Конспект урока "My Ideal Welfare State" 11 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение –
Стрехнинская средняя общеобразовательная школа .
Открытый урок
английского языка по теме
«My Ideal Welfare State»
в 11 классе
(Unit 5, учебник В.П. Кузовлева).
Разработал и провел
учитель английского языка
МОУ Стрехнинская СОШ
Левашова М.И.
учебный год 2010-2011
Topic: «My Ideal Welfare State»
Aim: to prepare for monological speech on the topic.
Objectives:1. To practice reading
2.to train the following lexics in speech: available, contribution,
benefits, the unemployed, the sick, the disabled, to be entitled, allowance, income,
disadvantage, equipment, to examine, salary, quality, poverty.
3.to develop speech, critical thinking.
1. The beginning of the lesson. The aim of the lesson.
( students are into 2 groups)
T P1P2P3P14 Are you of good cheer?
2. Evocation.
a) Introduction the theme of the lesson.
T P1P2P3P14 Look at the board. You can see the words of wisdom. Read them.
What are they about? Will you express your suggestions?
T : The theme of our lesson is An Ideal Welfare State in your opinion.
b) Checking the home task.
T P1P2P3P14 What is an Ideal Weal Fare State associated with?
( students fasten the cards had made before in form of oval to the board)
c) Lexical warm-up.
An Ideal
T P1P2P3P14 What words do you know? Will you distribute them according to
the columns into the table?
I couldn’t understand
I ve’known
think in other way
( students fasten the cards to the board)
T: You don’t know the words. Will you listen to the definitions to them and be ready to guess
out the meaning of the words.
3. Realization of meaning.
T: P1Look at the slide. Will you read the information? You don’t know the meaning
of the words you should put down it on the cards and show it me.
T P1P2P3P14 Fill in the numbers of the sentences which you couldn’t understand into
the table and discuss them into your groups.
T: Your Ideal Welfare State is in future. Will you transform them into future simple using
the cards and tell them each other.
(is to) must=will have to
Vs=will V
are, is=will be
T: P1Look at the slide. Will you read the information? You don’t know the meaning
of the words you should put down it on the cards and show it me. As for our state there are
problems in any spheres. What are they?
T P1P2P3P14 Fill in the numbers of the sentences which you couldn’t understand into
the table and discuss them into your groups.
( students find out the problems in medicine and social spheres: care about the elderly,
payments of benefits.)
T P1P2P3P14 Now I offer you to solve the problems with your advisers. For it you
should divide into 3 groups and do the tasks.
The Ways Out in medicine.
1.It is necessary to intensify control for making and selling medicines. To develop the national programs in medicine. To raise the
salary of medical specialists objectively. 2.I suggest to attract sponsors for equipment of medical establishments with new technologies,
to reduce taxation for them. To minimize bureaucratic procedure in hospitals. 3. Prophylaxis must be the first-rate thing. To make the
process of diagnostics quicker. To raise the responsibility of medical specialists for treatment. 4.It is a good idea to pay special
attention to the health of schoolchildren by reducing the full -- time job. To attract young to physical training and sport more
1. What is it necessary to intensify control for?
2. What is it necessary to do for medical establishments ?
3. What must be the first-rate thing?
4. What is it necessary to do for keeping the health of schoolchildren ?
1.What do social services do for the elderly?
2.What privileges do the elderly have?
3.What should do if your granny put into the home for the elderly?
4. How do your elderly live?
1. Social services try to do their best to cheer the old people up and pay them some benefits.2. They have 50 % reduced payment for
housing, telephone and public utilities. They also have a free pass in public local transport .3. If your granny put into the home for the
elderly you should pay more attention. 4.
1.The welfare state system provides the elderly with an income that allows them to live some degree of dignity. Pensioners will have
to be paid a high pension.2.Some benefits will be available to the unemployed, the sick, the retired and disabled. 3.Every child will
be entitled to a child allowance in spite of the income of his parent's.4.If a woman leaves work to have baby that she will have to be
paid maternity pay and child benefit.
1. Who does the welfare state system provide?
2. Whom will be available benefits in your state?
3. What will every child get?
4. What will every woman get If she leaves work to have baby?
T P1-P14Come back to your working groups and tell the decisions the members of your
4. Reflection.
T: What words have you known? Will you fasten your cards made on the lessons to the
board and translate them?
Let’s examine if your suggestions have been right.
Using the words your tables filled at the lessons be ready in 3 minutes tell us what is your
Ideal Welfare State.
At home you should make the project on the topic. Thank you for the lesson. Bye.