Конспект урока "Poetry and Reality: Использование малых поэтических форм на уроках английского языка" 10 класс

ГОУ СОШ № 232
Адмиралтейского района
г. Санкт-Петербург
Разработка урока английского языка для 10-11 классов на тему:
«Poetry and Reality: Использование малых поэтических форм на уроках
английского языка»
Учитель: Смирнов Андрей Александрович
квалификационная категория)
Poetry and reality
1. Introduction and brain-storming:
-Do you like poetry?
-What poets do you read?
-Is it more difficult to understand poetic language?
(Watching episode from the film Dead poets society):
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read
and write poetry because we are members of the human race.
And the human race is filled with passion.
Medicine, law, business are necessary to sustain life.
…Poetry, beauty, romance, love these are what we stay
alive for.
-Do you agree with that?
Today we are planning to work with a very special poetic
form called haiku. This is a Japanese verse form made of three
lines which in Russian interpretation sounds something like
Майские дожди
Водопад похоронили
Залили дождем
-What is special about haiku?
2. Haiku
Silence…a strangled
Telephone has forgotten
That it should ring
to strangle to kill someone by pressing their throat with
your hands, a rope.
a strangled cry, voice, etc.
The word strangled creates a special atmosphere of this text
and if we replace it by some completely different adjective like
red, or annoying, or apple 4s, then the meaning of the text can
change completely.
3. Chose the best title for the haiku
a) Telephone is broken
b) Loneliness
c) In the phone-box
4. Write the description of the day based on the haiku. Add the
paragraph before and after the haiku.
5. Work in pairs. Imagine that the telephone finally rang. Use
these shuffled sentences to act out two telephone
What style are these dialogues?
6. Make up your own dialogue. It can be between:
-two friends
-a boy and a girl
-a parent and a child
-a boss and an employee
7. Does the haiku remind you of a similar experience you
have had? Tell the class where? when? why? and how? it
8. There is another very popular Japanese verse form -
tanka. It consists of five lines and sounds like this:
Право приятно
Когда развернешь наугад
Древнюю книгу
И в сочетаниях слов
Душу родную найдешь
Transform this Haiku into Tanka by adding two more lines:
Silence…a strangled
Telephone has forgotten
That it should ring
9. Home work
Empty room:
One swinging coat hanger
Measures the silence.
- What’s up? I’ve been waiting for your call for two hours!
- Good afternoon, Mr. Blake.
- Thank you very much for letting us know. Could you give us
a ring when the plane arrives?
- Hi, John! It’s me, Alex.
- Good afternoon, Mrs. Vasiljeva. This is Mr. Blake from
Protocol Department.
- At two at the cinema. And don’t forget to bring along that
CD you mentioned.
- I’m sorry, I left my cell-phone at home, and I was busy
arranging everything.
- I’d like to bring to your attention that Flight 903 is two
hours delayed.
- Ok. Where and when do we meet?
- Yes, I’ll certainly do that, Goodbye.
- Yeah, see you there then
Dialogue 1 (between two friends)
A: Hi, John! It’s me, Alex.
J: What’s up? I’ve been waiting for your call for two hours!
A: I’m sorry, I left my cell-phone at home, and I was busy
arranging everything.
J: Ok. Where and when do we meet?
A: At two at the cinema. And don’t forget to bring along that
CD you mentioned.
J: Yeah, see you there then.
Dialogue 2 (between co-workers)
Secretary: Good afternoon, Mrs. Vasiljeva. This is Mr. Blake
from Protocol Department.
Mrs. V.: Good afternoon, Mr. Blake.
Secretary: I’d like to bring to your attention that Flight 903 is
two hours delayed.
Mrs. V.: Thank you very much for letting us know. Could you
give us a ring when the plane arrives?
Secretary: Yes, I’ll certainly do that, Goodbye.