Конспект урока "Children`s rights" 10 класс

Конспект открытого интегрированного урока английского языка и права для10 класса
по теме «Children`s rights» (Права детей)
Цель урока: Научиться пользоваться своими правами в различных ситуациях
в соответствии с «Конвенцией о правах ребёнка»
Задачи урока:
Образовательные-формирование лексических навыков говорения и
чтения и перевода; развитие памяти и внимания в процессе выполнения
заданий; совершенствование навыков анализа текста; развитие
самостоятельной работы и работы в малых группах, введение нового
языкового материала
Развивающие- знакомство с Конвенцией ООН по правам детей и основными
правами, провозглашенными в данной конвенции
Воспитательные- формирование у учащихся сознательного отношения к
своим правам, повышение социально-правовой активности учащихся
Тип урока: изучение и первичное закрепление знаний
Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая.
Приемы работы: классификация знаний, обобщение знаний, перенос
знаний в новую ситуацию, проблемные ситуации, использование ТСО
Методы, используемые на уроке: коммуникативный метод, технология
развития критического мышления, личностно-ориентированного обучения
Подход в обучении: системно-деятельностный, дифференцированный
Оборудование: проектор , компьютер ,карточки с групповыми
заданиями, раздаточный лексический материал
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность ученика
Подготовка учащихся к
работе на уроке( 2 мин).
Good morning,
children! I am glad to
see you. How are you? I
am fine, thank you.
Who is on duty today?
What is the date ? What
is the day?
What is the weather
like? Who is absent?
The children greet the
teacher too:Hello teacher!
They answer the questions
of the teacher.
2.Определение темы,
цели и задачи урока.
мотивации (2 мин)
На экране проектора
учащиеся видят
документ с записями о
правах ребенка. Look
The children consider that
the topic of the lesson is the
rights of the child. The
document is called the
at the screen, read these
articles and try to
translate. What is the
name of the document?
How do you think, what
topic we will speak
about today? You are
right! Today we will
speak about children`s
rights. Now try to think
over the purpose of the
lesson.We will translate
and understand the
content of the articles of
the Convention, listen to
information about the
Convention, answer
questions about the
rights of the child, solve
the legal situations
Convention on the rights of
the child.The purpose is to
learn how to use their rights
in various situations.
Children attentively listen
what they will do at the
зарядка. Развитие
речевого аппарата,
снятие напряжения
(2 мин)
Before discussing the
tоpic of our lesson I
would like to train our
A sound (з:)
Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a man
Healthy, wealthy and
Sounds (t),(w)
Twinkle, twinkle, little
star. How I wonder what
you are. Up above the
world so high like a
diamond in the sky
The children repeat sounds
after the teacher
4.Речевая разминка.
Побуждение учащихся
к говорению, настрой
слухового и речевого
аппарата, активизация
речевой деятельности,
развитие воображения
What does Сonvention
UN on the rights of the
child mean?
The students say that the
word "Convention" means
"an international
agreement". In this contract,
possible rights are
considered that countries
should provide growing
и творческого
мышления, создание
динамичной атмосферы
урока (5 мин)
children.The Convention
sets out legal rules and the
responsibility of the state,
creates a special mechanism
of control (the UN
Committee on the
rights child) and gives it
high credentials
5.Первичная проверка
усвоения знаний.
Проверка домашнего
задания (6 мин)
And today we have a
special congress of the
United Nations Council
devoted to the
Convention. You’ll be
the representatives of
four delegations. The
first delegation is
responsible for social
rights of children, the
second delegation works
with political rights, the
third does with personal
rights, the fourth one is
the cultural rights
delegation. Call articles
about social, political,
personal and cultural
The children are divided
into four delegations.
The first delegation call
social rights( social
security; housing; health
protection and medical
care; education; special
rights of children and rights
of persons with disabilities).
The second one-( freedom
of thought, conscience and
religion; freedom of
association and freedom of
peaceful assembly). The
third one-(the right to life,
survival and development,
right to a name, nationality,
knowledge of parents and
their care, to privacy,
family life, inviolability of
domicile, inviolability of
fourth one-( to rest and
leisure, right to participate
in play and recreational
activities, to participate
freely in cultural life and
the arts
6. Изучение нового
материала с
произношением (6 мин)
Look at the screen.There
are some unknown
articles.You should
listen to them and wright
them down in your
vocabulary. These are
the definition of a child,
avoiding and preventing
The students listen to a
native speaker and wright
down some unknown
the child's interests,
separation from parents,
family reunion, the
views of the child,
access to appropriate
information ,children
belonging to minorities
and indigenous
populations, illegal use
of drugs, sale, trafficking
and abduction,
restorative care, the
administration of
juvenile justice,
упражнений под
музыку( 3 мин)
I See you are tired. Let
us do exercise.
Head, shoulders, knees
and toes,
Knees and toes Head,
shoulders, knees and
Knees and toes .And
eyes, and ears, and
And nose .Head,
shoulders, knees and
toes, Knees and toes.
The students do exercises
8. Первичное
закрепление знаний
посредством парной
работы через изучение
лексики по теме (6 мин)
Work in pairs- ask each
other what normative-
legal documents on the
rights of the child in
Russia you know.
They work in pairs and
remark that the basic
normative-legal documents
on the rights of the child
are: the Constitution of the
RF; Federal law of the RF
"On education"; Family
code of the Russian
Criminal code of the RF;
Normative acts of subjects
of the RF and bodies of
local self- government;The
statutes of preschool
educational institutions,
8. Контроль и
самопроверка знаний.
Выявление качества и
уровня овладения
знаниями и способами
действий, обеспечение
их коррекции.
Получение достоверной
информации о
достижении всеми
результатов обучения
(6 мин)
The teacher suggests
children to perform a
quick test to check the
level of their
assimilation of new
material.At what age can
children receive a
passport, assume full
responsibility for the
crimes committed, be
employed on part-time
work, may vote, go to
the army, marry or get
married, borrow from a
bank, get a driver's
license, buy cigarettes
and alcohol?
The students check the test
under the guidance of a
9.Подведение итогов
занятий. Анализ и
оценка успешности
достижения цели.
Рефлексия( 5 мин)
Tells the children about
the success of the work
done in class; examines
whether all objectives of
the lesson were
achieved; evaluates the
work activity of students
in class;
issues to mobilize the
students on reflection.
I learned....,
I remembered...
Easiest for me was...
For me it was especially
I should repeat....
At home, I will tell you
that in today's class...
The knowledge gained
The students express their
attitude, their level of
activity and interest in the
lesson; determine the
degree of importance of the
material studied for further
application; answer the
questions of reflection
will help me....
The most interesting part
of the lesson was..
Gives good or excellent
10.Домашнее задание
(2 мин)
Messages homework.
Differentiation of
assignments in home
They understand the
principle of doing
homework ,asking
questions on its
write homework in the
Список использованной литературы:
1. УМК «English» (Английский) 10-11 классы, автор В.П. Кузовлев и
2. УМК «Право» 10-11 классы , автор А.Ф. Никитина.М.2012 г
3. Конвенция по правам ребенка
4. Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации
5.Федеральный закон «Об основных гарантиях прав ребёнка в Российской
6.Закон «Об образовании»
7.Конституция Российской Федерации