Конспект урока "I want to live and not to die"

1.Ознакомление с лексикой по данной теме.
2.Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи,
навыков аудирования.
3.Воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за русский
4.Воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка за
счёт изучения песен.
Ход урока.
На доске написаны выражения:
На доске портреты героев войны.
1.Teacher. Soon on the 9-th of May we will celebrate the 70-th anniversary of the
victory over the fascist Germany. You know that in our country there only few
veterans of the Great Patriotic War and we can see them on the Poclonnaya
Mountain on the 9-th of May during the celebration of Victory Day. Today at the
lesson we will speak about those who did not return home from the fields of
battles, about those who gave their lives to make possible to live in the free country
under the peaceful sky. We must thank those people who destroyed fascism, who
perished for our bright future. I wonder what heroes of the Great Patriotic War you
know. ( pupils answer this question).
2.Translate from Russian into English.
a) Рядовой Александр Матросов погиб, закрыв амбразуру вражеского дота.
б) Зоя Космодемьянская, московская школьница, партизанка, была повешена
фашистами в селе Петрищево.
в) Виктор Таллалихин, военный лётчик, погиб, защищая Москву в августе
1941 года.
г) Николай Гастелло совершил таран военного поезда и погиб.
д) Дмитрий Карбышев, генерал, погиб в лагере смерти Заксенхаузен.
е) Они все погибли, но не предали Родину.
3.Teacher. Now I want you to listen to my story about Dmitry Karbishev. I want
you to know more about this wonderful man.
Dmitry Karbishev was born in 1880. He was the lieutenant-colonel of the tsar
army. But in 1917 he began to serve the revolution. He took part in the Civil war.
He was a military engineer, the professor, the doctor of military sciences.
Karbishev met the beginning of the Great Patriotic war in Grodno. Here he was
contused and was taken prisoner. He was in many concentration camps such as
Hamelsburg, Phlosenburg, Osventsim,Zuksenhousen. Everywhere he took an
active part in the camp captivity, he displayed example of stableness and courage,
though he was more than 60 years old.
In the evening of the17-th of February 1945 Karbishev and his friends were taken
to the shower-room. The fascists made them take off their clothes and after that
they watered them with ice water until they changed into block of ice. As always
Karbishev was calm. He only told his friends to be more cheerful, to think about
Motherland and courage would not leave them.
Karbishev was the biggest patriot of his Motherland, he was the most honest
soldier and the noblest and the most courageous man. ( answering the questions).
4. Read the information about the Great Patriotic war.
Do you know that……..
-The Second World War lasted 6 years,
- 60 countries took part in it,
- about 50 million servicemen and civilians were killed in the Second World War,
- the Soviet Union lost 20 million people.
5. Teacher. The fascists killed peaceful people because it was the order of Hitler.
Let us read this paper for every German soldier ( words on the display ):
You have no nerves and heart.
You need not them at the war!
Crush your pity and compassion-
You must kill. You are the German:
And as a real German crush everything on your way.
Always think of Fuerer and you will win.
Neither bullets nor bayonet will take you.
Tomorrow the whole world will be standing on knees in front of you.
6. Teacher. Fascist soldiers did not feel sorry to women, old men and even to
children. They set fire to the villages and burnt the people. One of such villages
was Khatyn. Only one man Josif Kaminsky stayed alive.
(the presentation of the pupil about Khatyn tragedy)
7. Individual tasks.
a) The 1-st group --- role game (the execution of Zoya Kosmodemjanskaya)
b) The 2-nd group reads the text «Tanya Savichevа».
8. Teacher. Now we will speak about the minutes of rest when soldiers wrote
letters to their relatives or sang their favourite songs such as «Dark Is the Night»,
«Alyosha», «Katyusha» (pupils sing these songs).
9. Teacher. Russian people do not want war. Our mothers do not their sons to
perish. So we demand:
Peace to the world! We call for peace!
Till peace prevails this call will not cease.
Peace to the world! Both old and young
Of every land, of every tongue.
Peace to all countries! Down with war!
To live in peace for evermore!
To build, to work, to sing with glee,
To be so happy, well and free!
(these words are written on the screen and pupils read this poem).
At the end of the lesson pupils read a poem « Shall we lay the world in ruins»?
Shall we lay the world in ruins?
Only you can make the choice.
Stop and think of what you are doing,
Join the march and raise your voice.
Time is short, we must be speedy,
We can see the hungry field.
House the homeless, help the needy,
Shall we blast or shall we build?
Men and women, stand together,
Do not heat the men of war,
Make your mind up now or never,
Ban the bomb for evermore!
10. The lesson is finished with the song «May there always be sunshine».