Конспект урока "Видовременные формы глагола" 8 класс

Урок-практикум «Употребление видовременных форм глаголов» (к учебнику
«Английский язык» О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева 4-й год обучения , 8класс)
Цели: 1) повторение правил употребления изученных ранее видовременных форм глагола
2)развитие грамматических навыков говорения
3) развитие навыка чтения с анализом грамматических форм глаголов
4) совершенствование умения работы в группе
Оснащение урока: грамматические таблицы, карточки с грамматическим материалом, проектор.
Ход урока
1. Warm-up activity(STEP 1)
Teacher (T): Good morning, students, I am glad to see you. I am sure you are glad to practice using
English tenses. Usually we study English three times a week. We read texts, listen to dialogues and
learn new words. Use the phrase «learn new words» in Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present
Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect and Future Simple. If
necessary you may use the Grammar Table.
Pupils work in a chain.
Pupil 1 (P 1): We always learn new words.
Pupil 2 (P2) :We are learning new words .
Pupil 3 (P 3): We have learnt …
Pupil 4 (P 4): We have been learning…
Pupil 5 (P 5):Yesterday we learnt
Pupil 6 (P 6): We were learning
Pupil 7 (P 7): We had learnt…
Pupil 8 (P 8): We shall learn…
Teacher- Well done.On the blackboard you see the next task. Match the phrases of time and verb
Pupils’ answers
at 2 o’clock yesterday
Past Simple
Present Simple
for 3 hours
Present Perfect Progressive
Present Perfect
at the moment
Present Progressive
next summer
Future Simple
before he phoned
Past Perfect
last Christmas
Past Simple
when he came
Past Progressive
on Sundays
Present Simple
2 years ago
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Teacher: You are perfectly right. Now let us revise the difference between Past Simple and Present
Perfect. Get the lists and study the material. Let’s discuss each situation.
Teacher: Open your books and read the material on page 69, then we shall do Ex. 5, page 70.
(P 1->P 2->P 3->P 4…etc)
Teacher: Good job. Now put the verbs into the correct tenses:
1. They (sell) their car many years ago.
2. …you ever (be) in Italy?
3. Students (discuss) the lecture at this moment.
4. The guests (dance) for the whole evening.
5. When John entered the room his brother (sit) in front of television.
6. I (not understand) this grammar rule.
7. She (give) us instructions before you phoned .
(Key: sold, have been, are discussing, have been dancing, was sitting, don’t understand, had given)
Teacher: Now it’s time to work with the text. Read the text on the screen and choose the right answer.
(Текст выведен на экран, ученики работают в режиме P1, P2, P3, etc.)
Katy Smith was a pupil. The school to which Kate 0___, 1___ at the other end of the town, so it 2___ her
quite a long time to get there. One morning Kate3___ late. She4___ 5___ her things. Her algebra, as she
expressed it, 6___ . She 7___ about, banging doors, until she finally 8___ the book under the kitchen
table. She 9___ the algebra into her bag and 10___ out of the houseterribly afraid that she 11___ late.Her
friend Clover 12___ patiently at the gate. They 13___ to the school, but before they 14___ half-way to it,
the town clock 15___ nine, and all hope was over.
0. a. go b. goes c. gone d. went
1. a. stood b. stands c. stand d. is standing
2. a. takes b. took c. is taking d. was taking
3. a. is b. will be c. was d. had been
4. a. could not b. can not c. will not be able to d. is not able to
5. a. to find b. found c. finds d. find
6. a. was disappearing b. has disappeared c. had disappeared d. will disappear
7. a. ran b. runs c. is running d. has run
8. a. finds b. find c. found d. has found
9. a. throws b. threw c. was throwing d. has thrown
10. a. flies b. is flying c. flowed d. flew
11. a. would be b. will be c. has been d. is
12. a. is waiting b. was waiting c. has been waiting d. have waited
13. a. hurry b. hurried c. was hurrying d. are hurrying
14. a. were b. are c. was d. have been
15. a. stroke b. strike c. struck d. has struck
(Key: 1a 2b 3c 4a 5d 6c 7a 8c 9b 10d 11a 12b 13b 14a 15c )
(Текст из пособия «Английский язык: тренировочные тесты для подготовки к единому
государственному экзамену »под редакцией О. В. Афанасьевой , И.В. Михеевой Ростов -на- Дону
«Феникс» стр. 239-240.)
Teacher: Excellent! Well done! Are you ready to translate from Russian into English? Lets try to doit.
1.Мы изучаем английский язык уже 4 года.
2.Семья недавно побывала в Испании.
3. Этот класс выиграл соревнования по гандболу в прошлом месяце.
4.Я сделал уроки до того, как ты позвонил.
5. Мы будем сдавать экзамены в следующем году.
6. Не входи в классную комнату . Там ученики готовятся к тесту.
7.Когда родители пришлидомой, Том убирал квартиру.
Pupils’ answers:
1. We have been studying English for 4 years. 2. This family has recently been in Spain. 3.This
class won the handball competition last month. 4. I had done homework before you phoned. 5.
We shall take exams next year. 6. Don’t enter the classroom. The pupils are preparing for the test
there. 7. When parents came home Tom was cleaning the flat.
Teacher: That’s the way. Now I would like you to divide into 3 groups . Each of the group will get a
card with grammar task. The group which will make less mistakes will get excellent marks. Good luck!
1. Определите видовременную форму глагола:
Is cooking
was doing
had used
2. Расставьте обстоятельства времени в таблицу:
Present Simple
Present Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Simple
Past Progressive
Past Perfect
Future Simple
Future Progressive
Future Perfect
А) at that moment yesterday
B) before he came
C) so far
D) on weekends
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
Мы испекли очень вкусный торт. Попробуй.
Два дня назад Джейн связала шарф.
Он решал уравнение , а я писал сочинение
Они смотрят мультфильм 2часа.
1. Определите видовременную форму глагола:
have been talking
was making
will repair
2. Расставьте обстоятельства времени в таблицу:
Present Simple
Present Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Simple
Past Progressive
Past Perfect
Future Simple
Future Progressive
Future Perfect
А) in 1492 by 2 o’clock
B)at 2 o’clock yesterday
C)by September
D) in a week
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
Ты когда-нибудь был в Лондоне?
Они играли в шахматы вчера в это время.
Летом я часто катаюсь на велосипеде.
Они плавают уже 2 часа.
1. Определите видовременную форму глагола:
was watering
2. Расставьте обстоятельства времени в таблицу:
Present Simple
Present Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Simple
Past Progressive
Past Perfect
Future Simple
Future Progressive
Future Perfect
А) by 2 o’clock yesterday
B)when he came
C)not yet
D) for ages
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
Смотри, кто-то разбил окно.
На следующей неделе мы будем писать контрольную работу
Апельсины и лимоны растут на юге.
Когда ты позвонил, мы рисовали плакат.
Teacher: That’s good! Congratulations! You have worked hard today. Next lesson we shall
continue our work .Revise irregular verbs for the next lesson. Good buy.
Список использованной литературы:
1) Английский язык. О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева. Новый курс английского языка для
российских школ.4-й год обучения. 8 класс.
2) Т.Б. Клементьева, Дж. Шэннон. Счастливый английский. Книга 2 для 7-9 классов
общеобразовательных учреждений.
3) Английский язык: тренировочные тесты для подготовки к единому государственному
экзамену под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой.
4) М.И. Дубровин. Иллюстрированная грамматика английского языка. Книга для
учащихся.Художник В.И.Тильман.