План-конспект урока "Моя прекрасная Родина - Южный Урал. Путешествие во времени" 9 класс

Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
Князькова Ирина Васильевна
МОУ гимназия №26
г. Челябинск
План урока
«Моя прекрасная Родина - Южный Урал. Путешествие во времени»
B рамках УМК: 1.В.П.Кузовлев “English 9” ------- для 9 класса
2. В.П.Кузовлев “English 10-11 ---для 10 класса
3. О.В.Афанасьева “English VII-----для 7 класса
с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Цели урока:
1. Развивать билингвистические компетенции (языковая, речевая,
2. Развивать личностную активность путем высказывания своего
мнения,своей точки зрения.
3. Познакомить учащихся с преобразованиями в облике Челябинска,
воспитывать чувство патриотизма, гордости за родной город.
1. Актуализировать словарный запас по теме за счет включения
разговорных клише.
2. Научить методом анализа и синтеза систематизировать
полученные знания,применять их в новой ситуации.
3. Продолжить обучение чтению как виду речевой деятельности
(извлечение нужной информации)
Ход урока
1. Lead-in. (5 mins)
To-day we are going to travel across the history of our native city-
But first of all I want you to read the poem “My lovely Homeland’ and
answer the questions: (slides 2, 3)
Is the author proud of her native city?
What nationalities are the people living in
What is Arcaim? Why is it famous all over the world?
2. Speaking. ( 8 mins)
Look at these buildings. (slide 4) I suppose, you’ve recognized them.
Please, name them (The main Post Office, the cinema “Kinomax”)
Your task is: to compare & to contrast these buildings.
Use: - in the first photo…but in the second photo…
- I can see two very different…
- in both photos….
3. Writing. (10 mins)
Of course, nobody of you could see the sights of old Chelyabinsk. I
suggest you:
-to match the pairs (old-new)
-to write a short essay “Time is passing …” (slides 5, 6)
Writing help:
What pair would you like to speak about?
Where are the objects you’ve chosen situated?
How have they changed?
3. Reading. (10 mins)
Now you’ll read the fact-file “Time is passing but memory is alive”. It
was prepared by the students of the 7-th form. (slides 7, 8)
You should read the text and answer the question:
What new information have you learnt?
4. Relaxation. (5 mins)
I invite you to walk along the streets of Chelyabinsk. I think you’ll
agree with me that sometimes we don’t notice the buildings surrounding
us.Let’s stop! Let’s watch the wonder! (slides 9-15)
Please, make up mini dialogues, use the questions for help. (slide 16)
Have you seen these churches before?
I suppose, you liked the sights, didn’t you?
What expressions can you use to express
your admiration?
5. Reflection. ( 5 mins)
Using the questions, think over a short interview:
What other places in Chelyabinsk have
changed a lot?
If you were a magician, what would you
change in your native city?
6. Homework. (2 mins)
Write the advertisement “Welcome to our city!” to “Komsomolskaya
You should point out the reasons for visiting Chelyabinsk, describe the
most attractive places. It is desirable to take photos of the places you are
writing about.