Конспект урока "Sport in my life. What does it mean for me?" 8 класс

Открытый урок в 8классе по учебнику В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа «English-8»
Учитель: Шелухина Татьяна Николаевна
Тема: Sport in my life. What does it mean for me?
Задачи: Развитие всех видов речевой деятельности: аудирования (детальное ),
говорения (диалогической и монологической речи ), чтения (с извлечением
информации ), письма.
Вступительное слово учителя. Pupils! Our theme is sport. We shall discuss this question
during the lesson and you will say «does sport mean much for you? » You should use and
understand many new words. You should talk in dialogues, listen and understand different
opinions about sport.
1) Организационный момент ( Разговор о дате, отсутствующих)
2) Речевая зарядка:
Do you like sport?
Do you prefer team sport or individual sport?
What kind of sport do you go in for?
Do you prefer to watch sports or to go in for sports?
Do your friends go in for sports?
And what about your parents
3) Обучение диалогической речи. (учащиеся в парах расспрашивают друг друга о
различных аспектах спорта)
A) - Is sport popular in your school?
-Yes, of course. Many pupils like sport.
-What kinds of sport do you go in for?
- I am interested in track-and-field.
-Do you visit any sport section?
-Yes, I visit football section three times a week.
-Why do people go in for sports?
-People do it because sport builds character.
B) - Do you attend PE lessons with pleasure?
-Yes, sport is fun. It`s my favourite lesson. And what about you?
- I like sport because it makes me strong and healthy. More than that sport teaches me to
win and to lose in my life.
- I agree with you. It helps me solve different problems. What do you do in PE lessons?
-We do a lot of things: we run, jump, do gymnastics, play football, volleyball,
С) -What sport are you good at?
-I am good at swimming.
How often do you go to the swimming pool?
- Twice a week. Do you attend any sport club?
-And I go to the gym three times a week to play volleyball. I am in school volleyball
team. Sport is fun.
4) Oбучение монологической речи. You have different opinions about playing sport.
But you all love it. Let`s discuss why you like sport, why you play it, why it is your
Ira, I know you are a sportsman. What does sport give you?
Ira: Very much. Sport keeps me fit. It teaches me about life. Sport helps me meet people, I
have many friends. I am very sociable thanks to sport. It teaches me to be disciplined. It is
my hobby. We spend much time together playing, training, competing. I am a good pupil.
We help each other in studying.
Sveta: Sport is important in my life. I take part in sports competitions. I play in our
basketball team. Often we win the first place. Sport helps me in different ways: sport forms
character, it makes men out of boys and women out of girls, it teaches me to be accurate. I do
much every day because I know in the evening I play sport. I never miss lessons. And of
course I don`t smoke.
Masha: I can`t imagine my life without sport. In the morning I do my morning exercises. I
jog in the evening, it gives me good mood. Two times a week I go to the swimming pool. I
attend PE lessons with pleasure. Sport gives me a lot of energy. I do a lot every day. I
communicate with many pupils. Sport unites all people.
Oleg: I would get more PE lessons. I absolutely love PE. I am fond of different games. After
PE lessons I can do much, I do it quickly. I have much spare time. Sport helps become
strong, confident, and healthy. It teaches you to win and lose. I don`t smoke and take
Natasha: The Russians are a sporting nation. I am fond of different sports. I go the stadium
or gym, I run and jog, I play sport in the open air. I prefer team sports. Sport helps people
become good friends. It makes you happy. I look forward to every PE lesson and sport
section. Sport teaches me to be disciplined. I`m never late for lessons. I’ m good at many
subjects. Often I’m in good mood.
5)Аудирование. Some people like participating in sports competitions, other people like
watching them. Listen to people talking about sport. What are their opinions? What sports do
they like? Why? Who is for watching and who is for participating? How do they prove their
points of view?
Учащиеся прослушают высказывания двух людей , затем отвечают на вопросы,
написанные на доске.
На доске написан перевод слов для снятия трудностeй: patient, useful, injuries,
6) Чтение. When people discuss the problem of going in for sport they give different
reasons for and against it. What reasons are for and what are against?
7) Письмо. Work in groups. Write names of team sports and individual sports. Who writes
8) Рефлексия. Say a few words what does sport mean for you.
1. Sport is energy, character, many friends
2. Sport makes men out of boys and women out of girls.
3. Sport is my hobby, my free time, training, competing
4. I am strong, confident, sociable thanks to sport.
5. I am good at many subjects thanks to sport.
6. I am slim and healthy because I go in for sports.
7. Often I am in good mood because sport helps me in many things, I do everything I
9) Заключительный этап урока. Оценки. Домашнее задание.
Упражнение для ayдирования
BOB: Sport is an important part of my life.
I like to take part in sports competitions. I
play in our school rugby team. I think that it
helps me in different ways. First of all sport
builds character. It teaches to win and to
lose. It makes you strong, fast and patient.
More than that it makes men out of boys
and women out of girls. Besides it teaches
you about life. And it is a good way to meet
people, even from other countries. But for it
you must be a good sportsman.
Mrs BROWN: I can’t say that sport is very
useful. It takes a lot of energy and time.
Children often have no time for doing
things that teenagers like doing. Sport
needs only to work, work and work
hard.AS a result they have broken legs and
arms and other injuries. There is no good in
sport, it’s necessary only to be fit. And for
it there are PT lessons at all schools.
Упражнение для чтения
1. To have a healthy mind you must have a
healthy body.
2. Sport builds character.
3. It takes a lot of time.
4. It teaches you about life
5. Sport makes men out of boys.
6. Sport helps people to become good
8. It takes a lot of energy
9. Sport helps to meet people.
10.It helps to work out your extra energy.
11.It makes you unhappy when you lose.
12.It teaches you to win and to lose.
13.It makes you strong.
14.You have no friends, only rivals.
7. Sport causes a lot of injuries
15.It teaches you to be disciplined.
Ключ для проверки чтения
For sport
Against sport
1. To have a healthy mind you must have a
healthy body
1. It takes a lot of time.
2. Sport builds character
2. Sport causes a lot of injuries
3. It teaches you about life
3. It takes a lot of energy
4. Sport makes men out of boys
4. It makes you unhappy when you lose.
5. Sport helps people to become good
5. You have no friends, only rivals.
6. Sport helps to meet people.
7. It helps to work out your extra energy.
8. It teaches you to win and to lose.
9. It makes you strong.
10. It teaches you to be disciplined.