Конспект урока "Дети в Викторианское эпоху. Children in Victorian times" 7 класс

Учитель: Дорофеева Елена Валерьевна
Класс: 7
Тема урока: Развитие навыков изучающего чтения по теме «Дети в Викторианское
эпоху» («Children in Victorian times»).
Цель урока – подготовка учащихся к созданию проекта по теме «Дети в
Викторианское время».
Практическая – развитие навыков изучающего чтения, формулирование
своей точки зрения, опираясь на достоверную информацию о
Викторианской эпохе в Англии.
Воспитательная – формирование доброжелательного отношения к носителю
Образовательная – приобретение знаний об Англии посредством чтения
текста «Дети в Викторианское время»; расширение лингвистического
Развивающая – развитие способности критически мыслить, выражать свое
отношение к предмету изучения, развитие речевых способностей.
Межпредметные связи урока:
Оснащение урока: УМК «Spotlight» (V. Evans, L.Dooley, O. Podolyako, J. Vaulina),
интерактивная доска, проектор, ноутбук, раздаточный материал).
Вид доски в начале урока:
Ход урока:
Организационный момент
Good morning, children! Glad to see you!
Today we will learn about children’s life in Victorian time.
Good morning!
First of all, do you know what Victorian time is?
Do you know when it was?
Right you!
First of all I want to show you a video, which was made by a
British student for her History lesson. It will help us to fall in
Victorian times.
(все вместе смотрят видео-ролик)
What do you feel? ( опрос нескольких учащихся)
P1: it’s the time
when the queen
Victoria ruled.
P2: in 19
P1: injustice etc.
Open your copybooks, write down the date and let’s make the table
as you can see on the white board. This table will help you to make
a project about Victorians time.
In the first column you write that information that you’ve known
about Victorian times.
The second it’s those information that you’d like to learn.
And the third column you’ll fill in the end of our lesson, ok?
(все ученики чертят в тетрадях таблицу и заполняют ее)
What did you write in the first column?
What did you write in the second column?
(опрос нескольких учеников)
P: Ok.
Pupils work.
Pp: answer
Tell me please, what will be your reaction if I tell you that in
Victorian times children worked from the age of 5?
(опрос нескольких участников)
Open please your student’s book on page 33, here you have the
article about Victorian times. Look at the white board, there are
some words from the article, repeat them after me
“Chimney sweep - трубочист”, “narrow - узкий”, “orphan -
сирота”, “cotton - хлопок”, “thread - нить”, “master хозяин,
начальник”, “to fix - чинить”, “trucks of coals тележки с
углем”, “cruel - жестокий”, “adult - взрослый”.
(Учащиеся хором повторяют за учителем слова)
You may use these words while reading the article.
And let’s read more information about that time.
(чтение текстов происходит по очереди, с остановками для
проверки понимания текста вопросами)
Thank you.
Pupils react.
P1: reads
Pupils react.
P2: from the age
of 14.
P3 reads.
What do you think about it?
From what age may children work in our country?
What laws are existing in our country nowadays?(связь с
(опрос нескольких учеников)
Let us learn about their jobs.
How do you think what kind of children jobs else were there?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
Lets read.
Would you like to work on that job?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
How do you think who was their masters?
How much time did they work?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
Lets learn.
Would you like to stop this cruelty?
What would you do?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
Pupil’s answers.
P4 reads.
Pupil’s answers.
P5 reads.
Pupil’s answers.
P6 reads.
Pupil’s answers.
P7 reads.
Now let’s check how attentively you read.
I’ll give you cards with the statements about this article. In pairs
make them “true” or “false”.
(учащиеся работают в парах)
Pupils work in
(учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу)
Good! The next task is to choose the right answer.
(как и в предыдущем задании выдается карточка на пару и в
паре ученики работают)
And answer the questions please.
(как и в предыдущем задании выдается карточка на пару и в
паре ученики работают)
P1: False. They
worked from the
age of 5.
P2: False. Their
jobs weren’t easy
and they were
P4: False. They
worked ling ours.
P5: False. The
first schools for
poor children
started Lord
P1: England
P2: Poor
P3: Narrow
P4: Health
P5: Free schools
P1: The queen of
England was
P2: Children
worked because
they helped their
P3: Small and
thin children
could worked as
chimney sweep.
P4: They pushed
trucks and open
and close doors.
P5: Lord
helped to stop
adults from using
children to work.
Well done!
What have you remembered best from the article?
What can you say about children’s working conditions? Their work
time? Wage? Jobs? Masters?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
As I told you in the beginning of our lesson you will have to
prepare the project about Victorian times. And we have made the
table for it in our copybooks let’s go back and fill in the third
column in our copybooks. You should write there that information
that you’ve learnt at our lesson.
(учащиеся заполняют третью колонку таблицы)
Now tell me please, what have you learnt at our lesson? What did
you write in the third column?
(опрос нескольких учащихся)
Pupils answer.
Pupils fill the
Pupils answer.
Your home task will be to make presentation about Children’s
jobs in Victorian times” and present it in groups.
Putting marks for the lesson.
Good bye!
P: Good bye!