the screen to the comments on their sheets of paper.
Painting, skiing, motor racing, photography, knitting, stamp collecting, pottery,
reading, learning foreign languages
1. “ My Granny taught me to do it. It’s great because you can make you own pullovers and
2. “It’s a great feeling to rush down a cold mountainside. Of course you might be very careful
or you might break a leg.”
3. “You can make all sorts of things with your own hands– vases, plates, pots and all with a
lump of clay.”
4. “It’s a real thrill to go around the track at 200 kilometres per hour. It’s perfect if you like
5. “To catch a moment of a life on film is what it’s all about. Sometimes it’s funny.”
6. “You may learn about different countries and enjoy a tiny work of art. The can be worth a
lot of money too.”
7. “The idea is to use colour to show feelings. Sometimes the finished product doesn’t really
have to look exactly like the subject at all.”
8. “I can enjoy a magnificent world full of kindness and evil, beauty and ugliness.”
9. I need it to discuss the topics of common interests with my partner. Bur it’s not very easy to
learn it.
Can you divide all these activities in groups?
Slide №5. Groups of hobbies
Talking - Can we divide all hobbies into groups? ( They say - all activities can be divided into
four groups ) What refers to the group “doing things”, “making things”, “learning things”,
“Collecting things”. They make the list of activities in groups.
- Doing things (going in for sport, gardening, reading, traveling, playing musical instruments,
dancing, travelling, going to the cinema and many others)
- Making things (pottering, knitting, embroidering, photography, making toys…)
- Collecting things ( stamps, matchboxes, stamps, coins, records, postcards, dolls, plates,
badges, souvenirs, cars, unit art objects)
- Learning things (languages, history microbiology… for pleasure)
Groups of leisure activities
Doing things: gardening …
Making things: pottering…
Learning things: languages…
Collecting things: stamps …
(2 min) -The Champion game. Who will remind more?
Check the list.
II. What are your favourite leisure activities ?
Listening 1.8. Complete the sentences. p. 20 №2. in a book
Slide№6. Expressing likes and dislikes. What do/don’t you enjoy doing in
your free time? (Use the following expressions)
- I really enjoy -I just hate
- I’m fond of - I can’t stand
- I’m keen on - I find …. Boring/difficult
- I’m interested in - I’m not keen on ….
- I’m crazy about….
They say about their likes and dislikes.
III. Hobbies can be educational, develop your personality, can’t
Listening. Workbook Module 1. So you see that people take leisure activities because of different
Key words: competitive, creative, imaginative, attentive, energetic, intelligent/smart/bright,
patient, sociable, thoughtful, strong-willed, determined, sociable, communicative
Slide №7. Questions on the screen. Say a few words about you favourite one.
Key words: competitive, creative, imaginative, attentive, energetic, intelligent/smart/bright,
patient, sociable, thoughtful, strong-willed, determined, sociable, communicative
Are your hobbies just spending time in a pleasant
Can your hobbies be educational?
Do they develop your personality? What way?
Linking words: first of all, generally speaking, then, what
is more, moreover, also, however, in any case, in
Linking words : first of all, generally speaking, then, what is more, in addition, moreover, also,
however, in any case, after all, in conclusion
IV. What way can people benefit from sports?
Slide №8. People benefit from doing sports.
I can’t help mentioning playing sports. A lot of young people are interested in various kinds of
sports, take part in sports competitions, attend various clubs or support their favourite teams.
I ‘d like you to express your opinion - How do people benefit from doing sports.
Give comments on each statement. In groups.
V. If you use your free time to the best advantage, it will help you
in the future.
Slide №9.
They come to conclusion that spending free time to the best advantage can help them
- to be healthy,
- bring up their kids in a proper way,
- make a successful career.
- To get knowledge of the surrounding world
- To find the best ways to relax
- To find friends according to their interests
- Not to waist their time
- To develop their personality
Is the problem of spending leisure time worth discussing?
Was it useful to discuss it?
What makes you think in our class today?
Sports are a great way to keep fit.
Sports bring people together.
Sports develop the best human qualities.
If you use your free time
in the best advantage, it
will help you in the future.