Конспект урока "Environmental Protection" 10 класс

Государственное бюджетное
общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1688
г. Москва
Урок по теме
в 10-м классе
УМК для 10-го класса
школ с углубленным изучением
английского языка
О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева
Урок разработан и проведен
17.02.2012 г. учителем английского
языка Аллмере Н.В.
2012 г.
The aims of the lesson:
- to encourage students to understand the necessity to protect the environment and to save
planet for future generations.
- to develop students" reasoning skills, to develop the ability to make assessments, to express
one's opinion in English.
- to develop imaginative thinking;
- to broaden students' outlook.
- to promote further interest in learning English;
- to develop interpersonal communication standards;
- to develop teamwork skills.
The objectives of the lesson:
- to use the vocabulary related to environmental protection;
- to practise talking about environmental problems;
- to practise listening for details;
- to encourage students to work in pairs.
- to practise the modal verbs must - have to - should.
Type of lesson:
Generalization and systematization of know ledge.
The number of attendees: 14
The resources;
Handouts: cards with words and expressions, lyrics of a song;
Equipment: classroom projector and projector screen, computer, DVD player.
Teaching aids: slides, DVDs.
Recapitulation of Unit Three "Man - the Child of Nature", topic "Environmental protection
I Beginning of the lesson
1) Greetings.
II The main part of the lesson.
1) The teacher introduces the students to the contents of the lesson.
T: "Today we shall speak about the environment and problems connected with it. You'll lea some
facts about the Losiny Ostrov National Park and we'll sing along with Louis Armstrong his song
about the wonderful world that surrounds us."
2) Listening.
T: "We live in a big city, in other words we live in urban environment. Can you explain what we
understand by urban environment?"
Students' answers ...
T: "Listening exercise. Match the pieces of information given by the speakers and the statements
on the list." (Activity book, exercise 2, page 40).
3) Development of grammar skills. The students use cards with topical word combinations and
T: "We are going to recapitulate the usage of modal verbs must, have to and should so that you'd be
able to use them later on during our class."
A fill-in exercise is presented to the students on the screen. (Y.Golitsynski "Grammar exercises".
ex. 501, p. 406; ex. 503 p. 408: ex. 548. pp.437-438).
4) Development of speaking skills.
a) The students use cards with topical word combinations and expressions.
T: "Let's discuss some of the environmental problems of our planet."
One group of students speaks about the problems and the other about the possible solutions
making use of modal verbs.
- to "conquer" Nature:
- to solve Nature's mysteries:
- to discover Nature's laws:
- discoveries, inventions, new technologies;
- water, air, soil pollution;
- burying nuclear waste;
- disruption of ecological balance;
- excessive exploitation of environmental resources:
- destruction of wildlife:
- shortage of natural resources;
- the growth of population.
- spend much time and effort drawing public attention to the ecological problems:
- plant trees, pick up rubbish;
- protect forests and wildlife:
- create more conservation areas;
- use new technologies to protect the environment;
- prevent air and water pollution:
- avoid poisoning of nature by industrial waste;
- store inflammable liquids containers in a safe place:
- don't park cars on dry grass:
- reduce the burning of oil, coal and gas;
- develop alternative sources of energy.
b) The students look at the pictures and using cards with topical word combinations and
expressions describe what makes these scenes so attractive.
- the air is fresh and transparent;
- the sun is shining brightly;
- there's a light wind/breeze blowing;
- there's a light mist in the air;
- the trees are green (red. yellow, orange);
- there's a heavy fall of snow;
- it is raining;
- the raindrops are falling softly on the ground;
- it is freezing slightly;
- big soft snowflakes are falling;
- everything around is in full bloom;
- the forest is penetrated with sunrays;
- the water is moonlit;
- the sunrise/sunset looks spectacular and glorious;
- the water is crystal clear.
5) Sing-along. Louis Armstrong "What a wonderful world" - karaoke.
6) The students make an oral presentation accompanied with a slideshow 'Losiny Ostrov
National Park'.
Narrator 1: "Moscow is the largest city in Europe. It is a very green city if compared to
other cities 'comparable size in Western Europe and America. ... There are 96 parks in Moscow....
Losiny Ostrov National Park is presumed to be the largest forest in a city of comparable size. ...
Losiny Ostrov National Park was created in 1983 on the land which since ancient time
served as the strictly guarded hunting area of Russian tsars. ... Losiny Ostrov is located in the
region of mixed forest. This means that birch (береза), oak (дуб), maple (клен) and other warmer-
weather trees mix with the vegetation of the taiga, including the pine (сосна), fir (пихта; ель) and
spruce (ель) trees. The Losiny Ostrov Nations Nature Park sits just on the boundary of the city and
its northwestern suburbs, meaning that wildlife thrives close to the capital. More than 200 animal
species make their home in the park including wild boar (кабан), roe deer (косуля) and elk (лось),
along with beavers (бобер) and otters (выдра). The birds in the park include partridges
(куропатка), pheasants (фазан) and egrets (цапля).”
Narrator 2: “Moscow's population is growing, which means greater industrial activity, both
of which can have a negative effect on the environment and the species that live within it.
However, the government is making efforts to protect its natural resources.
In summer 2010 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited the Losiny Ostrov national park on
the eve of Ecologist Day. He went to the local biological research station and talked with a group
of schoolchildren who were there on an excursion."
III Concluding the Lesson
1) The students formulate what they have learnt studying the new topic.
2) The teacher gives her comments on how the students worked during the class.
3) Marks.
IV Homework
O.V.Afanasyeva. I.V.Mikheeva. "English. Student's book. X. "
O.V.Afanasyeva, I.V.Mikheeva. "English. Activity book. X. "
Y.Golitsynski "Grammar. Exercise book".