Презентация "Англйская готическая архитектура" 6 класс

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Английская готическая архитектура

English Gothic Architecture

Презентация для интегрированного мероприятия по истории средних веков в 6 классе на английском языке

Андреева И.В.

ГБОУ лицей № 101


2012 г.

Britain was among the first states borrowed Gothic architecture in France in the second half of the 12 century. The main factor behind the assimilation of this new style, became close historical ties between the two countries. The main stages of development of Gothic architecture in England, there are three main periods. First period – Early Gothic- dates from about 1170 – 1240. At this early stage of the cathedral choir was established (установленный)in Canterbury. Хор собора в Кентербери. The second period, roughly (приблизительно) from 1240 to 1330, called « decorated» Gothic. It began with restoration of Westminster Abbey.

Decorated Gothic

«украшенная готика»

Birth of English Gothic In the mid – 12 century between England and France established a cultural exchange. In a repertoire of English form were include new elements such as pointed arch стрельчатая арка , delicate pilasters изящные пилястры. Собор Дарема. The cathedral of Durham.


The cathedral of Durham

The cathedral in Lincoln Cобор в Линкольне One of the first major temples became the cathedral in Lincoln, rebuilt ( перестроенный) after an earthquake ( землетрясения) in 1192. The Cathedral of Salisbury Собор в Солсбери The Cathedral of Salisbury was founded in 1220. It is located in city center, surrounded (окружённый) by other buildings, and on the outskirts (окраинах), in a spacious ( просторный) cathedral suburb( пригород). The Cathedral in York Собор в Йорке The City of York served as an important military post along the Scottish - English border ( границе) throughout the Middle Ages. The present cathedral was built around 1220. The two west tower were completed ( завершены) later.

Middle Ages

средние века

Gloucester Cathedral Глостер собор Gloucester Cathedral was built in 1100. The abbey was originally made of wood . In 1058 the church was rebuilt by stone on a much grander scale ( большом масштабе). Gloucester Cathedral has one of the largest medieval stained glass (витраж) windows in England and an elegant and impressive interior.

stained glass- витраж

Many of the largest an finest works of English architecture, notably (особенно) medieval cathedrals of England are built in the Gothic style.

Medieval cathedrals

Средневековые соборы

So also are palaces, great houses, universities, churches and many smaller buildings. So also are palaces, great houses, universities, churches and many smaller buildings. Королевский колледж, Кембридж

English Gothic Architecture



1.English Gothic architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2.English Gothic Architecture from WN

3.Gothic architecture: Information from Answers.com









13. http://www.sacred-destinations.com/england/lincoln-cathedral-pictures/IMG_9589.JPG

14. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/0d/Salisburycathedral0246.jpg/800px-Salisburycathedral0246.jpg

15. http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/speedfighter/speedfighter0709/speedfighter070900086/1745372-a-general-view-york-minster-in-york-in-england.jpg

16. http://media.fasthosts.co.uk/image-archive/Cathedral.jpg


18. http://cs1241.vkontakte.ru/u1950201/11494803/x_cbe06481.jpg



21.English gothic architecture HD - YouTube